Message from @ADLT

Discord ID: 774846438588022824

2020-11-08 04:00:51 UTC  

> @Psychotics Okay thank you! I knew I mixed up the states
@Aerith They're all fucked so it's easy to mix them up.

2020-11-08 04:00:53 UTC  

> Like people talk about how good Obama was as president... He fucking sucked. He's a limpwristed twat, lame excuse of a president and harmed the country more in office than out
@chimchim He's part of the reason most of the world hates us

2020-11-08 04:00:58 UTC  

Sometimes I forget that Trump lead the takedown of ISIS and their founder.

2020-11-08 04:01:04 UTC  

That moment when you’re family is rubbing in your face the fact that Joe won, because your the only republican

2020-11-08 04:01:15 UTC  

that hurts

2020-11-08 04:01:21 UTC  

Idk how that fucker got nominated for a nobel peace Prize for what he did to the middle east

2020-11-08 04:01:27 UTC  

He did more for racial divide than any president in the modern era

2020-11-08 04:01:35 UTC  

fox news is killing my braincells

2020-11-08 04:01:42 UTC  

> That moment when you’re family is rubbing in your face the fact that Joe won, because your the only republican
@Apathetic they will Ben crying soon

2020-11-08 04:01:49 UTC  

today I learned that Beverly Hills Chihuahua, a movie with a 3.8 rating on IMDB, has a better understanding of border terms such as "coyote" than certain leftist politicians on Twitter

2020-11-08 04:01:49 UTC  

Mean orange man over there getting historic peace deals

2020-11-08 04:01:52 UTC  

> That moment when you’re family is rubbing in your face the fact that Joe won, because your the only republican
@Apathetic My idiot brother always screams "SOURCE, SOURCE, SOURCE" when I have info on the fraud.

2020-11-08 04:01:59 UTC  

And they regretted giving Obama the Nobel Peace Prize afterwards

2020-11-08 04:02:06 UTC  


2020-11-08 04:02:17 UTC  

man, politics has ruined everything so far

2020-11-08 04:02:20 UTC  


2020-11-08 04:02:24 UTC  

And biden will do the same. 'rich kids are just as valuable as black kids' wasn't that something that he said or am I getting it wrong here

2020-11-08 04:02:30 UTC  

> @Apathetic My idiot brother always screams "SOURCE, SOURCE, SOURCE" when I have info on the fraud.
@Psychotics I you have a source?

2020-11-08 04:02:34 UTC  

D-d-d-did you say Snopes?

2020-11-08 04:02:54 UTC  


2020-11-08 04:03:06 UTC  

Ok I'm back with the 14000 dead people's ballots

2020-11-08 04:03:11 UTC  

Wait, you mean CNN isn't satire news?

2020-11-08 04:03:11 UTC  

> @Psychotics I you have a source?
@dastenhero CNN.

2020-11-08 04:03:29 UTC  

@Apathetic your brother sounds like he's screeching for his dipping sauce for chi's chicken tendies

2020-11-08 04:03:30 UTC  

That was sarcastic btw

2020-11-08 04:03:37 UTC  

ik lol

2020-11-08 04:03:50 UTC  

> @Apathetic your brother sounds like he's screeching for his dipping sauce for chi's chicken tendies
@chimchim not my brother that was a reply to my message don’t have a brother

2020-11-08 04:04:01 UTC  


2020-11-08 04:04:31 UTC  

Im blind sorry. Well whoever it is he sounds like a limpwristed soyboy

2020-11-08 04:04:34 UTC  

> @Apathetic your brother sounds like he's screeching for his dipping sauce for chi's chicken tendies
@chimchim He goes to a college in downtown Portland. He doesn't have a fucking brain.

2020-11-08 04:04:56 UTC  


2020-11-08 04:05:05 UTC  


2020-11-08 04:05:09 UTC  

wow hyliandragon is so cool

2020-11-08 04:05:14 UTC  

Bruh fox is getting ratioed hard on youtube lol

2020-11-08 04:05:16 UTC  

They keep saying how is AMAZING how she’s the first black vice president WHEN SHES INDIAN

2020-11-08 04:05:29 UTC  

Type of guy to own a fedora and tip it at women in respect. Acts all high and mighty but calls women fuckin sloots if they won't bang him

2020-11-08 04:05:52 UTC  

> They keep saying how is AMAZING how she’s the first black vice president WHEN SHES INDIAN
@Apathetic only reason she is VP is because shes "black"

2020-11-08 04:05:52 UTC  

Not African American smh

2020-11-08 04:05:53 UTC  

> wow hyliandragon is so cool
@GotatoChi We jumping gens? word

2020-11-08 04:05:54 UTC  

> They keep saying how is AMAZING how she’s the first black vice president WHEN SHES INDIAN

2020-11-08 04:05:57 UTC  

@Apathetic and she's gonna be so bad that they'll end up never electing black women into office again