Message from @InveniosYT

Discord ID: 796254808469536789

2021-01-06 05:50:51 UTC  

high chance mother will die from it is only reason to abort

2021-01-06 05:50:52 UTC  

Killing a baby isn’t murder?

2021-01-06 05:50:54 UTC  

how about let the mother who was raped choose, instead of you making the choice for her.

2021-01-06 05:51:01 UTC  

Whatever you think cupcake

2021-01-06 05:51:06 UTC  

how about the baby? get over it

2021-01-06 05:51:18 UTC  

@Suspected Kyle hey key, is gen 1 vc playing the ouja board game or debating 👀

2021-01-06 05:51:21 UTC  

why des only the mom get a say in it

2021-01-06 05:51:23 UTC  

try arguments for a change

2021-01-06 05:51:34 UTC  

I wasn't trying to argue

2021-01-06 05:51:41 UTC  

Did the baby have a choice?

2021-01-06 05:51:42 UTC  

@SnowWhite❄ but I'm adopted i didn't want to die because she decided she didn't want to give birth to me

2021-01-06 05:51:44 UTC  

sometimes a man is raped

2021-01-06 05:51:49 UTC  

Then why are you here

2021-01-06 05:51:56 UTC  

Then forced to pay childsupport

2021-01-06 05:51:56 UTC  

and what i he wanted to make a life

2021-01-06 05:52:00 UTC  

which is hilarious

2021-01-06 05:52:01 UTC  

then you should not have opened the can of worms only to for your pathetic strawman to be owned

2021-01-06 05:52:05 UTC  

I usually just watch

2021-01-06 05:52:15 UTC  

Bring popcorn

2021-01-06 05:52:17 UTC  

@SnowWhite❄ Question, Im still new to the Island, what are some good Shave Ice places??

2021-01-06 05:52:20 UTC  

Men conceal it even more than women as well. We will never know the true numbers

2021-01-06 05:52:28 UTC  

Okay butter cup

2021-01-06 05:52:39 UTC  

It is not the babies fault that the mother was raped.

2021-01-06 05:52:45 UTC  

Men being sexaully assulted is trated as a joke

2021-01-06 05:52:48 UTC  

and it's sad

2021-01-06 05:52:50 UTC  

sorry you couldn't win the argument

2021-01-06 05:53:00 UTC  

get over it isn't a rational argument. I am showing you where my lines are, and you are trying to FORCE the change. You have YET to offer a SINGLE moral argument for this entire debate besides "you murder the child" but the problem with that is 75% or more of people think abortion should be available in the case of rape, and sorry to burst your little pro-life bubble but I and most of the people in this discord are likely apart of that 75%

2021-01-06 05:53:01 UTC  

That almost never happens

2021-01-06 05:53:14 UTC  

Again, I wasn't arguing

2021-01-06 05:53:20 UTC  

Men being sexually assulted or it being a joke?

2021-01-06 05:53:30 UTC  

Neither is true but I want to know which one to rebut

2021-01-06 05:53:31 UTC  

the moral argument is the baby............seriously now?

2021-01-06 05:53:34 UTC  

It actually happening

2021-01-06 05:53:37 UTC  

But if you need that extra moral boost, I'm happy to provide

2021-01-06 05:53:40 UTC  

fr. Also men recieve 60% longer prison sentences than the same crime if a women commited it. On average

2021-01-06 05:53:54 UTC  

i hate that

2021-01-06 05:53:57 UTC  

umm idfk it Georgia

2021-01-06 05:53:59 UTC  

and what an absolutely gross assumption to assume that 75% of people here were sexually assaulted

2021-01-06 05:54:04 UTC  

It's unclear but current estimates place it as only slightly less common than sexual assult against women.

2021-01-06 05:54:11 UTC  

Well what should baby suffer for what the man did, does baby deserve death because of the man?

2021-01-06 05:54:15 UTC  

men also are less likely to win custody battles