Message from @BIRdOS
Discord ID: 780285881462030386
Japanese have ruined squid and octopus for everyone with there fetishes
Metallica and MegaDave rein supreme
Obama never had a last name
7 is a generic number
So Gameras are basically giant turtles
Or was Obama his last name?
*hides* so i've been informed according to google
Obama full name in numbers equals 666 i hear
Slipknot is where it’s at
and they come to earth to protect it from invading aliens
the french and japanese are like the 2 most horniest races
meh i always liked megedeath over metallica
Seems legit.
obama is from hawaii
Google yea
they can fly, shoot lasers
@roadwaydragon u sure
Obama last name if found out gets you Sent to the phantom zone
i dunno slipknot had like 4 good tunes
i bleached my eyes afterward and proceeded to write a dystopia world where octopus aliens existed among humans
I'm going to Hawaii at least it's a good nation
@(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Hug god ♥ yea he was born there
@roadwaydragon where is his birth certificate
Where's bidens
@(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Hug god ♥ your mom has it
Happy Face Spiders are legit both creepy and adorable at the same time
They really are
countdown to extinction and symphony od destrucion are still some of my favorites
@roadwaydragon shit ok thats whats probably in her filing cabinet
thats the spider from little einsteins
Spider baby
I mean it's creepy that it's a spider
no. we only have metaphorical ones
I love spooders
but damn look at it
he looks so happy