Message from @GWManin

Discord ID: 775002721119764480

2020-11-08 14:17:53 UTC  

no idea

2020-11-08 14:17:54 UTC  

> marrying you off? lol
@Simpnautica It's less archaic than it soudns lol

2020-11-08 14:18:00 UTC  

Because gaming

2020-11-08 14:18:15 UTC  

fair enough just sounded odd

2020-11-08 14:18:36 UTC  

sounded like arranged marriage

2020-11-08 14:18:56 UTC  

When I say "banning black rifles is racist".

2020-11-08 14:18:56 UTC  

> sounded like arranged marriage
@JonL No it's different the way my family does it lol

2020-11-08 14:19:02 UTC  

I just got an email from the Bank of America, apparently thanks to Biden's tax cuts I'm getting money back, all I need to do is give them my CC to pay for the transfer fees! <:Surprised_pikachu:726878373762301995>

2020-11-08 14:19:16 UTC  

Yo, it's funny how libs are proud to be americans when Biden is called the winner, but hate America when Trump is president.

2020-11-08 14:19:32 UTC  

> I just got an email from the Bank of America, apparently thanks to Biden's tax cuts I'm getting money back, all I need to do is give them my CC to pay for the transfer fees! <:Surprised_pikachu:726878373762301995>
@Dante excellent, I'll send you my card number to add to the email

2020-11-08 14:20:40 UTC  

> Yo, it's funny how libs are proud to be americans when Biden is called the winner, but hate America when Trump is president.
@🎄Brandon P-R2k🎄 To be fair actually I think that's one thing that saves us -- is the national identity. But yes they use whatever tactics they can do win, hence why we must "cultivate a strong mental attitude" and not let them get away with their old bs

2020-11-08 14:20:46 UTC  

Biden had a tax cut? Why did he never mention it? I thought he would only remove Trump's tax cuts

2020-11-08 14:21:11 UTC  

> Biden had a tax cut? Why did he never mention it? I thought he would only remove Trump's tax cuts
@GWManin hes cutting the tax cuts

2020-11-08 14:22:03 UTC  

_"Dear Bank of America,
Please find enclosed 2 sets of credit card details, please deposit both the Biden tax refunds into their respective accounts. And thank Mr Biden for the free money that was actually my money in the first place.

2020-11-08 14:22:42 UTC  

Oh ask for a real man for @|||||Lexi||||| while you're at it @Dante

2020-11-08 14:23:23 UTC  

My wing man

2020-11-08 14:23:36 UTC  

I got you lol

2020-11-08 14:24:07 UTC  

Guess all the real right wingers went to church

2020-11-08 14:24:07 UTC  

Trump is gonna win

2020-11-08 14:24:07 UTC  

government spends a lot of money in a minute. Where does it go?

2020-11-08 14:24:31 UTC  

> _"Dear Bank of America,
> Please find enclosed 2 sets of credit card details, please deposit both the Biden tax refunds into their respective accounts. And thank Mr Biden for the free money that was actually my money in the first place.
> In addition can you please send a real man (male born conservative) to Lexi (address attached), I know you have many as they are considered racist and therefor not used or liked by anyone.
> Regards
> Dante
> "_

2020-11-08 14:25:02 UTC  

I’m tired of people who keep saying that Biden doesn’t have as many supporters as Trump.
He has lots of supporters, guys, ||and may they rest in peace||

2020-11-08 14:25:07 UTC  

> Trump is gonna win
@Tack I hope bro, bc if he doesn't, I have a feeling it is going to be a "dark winter"

2020-11-08 14:25:14 UTC  

Check <#720450552416305254>

2020-11-08 14:25:31 UTC  


2020-11-08 14:25:36 UTC  

> @Tack I hope bro, bc if he doesn't, I have a feeling it is going to be a "dark winter"
@🎄Brandon P-R2k🎄 a very dark winter indeed

2020-11-08 14:25:42 UTC  

~~Winter~~ Sniffing is coming

2020-11-08 14:25:49 UTC  

Church. I haven't been in a while and I feel bad. I feel like I'm gonna go to hell. So people can twerk to Biden "winning" on the streets of NYC and DC but I can't go to Church?

2020-11-08 14:26:31 UTC  

So I'm pro God but I'm catholic and they are a bit sus when it comes to socialism so I don't actually feel super bad not going

2020-11-08 14:26:31 UTC  

Bruh I hate squirrels. I'm in a ground blind and I hear something walking right out side. I thought it was a pig or a big buck because deer don't make that much noise when they walk. I wait for a few minutes and it's a squirrel coming to stock up on corn.

2020-11-08 14:26:34 UTC  

I went to church today for a friend's child's christening, and I was able to walk through the door fine.

2020-11-08 14:27:23 UTC  

Squirrels aren't annoying? apparently there is a type of squirrel that reaches terminal velocity super quickly so it can't die from fall damage

2020-11-08 14:27:44 UTC  

> Squirrels aren't annoying? apparently there is a type of squirrel that reaches terminal velocity super quickly so it can't die from fall damage
@Simpnautica They taste good. Jk Idk how good they taste

2020-11-08 14:27:47 UTC  

or maybe not super quickly but doesn't die in the end

2020-11-08 14:27:51 UTC  

I'm actually going to a virtual service this morning. And yeah covid rules make no sense anymore. I was in a truck stop subway were I didn't wear a mask and the subway server didn't wear a mask. I guess covid is eliminated with Biden as president. It has served it's purpose

2020-11-08 14:27:57 UTC  

They taste like meat

2020-11-08 14:27:59 UTC  

> @Simpnautica They taste good. Jk Idk how good they taste
@|||||Lexi||||| chicken, always chicken

2020-11-08 14:28:03 UTC  

nooo never eat mr squirrel they are cute. ):

2020-11-08 14:28:09 UTC  

road kill is also meat

2020-11-08 14:28:27 UTC  

accidental meal to be precise.