Message from @johnfrum
Discord ID: 377186672208510979
>not cumming inside ayyrab
wtf man
>cumming inside ayyrab
They're like rabbita
Oh, I apologized but I went too far with the threat
that's life. Maybe I can make you feel better with my worst fuck up:
you can't really threaten to strand someone in a bad place and then expect to walk that back
nahash i bet she understood on some level that your rifle would have meant probly yourlife and her life ending in quite sad places
Did you have a tavor or one of those rattled out m16s?
tavor is on slow deployment
i feel like the threat and then maybe hitting her, then finding out it was your fuck up would have made for a hotter forbidden fruit sequel fuck, honestly missed out
but so good weapon
got to test it when some israels visited finland army
id prefer it over our modernized to hell AK variant
How the fuck did you lose that? Kek. I understand a tavor, thing is tiny
>move to Swtzerland
>meet super cute girl in train
>have a nice conversation
>exchange phone numbers
>write in whatsapp for a while
>she wants me to visit her in her mountain village
>go to mountain village
>she shows me around the village and talks for hours about every stone of the fucking village
>she knows half of the cow's names of all farmers that we pass by
>she talks and talks and talks
>start talking about the cow bells, explains the history
>ends with "and this is why every Swiss cow has a bell"
>me: "ok... and... where's yours?"
i have no idea how i lost it
tfw gf wants to go to switzerland
tfw gonna get cucked by a rich aryan swiss guy
i was really tense so i guess i set it aside and then forgot about it, after the sex i was too busy panicking to think
religious girls are insane
In bed
Which is kind if weird but I suppose I understand.
yeah, its like a spring
Dunno how you'd convince someone to chop off a chunk of dick otherwise
if you push down on a spring really hard, the recoil is very strong
you know whats more insane than a religious girl, a transgender girl
if you press on someone's sexuality throughout puberty, the recoil will be insane
I don't know how religious she was, but she showed me some family photos and most of the people were orthodox according to the clothing @nahash
but I'm not a Jew professional
she got them khazar milkies?
This mummy meme is the worst meme to ever come out of the internet
I don' t understand
also, no one is really convinced to chop off a bit of dick, it happens when you're 8 days old
tfw you will never be ben shapiros obnoxious goyim brother in law that he absolutely despises
probably biggest titted girl I've ever had
nice, what size do you think