Message from @7y6yUDwp33c7NMGJZ9st
Discord ID: 755205387237457991
i’m back
I had pizza.
It was pretty good, still pretty hot
thats great
what kind
i had to inhale then exhale for that one
there are so many edgy kid memes for pizza hut
pizza HUT
ty romney
So joe can watch cuties.
I love cuties
That's why you will never be president
Well America is full of stupid people
nothing gets more stupid then contest crying in North korea
Wait is that real?
even more stupid
@Envy Adams bruh to be fair the main reason your people are oppressed is you all fell for stalinism
I guess.
You still have plenty of stalinistic policies that your people refuse to get rid of because of one fat asshole
The fuck is necrocracy?
> actually becuase of three fat a holes
@Envy Adams
Big facts bro
Ooooof that sounds like stalinism hand me down style bro
Or maybe mote like nazism?
Idk that's a weird one
So who is this glorious dead leader of theirs?
Thats a good name
Bruh.... so who makes the laws for the current times?
@Mr.NeverMiss thanks bro i like yours too
Thx boi
The what?
Ohhh i see what you're saying. Yeah i kinda got that feeling from some photos of north North Korea. Its like a modern modern day version of 1950s Russia but more cheap and low quality... it kinda weirds me out.
so Singapore beats people to death for owning a gun