Message from @xirxes

Discord ID: 773726642966757397

2020-11-05 01:52:00 UTC  


2020-11-05 01:52:02 UTC  

> @SamTheG dude were fine its 51 to 47.9 we got penn
@Suspected Kyle there are sooooo many dem ballots coming in in the next couple of days

2020-11-05 01:52:09 UTC  

Is az ok

2020-11-05 01:52:17 UTC  

> If PA turns blue, fraud confirmed in PA.
> No way in hell is Biden's getting PA
@Serenade After what he said about fracking and oil. If Biden wins PA, that shit is Voter Fraud

2020-11-05 01:52:19 UTC  

Biden won NV so he won the election

2020-11-05 01:52:22 UTC  

we don't know about AZ yet

2020-11-05 01:52:25 UTC  

I was literally posting a shit ton on instagram about my support for trump and lost over 50 followers. And the only ppl who supported biden were those under the age of 16

2020-11-05 01:52:34 UTC  

> Biden won NV so he won the election
@Uncle Ruckus source?

2020-11-05 01:52:45 UTC  


2020-11-05 01:52:45 UTC  

Generation z is fucked

2020-11-05 01:52:46 UTC  

ATTENTION! READ! We know biden can't win PA because of fracking. His constant lies(backed by video proof of him lying) we know he is not winning pa. if he does, we have valid proof for voter fraud. It is ok guys. We are the underdogs. We will not be censored. They will not force us.

2020-11-05 01:52:51 UTC  

> I was literally posting a shit ton on instagram about my support for trump and lost over 50 followers. And the only ppl who supported biden were those under the age of 16
@xirxes ofc they are.

2020-11-05 01:52:53 UTC  

> @Fivan what does that mean??
@bambu its going to Supreme Court for review and determine if fraud happened. If court decides that fraud did happen, it might lead to recounts (if I'm not mistaken)

2020-11-05 01:52:53 UTC  

> Biden won NV so he won the election
@Uncle Ruckus he has not won NV

2020-11-05 01:52:56 UTC  

The election results so far is not looking good,

2020-11-05 01:53:06 UTC  


2020-11-05 01:53:07 UTC  

> I was literally posting a shit ton on instagram about my support for trump and lost over 50 followers. And the only ppl who supported biden were those under the age of 16
@xirxes my dad said that biden has 70+ and collage age.

2020-11-05 01:53:10 UTC  

trump 2024

2020-11-05 01:53:12 UTC  

> @bambu its going to Supreme Court for review and determine if fraud happened. If court decides that fraud did happen, it might lead to recounts (if I'm not mistaken)
@Fivan ohh that's great

2020-11-05 01:53:13 UTC  

> Generation z is fucked
@xirxes is 05 gen Z

2020-11-05 01:53:26 UTC  
2020-11-05 01:53:31 UTC  

When you turn 18 on November 4 but the election is on November 3<:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-11-05 01:53:37 UTC  

> @xirxes is 05 gen Z
@Suspected Kyle yes but late

2020-11-05 01:53:52 UTC  

If you recount the votes then the fraud votes will still be there. You're better off just not counting the state in the electoral college

2020-11-05 01:53:55 UTC  

> @Fivan ohh that's great
@bambu no thats not how it works im pretty sure... u have a recount b4 the courts

2020-11-05 01:53:55 UTC  

> When you turn 18 on November 4 but the election is on November 3<:KEK:726877368601411624>
@𝕰𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖎𝖓 i am so sorry for you.

2020-11-05 01:54:08 UTC  

Not if the people have access to guns

2020-11-05 01:54:10 UTC  

> When you turn 18 on November 4 but the election is on November 3<:KEK:726877368601411624>
@𝕰𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖎𝖓 eh you can get away with it in most states

2020-11-05 01:54:15 UTC  

> @bambu no thats not how it works im pretty sure... u have a recount b4 the courts
@r𝓪d𝓲o𝓪c𝓽i𝓿e ohh

2020-11-05 01:54:24 UTC  

> Yes @Suspected Kyle
@xirxes fuck i hate my group there millennial puppets

2020-11-05 01:54:28 UTC  

I am happy to have a 6-3 Republican majority in the Supreme Court right around now

2020-11-05 01:54:42 UTC  

Trump needs to win. I want to see libs cry again

2020-11-05 01:54:43 UTC  

that sloth from zootopia is counting the votes in nevada

2020-11-05 01:54:45 UTC  

> @xirxes fuck i hate my group there millennial puppets
@Suspected Kyle you mean gen z

2020-11-05 01:54:51 UTC  

Its the mainstream media and what theyve done to gen Z

2020-11-05 01:54:59 UTC  

more like 5-4 for republicans

2020-11-05 01:55:00 UTC  

> Trump needs to win. I want to see libs cry again
@uncle steve kiem same

2020-11-05 01:55:02 UTC  

> @Suspected Kyle you mean gen z
@hollingerw_2019 yep

2020-11-05 01:55:17 UTC  

reps have the senate and a LOT of the house

2020-11-05 01:55:21 UTC  

This is the most insane censorship has been like ever.

2020-11-05 01:55:24 UTC  

> Its the mainstream media and what theyve done to gen Z
@xirxes You have no fucking idea how true this is