Message from @Martin Silva
Discord ID: 786283807753895996
The grammar in that last one almost gave me a stroke reading it
Joseph Broz Shito, right where he belongs
Really proud of that nickname I gave him, invented it last night
I have no idea who that is
a Yugoslavian commie dictator whom a lot of people praise for opposing Stalin and being friendly with the West despite himself having committed atrocities
My country had to suffer under communism for almost half a century and you can tell from the consequences of that that you do not want communism in yours
Try telling blue haired college girls that
It's so sad to see them all so blind and brainwashed by the leftist media. Kinda how the Dems can't (or rather, don't *want* to) see that their flooding America with immigrants and taking people's guns and rights away isn't helping their case at all. If anything, they're slowly destroying America and radicalizing the American people to fight back
And then they turn around and have the audacity to wonder "who radicalized you!?"
My god, you killed them man!
I also have the alternative one
<:doubt:448311464353202177> <:what:448311923025510410>
what else does it even offer?
I dont get it