Message from @guac
Discord ID: 796868310658056242
fair enough
if Trump can expose so many disgusting truths with the deep state in just 1 tenure, imagine what it would be like if he is elected again. They must stop him
lemon cleanse
So its a good sign that press sec spoke
Well, its a sign
especially during this time, as there are lots of infiltrators trying to take advantage
~~stop letting in new users~~
Yup, they got us without even getting us
Quatroking is not the inflitrator? He has a Chinese flag in his name
Quatro server owner
All right wing communities are just complying
was there nothing new while i was gone
What did the press sec say?
other than:
What did he expose?
@guac You see Pence get his masonic rewards and eblow bump from Pelosi
but nothing *big* happen?
Check out what he said
Why do they care so much to impeach or remove Trump if he is gone in 2 weeks?
Orderly transition to facism
@liuyankit Quatroking is Dutch and is a Chinese culture enthusiast
so he cant run again
why does he say 'chat'
orderly transition across the rubicon
its a twitter thread
Like he could beat their rigged elections anyway
i thought he was referring to trs chat <:poggers:692923019542134876>
he's here