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> i know im not alone in the world, we are many but where i am, i am pretty much overwhelmed by pseudo intelectuals that likes marx but have never grabbed a shovel or went out outside of their office/college
@The Crystal Scar [4 ever] That is their main tactic. Demoralisation. Isolate people, make them lonely and doubt themselves, gaslight and talk about how evil they are. It attacks the basic biology and psyche of humans as a social creature. That is why they do everything to prevent us from gathering on social media or in any place really. Make people feel alone and like a freak

Yeah, you gotta enjoy standing in the fight to keep doing it. But it can get tiresome when 98% of the people you meet disagree with you to varying degrees (from hating you and calling you a nazi, to those that just think you are wrong)

Sadly the right wingers are peaceful guys that don't go out and burn cities, riot, loot and kill people from the opposition

Just imagine if right wingers did 10% of what the left is doing

Extremely hard being pro-trump in Europe. Here every mainstream media just copy paste whatever CNN and NYT is saying, and most people believe Trump is worse than Hitler and that everything they say about him is true.

In the end, there is no point discussing with people who isn't open to having their mind changed. If they have decided on a narrative, no arguments or facts will change that.

It is genuinely sad to see how poorly informed so many people are. A few of them are nice people too if you talk to them, they are just to stupid to understand what is going on.

Democracy was a mistake. At least with everyone having a vote. Why should someone get a vote when they make 0 effort to stay informed, and live of tax money

They don't even test. They say that you had symptons and list it as a covid death. Hospitals gets massive amounts of federal money for every covid patient and covid death, so they have every incentive to cheat on the numbers.

Also about the covid testing; it is extremely easy to cheat with. Covid testing is done with PCR (polymerase chain reaction) which basicly copies what you are looking for. If you got 0.1% covid, you copy it 20 times and it is enough to notice it and say "you got covid". If you got 0.001%, it is so small that you don't have the disease, it is just some particles getting stuck, and you find that with everything. Copy it 40 times instead of 20 times, and you will get the result that you got covid

Rejected huh, so civil war when guys?

How the fuck can the supreme court do nothing when so much is at stake?

What is the point of the supreme court if this is what they do

martial law and civil war seems to be the options, dunno what other legal options are left

If they get away with it, how can anyone trust elections after this?

Yeah it needs to be a big push for it to happen. No one wants to be the first

And no one wants to ruin their life for nothing

Who cares if republicans keep the senate, they are worthless anyway

But they made half of Oklahoma to a a native american reservation ๐Ÿคก

All trust in the system is gone, when it is this obvious they cheated, and nothing happens

Aye, everything needs to be done correctly. No point going out alone like a retard and get fucked. It's different rules for us, and we wouldn't get treated like antifa is treated when they do violence

It's now or never. When Biden gives citizenship to some 11-20 million illegals it is lost. Not to mention they can just cheat again

Aye, better to have it rejected this way, than in the courts, or have it just fizzle out by taking too long time

Standing back and standing by

And joining the rally tomorrow if you can

Sadly I imagine it will be the same as before. Democrats/media saying it is all lies and gaslighting everything, while everyone else gets angry

With so much changes in the millitary, it looks like Trump is setting up for something

If we win the legal way, the leftists will burn the country down
If they win by massive fraud, we will stay peaceful and do nothing

Maybe it is time to stop being the civilized and peaceful side and give them a taste of their own medicine?

