
Discord ID: 403598109151854592

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walls work

Can we also get Obama in the chart?

Twitter:" We don't talk about Hunter Biden emails"

It's not great because "black" woman will be in charge...

Because gaming

until they start to remove 2nd amendment.

Biden had a tax cut? Why did he never mention it? I thought he would only remove Trump's tax cuts

government spends a lot of money in a minute. Where does it go?

sadly the creator died within the tank

They taste like meat

accidental meal to be precise.

If Kamala is black, that means Elon Musk can say the N-word.

Doesn't China just fill Pigs food full of those strongest bacteria's that kill viruses? And now their stock is dying?

they want, that you only buy from them

Reddit took so long to change logo back to normal, because then they continued to be racist.

> @SubtleSara _"How dare you shame someone on their life style choices, its their body their choice"_ <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785>
@Dante "Age of consent is now 8" Progressive left.

> @GWManin also they can choose to change their gender if they want, they 100% have the mature and mental capacity to do that
@Dante Can I change race?

I can't find tweet of Trump saying "The left told me I can choose gender. Sorry Hillary, I am the first female president."

Isn't it weird that Discord has Israel flag and not Gypsy flag?

Media is based these years.

I feel discriminated ๐Ÿ˜ 

Omg true

Doesn't also being a son of candidate also a privilege?

At this point I also think Biden has memory loss. says that the statement is true.

I meant it as ironic.

ok, but I was wondering how that was a Trump meme

English teacher is scaring me

2020-11-10 22:06:43 UTC [Zeducation #๐ŸŽฎ๏ฝœgaming]  

I'd rather buy a key, since the 0.99 cent item can be found in Community market for 0,03 cents. And key value doesn't change sitting at 2,20 euros I believe it is the same price in dollars.

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