
Discord ID: 238816565544353803

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me and my brother is doing the Bo3 moon easter egg, we were so close, rnd 17 my dumb brain thought it was a good idea to pack-a-punch a new gun and we failed because of me

round 2 of black ops 3 zombies, moon Easter egg, me and my brother spent the whole day prepping, we've got everything we needed, and we did all the tasks. now we had to fill the souls... after killing and filling the 2 soul jars, I've got knocked down, and died. my brother tired to save me. but it was in vain.. 6 hours of running in circles to one last zombie and a few more prepping

idk if this has been posted here before, accidently posted this in <#730972014877081660> without realizing. fixed my mistake.


what are the perks for boosting? <:OMG:603545935225683968>


Why are they trying to stop a vaccine?



I have over 2K notifications, I can easily get over 10K pings If I wanted too.


Imma goto bed, gn gamers. since the server I was boosting got term'd, I will boost this server instead. cya in 2 days!


The Glock goes 💥

Tomorrow I get to boost <:PogU:613746542691483648>


9 Hours left.

that took longer than expected


No, never seen it


I had pizza.

It was pretty good, still pretty hot



I guess.

going to bed in a bit

Biden, that is highly innapropiate. they're young little girls!




I'd go there 😳

Wikipedia is alot of false info.

Is it true that Humans are getting gps/tracking chips installed at birth?


I smell


oh no

Furries are everywhere, no server is safe. <:Husk:642764189223485441>

I'm tired.

Good night.

ah there we go. gotten my brother free nitro and made him boost his favorite youtub



<:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> Number 1

I just wanna sleep all the time





ram ranch ?

with strong cowboys?

you forgot the -


Hey, I need cursed profile pictures.




Not that. but let's not defeat donald trump, joe.


87 isn't that bad.


@AWOIII For the minecraft mods for 1.16.1 you forgot **I m e r s i v e p o r t a l s** mod. https://prnt.sc/ul9q36

any true minecrafter would remember this





I wish I can boost servers more than 2 times
without paying.
what if I get an alt here, boost twice and boost a different server(small) on this account?

is that okay?


Transferred the boost, I hope that is okay with you guys <:Pepe_feelsbadman:562563646895423494>


Please don't whip me.

I cannot take anymore whippings


same. good night, mauler. sweet dreams.

Didn't fully finish watching the debate

can someone Sum it up for me?

Ah yes

1 v 2

I think trump did fine

Trump was getting double teamed on

<@!727358299112079402> 1

Happy halloween

Sorry if this breaks any rules, but this is still cursed



I hate discord sometimes

when it comes to being a staff, it's hell

It's easy to cause a big 'mistake' that can cause issues, sometimes (depends on the perms you have) you can acidently move a channel which can cause the "server template" to whine about it. at that point, Im not sure what to do, it will happen to all channels and roles, (e.g temp roles/channels)


@Soceresy <:salut:730846445732888630>


Hey there

yoo why was I unsubscribed from tylerzed?

that's why the "Colored conservative twins" got banned on youtube


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