Message from @Sham

Discord ID: 388424381224976386

2017-12-07 20:15:21 UTC  

nobody wants to hear your goofy ass laughing while you're lifting weights

2017-12-07 20:15:26 UTC  


2017-12-07 20:15:52 UTC  

nah I listen to podcasts sometimes

2017-12-07 20:15:54 UTC  

or audiobooks

2017-12-07 20:15:57 UTC  

brain gains

2017-12-07 20:16:04 UTC  

I sometimes laugh when i open discord

2017-12-07 20:16:07 UTC  


2017-12-07 20:16:28 UTC  

What podcasts do you listen to?

2017-12-07 20:16:29 UTC  

>open discord
>see Transience getting shat on yet again
>fedora laffin in gym

2017-12-07 20:16:48 UTC  

@Matthew I used to listen to the Giant Bombcast but not anymore

2017-12-07 20:16:52 UTC  

not as into vidya now

2017-12-07 20:17:07 UTC  

usual Joe Rogan podcast etc

2017-12-07 20:17:08 UTC  

The Sleepycast was good, if you've ever heard of them

2017-12-07 20:17:25 UTC  

been meaning to check it out, I was just put off because I only ever see redditors recommend it

2017-12-07 20:18:08 UTC  

We need fitlit back <:pepo_smart:332601577237905408>

2017-12-07 20:18:13 UTC  

>refusing to experience things based off of what website you saw the recommendation on

2017-12-07 20:18:17 UTC  

absolutely brainlet

2017-12-07 20:18:55 UTC  

If you saw the cure to cancer on reddit, would you refuse to take it? don't be a brainlet

2017-12-07 20:19:21 UTC  

Why would you get the cure from the same place you got the disease?

2017-12-07 20:19:30 UTC  


2017-12-07 20:19:49 UTC  

Where did reddit steal it from?

2017-12-07 20:19:51 UTC  


2017-12-07 20:19:53 UTC  

Who else /fit/lit

2017-12-07 20:20:04 UTC  


2017-12-07 20:20:16 UTC  


2017-12-07 20:20:51 UTC  

@Matthew did you get it recommended on reddit too?

2017-12-07 20:20:52 UTC  

>he pays for discord but doesn't even have a fitlit empji

2017-12-07 20:21:02 UTC  

I only don't listen to reddit because I've had bad recommendations from there repeatedly

2017-12-07 20:22:07 UTC  

what'd you get

2017-12-07 20:22:50 UTC  

I only browse /r/londonlgbt <:thenk:329322130804047872>

2017-12-07 20:23:04 UTC  

the labour subreddit? <:alismirk:230784726615588865>

2017-12-07 20:23:11 UTC  


2017-12-07 20:23:46 UTC  

w-who praise sadiq khan

2017-12-07 20:23:58 UTC  


2017-12-07 20:24:26 UTC  

is he gonna run for PM?

2017-12-07 20:24:41 UTC  

he is good mayor compared to boris tho

2017-12-07 20:24:43 UTC  

not perfect

2017-12-07 20:24:49 UTC  

but decent

2017-12-07 20:25:00 UTC
>brainlets don't listen to clockmakers being comfy

2017-12-07 20:25:24 UTC  

doesn't Sadiq spend all his time getting BTFO by Trump?