Message from @Windatica
Discord ID: 385180519002013706
Just looks like "Uh oh". With a bolt through its head. 👍
o this is neat
god the comments on that video
le governement is evil and control le sheepele!!!! wake up!
pest control using laser mice
lol macs
some nigs tried to take monetization on my 20 view video because it had running in the 90s
slight issues
the company doesn't exist and the track can be freely used without sanctions
they're just not going to respond anyway
Youtube is kill
Works fine for me
youtube is kill on firefox
fuckin why
shit browser
b-b-but q-quantum
wtf i hate chrome now.. right guise
People are pre-fucking the net neutrality thing.
>he still uses Firefox
Lmao, why?
I switched to Nightly because it beats Chrome into the ground speed wise
firefox on loonix doesn't used hardware acc. for videos so avoid
firefox is kill
on suicide watch despite quantum blabla
nightly is the only way to go
I'm still using pale meme, I don't wanna hear it
stable build soyboys need not apply
Spending six eternities jerking off into a bucket over which browser is the best and getting fucked in turn because you really think updates are going to make things better on a windows system now.
I don't go into browser wars, I just go with a) what's comfy b) what's fast
I'm satisfied with my supposedly slowest browser in existence.