Message from @Solaris

Discord ID: 774293708216336405

2020-11-06 15:25:01 UTC  

Litterally in seconds Biden Surpassed trump in two sates one of which he instantly surpassed at 99%

2020-11-06 15:25:04 UTC  

it just shows you how bad the dems are throwing away military votes thats like really bad those peopel fought for our country

2020-11-06 15:25:05 UTC  

What source said they threw out military votes?

2020-11-06 15:25:13 UTC  


2020-11-06 15:25:22 UTC  

> How dare they throw out the military votes tho, what the fuck
@Sai because they are corrupt and dont care about anything but turning america over to china

2020-11-06 15:25:25 UTC  

Civil War.

2020-11-06 15:25:27 UTC

2020-11-06 15:25:35 UTC  

> Litterally in seconds Biden Surpassed trump in two sates one of which he instantly surpassed at 99%
@Hypno facts jt was at 99 for the whole day yet Biden still passed

2020-11-06 15:25:40 UTC  

lets just say theres more proof of cheating in this election than in 2016

2020-11-06 15:25:49 UTC  

> Dems are corrupt as usual
@misterm a r s h Andrew Jackson (the person who made the democratic party) is spinning in his grave. He would have never seen this coming to the party.

2020-11-06 15:25:59 UTC  

Thats right

2020-11-06 15:26:01 UTC  

at least we know that the military is on our side but if biden gets in they have to follow his orders

2020-11-06 15:26:07 UTC  

If he can win in court

2020-11-06 15:26:14 UTC  

@misterm a r s h trump will win through court don't worry people

2020-11-06 15:26:23 UTC  

the democrats are an embarrassment to America

2020-11-06 15:26:24 UTC  

> at least we know that the military is on our side but if biden gets in they have to follow his orders
@Dudgemaster unfortunately. My boyfriend's gonna be so pissed at this lmao

2020-11-06 15:26:26 UTC  

They dont wont listen to Trump

2020-11-06 15:26:27 UTC  

JFK would be pissed at what the democratic party turned into

2020-11-06 15:26:33 UTC  

they will keep passing it off as nothing

What happens if Trump wins hopefully? @spicerunner

2020-11-06 15:26:45 UTC  

The court system is a very unpredictable thing

2020-11-06 15:26:57 UTC  

Maybe this was why ACB was confirmed?

2020-11-06 15:27:03 UTC  

@๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ GrPilot9 ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ we hold of the communist for four more years

2020-11-06 15:27:04 UTC  

> at least we know that the military is on our side but if biden gets in they have to follow his orders
@Dudgemaster Though there could be outrageous things and they could fight back by not listening to his orders, idk but maybe.

2020-11-06 15:27:12 UTC  

people watch this video i sent

2020-11-06 15:27:18 UTC  

> The court system is a very unpredictable thing
@Solaris its in supreme court, where Amy Comey Barret is, we got some good people on our side

2020-11-06 15:27:20 UTC  

Wtf Georgia and Pennsylvania

2020-11-06 15:27:20 UTC  

they saw this comming that why they chose ACB

2020-11-06 15:27:22 UTC  

Idk guys I think we lost

2020-11-06 15:27:22 UTC  

would anyone here fuck a karen

2020-11-06 15:27:34 UTC  

@Sante Jeeeeeeez

2020-11-06 15:27:52 UTC  

@cyberpunk not a chance

2020-11-06 15:27:59 UTC  

> no mather what trump does in court noone will ever accept it and keep at biden won
@Night no if the court rules in trump's favor then it has to be accepted. the law is the law

2020-11-06 15:27:59 UTC  

Lol Democrats saying this election is fair when they said it was fraud in 2016

DEMOCRATS What happened to your beliefs in collusion!

2020-11-06 15:28:00 UTC  

Brothers, I've never seen an easier victory in my life before

@spicerunner Wait a minute, youโ€™re telling me if we win in court; trump will win the election and have four more years?!?!?

2020-11-06 15:28:17 UTC  

> would anyone here fuck a karen
@cyberpunk never stick your d**k in crazy, unless the hotness surpasses the crazy by at least 3x ๐Ÿ˜‚

2020-11-06 15:28:22 UTC  

> @spicerunner Wait a minute, youโ€™re telling me if we win in court; trump will win the election and have four more years?!?!?
@๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ GrPilot9 ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ yes

2020-11-06 15:28:31 UTC  

@๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ GrPilot9 ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ yes exactly, biden will get disqualified