Message from @Lambton
Discord ID: 760223171093069845
Y u wanna join?
this is funny
im a white supremacist
@DrewDaPilot please don't spam here.
sorry for the spam my keyboard/discord glitched
Lol nope I’m good
it wasnt delivering and delivered it like 3 times
idk what happened
Thanks for the offer have fun infiltrating servers
im a white supremacist because I asked "what do you guys think about Illihan Omar's ballot harvesting" on a discord server
trump is going to lose
that why black people should not blm it not a true movent for black it run and infeltrated by zionist
It was agony tbh.
@Lambton please explain how?
Infeltrated lmfao
bruh what
no hes kinda good
since when
That it?
Lambton is a troll
have you seen the biden rallies?
What about his policies?
no i hate him but he also cant speak well
Also have you seen Biden at all?
Lots of people here to debate us
lambton just joined the server 2 minutes ago
Yeah Joe is a true linguist
biden isnt that good but he stands for good stuff
I cause controversy
bruh gtfo troll
yeah i just joined
What good things does he stand for?