Message from @blueorbit

Discord ID: 796593543753760838

2021-01-07 04:13:33 UTC  

@SoonMrWick I miss seeing his rants .

2021-01-07 04:13:59 UTC  

No... I remember the punch type ballots, though. A la hanging/dimpled chads fame.

2021-01-07 04:14:00 UTC  

Like a guy digging a bigger hole for himself

2021-01-07 04:14:01 UTC  

i think where going to miss a lot

2021-01-07 04:14:14 UTC  

Being from PA, I actually don't think there was a lot of fraud in my state-or at least not enough to turn the election in PA. But I have a HUGE problem with the last minute changes that were made by "authorities" that should not have been able to make those changes. It's kind of funny that you mention this because my bigger concerns aren't people creating stacks of false ballots and/or running ballots through machines multiple times. My concerns are that in PA our legislature came up with an act to create mail in voting in Oct. 2019. Because of Covid they revisited it in spring 2020 and made a few changes. Keep in mind-elections are under the purview of the legislatures. The PA Supreme Court decided the legislature's decisions weren't good enough, so let's just change the law. The executive branch decided, let;s just just throw drop boxes into the mix. The republicans didn't even fight the drop boxes. They just said-okay, we didn't vote for that, but we can live with it-we would like to be able to have observers there. You know-make sure no one drops off a crazy amount of ballots all at once. And they were told no. These are the things I have problems with. I want SCOTUS to look at these cases. I DO NOT want them to say-PA was a mess-throw out their votes. What I want is for SCOTUS (or someone) to say is-PA broke their own rules. We don't feel that it effected this election. BUT, they were playing with fire and they need to get their shit together before the next one. That's what I want.

2021-01-07 04:14:14 UTC  

@Theresa, you just advanced to level 3!

2021-01-07 04:14:17 UTC  

@MatiLuc on another side note, I like your badge. I was able to register in and receive ballots from 6 different states myself!

2021-01-07 04:14:28 UTC  

Trump got a lot done

2021-01-07 04:14:40 UTC  

Wall of text

2021-01-07 04:15:12 UTC  

I kind of see it the other way... It's shocking that so many appeased him for so long.

2021-01-07 04:15:19 UTC  

I was a bit underwhelmed. Although “The Apprentice: White House Twitter Edition” was great fun.

2021-01-07 04:15:43 UTC  

name a policy you didnt like

2021-01-07 04:15:53 UTC  

@blueorbit lol. Not a good voting system . We have.

2021-01-07 04:15:59 UTC  

isis gone

2021-01-07 04:16:12 UTC  

@Theresa that’s fine. I am just addressing this notion that the courts wont look at trumps “fraud” evidence. I hope PA legislators figure themselves out without affecting future elections

2021-01-07 04:16:56 UTC  

@osok not gone. Just disperse.

2021-01-07 04:17:07 UTC  

That was your lead? Give it a year. We always will have a boogeyman for war (it seems)

2021-01-07 04:17:14 UTC  

Other than Mrs. Babbit being shot and killed, I don't think there was much "violence" in the actions today. Certainly no rocks, bottles, molotovs and chunks of concrete being hurled and law enforcement. No bombs being detonated, no buildings being burned down, no business looted, no random bystanders punched out for no good reason, etc. In sum: it was a Highly-Mostly Peaceful Revolutionary Mob . . .

2021-01-07 04:17:53 UTC  

"Other than death....."

2021-01-07 04:17:55 UTC  

I don’t like that he didn’t follow up on EO to hold massive media conglomerates accountable when they decide to selectively censor 😂

2021-01-07 04:18:20 UTC  

Or REALLY good voting system, depending on who you are...

2021-01-07 04:18:22 UTC  

She was 23 i think.

2021-01-07 04:18:29 UTC  

wew should have know something was up awhile back when they keep asking Trump in he would agree with the vote this is a year plus back

2021-01-07 04:18:50 UTC  

As I understand it, there were competing statutes. As the individual tasked with ensuring safe and fair elections, SotC Boockvar was granted by the legislature to make temporary accommodations under extreme circumstances. People can disagree that CoVid constituted an extreme circumstance, but the PA SC is the body that would determine if it was and if Boockvar was acting appropriately. The US SC voted 4-4 before the election to allow the PA SC decision to stand.

2021-01-07 04:19:29 UTC  

It’s hard to tell, I saw videos that were later flagged as ones used in the past, there’s all sorts of conflicting reports on police resistance, tear gas, etc... I have no idea

2021-01-07 04:19:42 UTC  

Was pretty obvious... just two different films playing side by side. Each the others villain.

.... now, lets see what happens to America.

2021-01-07 04:19:49 UTC  

@blueorbit like here in nyc. They just asked me where i lived. No id . And thats it. Able to vote

2021-01-07 04:20:06 UTC  

look if the rep tried the same thing the world would be buring now

2021-01-07 04:20:34 UTC  

starts at about the 12 minute mark

2021-01-07 04:20:59 UTC  

Milking the moment, or worth watching?

2021-01-07 04:21:11 UTC  

NC, NJ, CO, MI, AZ, and NV - great states to register to vote if you don’t have an ID or can’t find your proof of domestic residence, because they ask for none of it.

2021-01-07 04:21:27 UTC  

from the start they tried to get rid of Trump not one day off from it

2021-01-07 04:21:54 UTC  

he was inside, there as a part of the press

2021-01-07 04:22:38 UTC  

So easy, so convenient. I don’t get why all states aren’t doing it that way!! I can’t be bothered to find my drivers license or a utility bill when it comes time to vote - the rest of the country needs to lose their archaic attitudes and get with the times!

2021-01-07 04:23:24 UTC  

Guess its pulled down now.

2021-01-07 04:24:38 UTC  

thats how this usa came to be

2021-01-07 04:25:44 UTC  

He went with the Tim Pool outfit

2021-01-07 04:25:54 UTC  

in a crazy way Trump help wake a lot of people up

2021-01-07 04:26:07 UTC  

YES! I talk about that case a lot! They look at a few ballots, saw some concerning stuff. Looked at some more-things kind of leveled out. Not so alarming. So then the case was dropped. They didn't drop the case over it was too early or it was too late. They looked at some ballots. Investigated. And didn't find anything alarming enough to continue. That was great! I wanted more of that. And the courts weren't willing to do that as we saw in most cases. I liked the idea that Cruz (who I usually don't like btw) had of a commission, which of course, comes from HISTORY of the Hayes elections. Cruz wasn't saying-Trump is right let's just throw this whole thing out. Cruz was saying-there is a substantial segment of the American people who have reasonable doubts about this election. Let's stop telling them to shut up and let's investigate a little bit. The Constitution allows for this, so let's do it!

2021-01-07 04:26:25 UTC  

“Our top government personnel have very poor computer security habits; our nuclear information systems and dozens of other government databases were compromised in a recent Russian hack; BUT OUR VOTING SYSTEM IS 100% SECURE!!”