Message from @millerz433
Discord ID: 785676729409732648
why dont they have shoes?
Just white trash things
S to Spit
I’m a Disney stockholder and I still say S
I loved that scene from boondocks
niggas be like
joe's follower count is probably closer to the amount of legit votes he's gotten
a surprising number of trump's followers are NPCs and bots raging at everything he says just because he says it
you'd actually expect Biden to have more simply because there's far fewer conservatives on the socials. So Trump having 4-6 times as many as Biden is really something
Ahh, it feels nice living in a country with 0.04% bike thieves <:smugpepe:445634631950139403> If you know what I mean
The same people behind 13-52
<:doubt:448311464353202177> <:what:448311923025510410> <:TheodoreRooseveltLaugh:585130800870195200>