There are enough proof of fraud about this election to put heads on pikes, but sadly it is not about proof, because the entire system is corrupt. Maybe if the pile of evidence becomes so overwhelming that no one can ignore it something will happen, but otherwise media/democrats will just keep pretending it doesn't exist

You might say... Danes are the most based western Europeans. Try living in sweden, norway or UK

It's cucks everywhere

Nothing in western europe is sadly

Ye probably a meme, but there is some truth to that. After Hillary lost the entire left went nuts and were breaking down crying in the streets. The right doesn't do that

We need to show the GOP that they need to earn our votes. At this point the rhinos are just marginally better than democrats. They are all a part of the swamp

All of them are right now thinking what is the safest bet. I think a lot of those supporting Trump only do some weak support to not be called out, trying to do as little as possible

Seen the image daily mail is using? they put the logo over the knife the antifa dude is holding, so it looks like proud boys are attacking an innocent guy

The propaganda is insane

I hope people snap. This isn't acceptable. US is turning into a banana republic

Oh it will never be "forced" you will just not be allowed to use planes, go to restaurants, go to work, etc unless you have taken the vaccine ๐Ÿคก

Just like free speech. Sure we all have free speech, these private companies can do what ever they want, they are not part of the government so free speech doesn't matter for them

Doesn't sound like Pence is giving up. Nice to hear

Which is why it is really nice to see him not cucking down. Hopefully it lasts

Don't support traitors. There are other companies making cofee

It's a 4d chess meme. Instead of calling you an anti-vaxxer they will all be distracted by the grammar <:trumpepe:445634522344587274>

How does it work with Pence throwing out the votes? Can he just do it? Is there any voting or something after that? Why isn't it happening basicly every year?

Makes sense. But can Pence just do it? is there any vote in senate/congress after? Supreme court?

Havn't seen a lot of him, but what iv seen is good

Yeah. You can't find 1 honest guy in DC

Gotta be something more than that. Otherwise it should be easy

On that topic, when is the mob coming for those "conservative justices" that was so important to get inn?

Yeah, was a big suprise. He should know better than anyone how the game is played

With what they did to destroy his life

But he is a christian cuck of the worst sort. I remember the hearing when he talked about his daughter saying they should pray for the woman. It's rly nice to hear, and I wish the world could be like that, but you can't play nice when the other side hates you and wants to destroy you

A year of BLM riots and antifa in the streets, democrats and media going nuts and calling anyone supporting conservatives for rapists, rascists, sexists and nazis, but oh no, if we vote for this it could be violence

Maybe if we get violent too, then maybe they will start listening

I hope so. No more cucking down

Yeah, a lot of stuff happening there

All the evidence is out there, but media is refusing to show it, and most people are too retarded or too partisan to bother looking it up

or, enough evidence to bring out guillotines

There needs to be some sort of coordination to risk your own life (both actual life and just reputation/jobs/etc)

No point going out in the street alone like a retard. Trump or someone else high up needs to give a call

For now, who knows when they will turn

The normies never does anything, but antifa and BLM would be happy to the streets, especially when the democrats/media go all out on encouraging them saying "orange man hitler for real this time"

Nah, Trump is nice, but he is too cucked to do something about the (((central bank)))

Dunno if there are some on the ground footage

Live from oregon

so guys, whats the best vpn and what other ways can you hide on the internet?

But let's not let that stop us from trying <:godemperor:445097873890082817>

Take a look at this; Biden saying this country is doomed because whites will be a minority in 2040

Lobotomy? what is this, medieval society? Around here we only mutilate genitalia ๐Ÿคก

If Biden dies before 20th Trump becomes president, after 20th its Kamala

This. But sadly the alternative is worse, just falling into apathy and giving up on life

But in a lot of ways the tide is turning. This year has made a lot of people realize how corrupt the system is, and a breaking point is coming

Maybe ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
But in that case id say to try to do something with what you can. Most things might be fucked, but you have some control over your own life, family, work, where you live, etc. Try to control that.

Isn't easy watching the world go mad, but you just have to make the best out of it

You have been lied to about everything that they were. Just as the establishment lied about weapons of mass destruction etc. There were no death camps (only labor camps) and they did a lot of good. There was just massive propaganda

Got some sites if you want to check it out

Sure, you can argue that socialism is wrong. But the nazies are not your normal socialists. They cared about nation, family, values, tradition, etc

Not giving money to lazy fucks that don't want to contribute to society

Nice one, proper meta when people expect assad, so you put in rhodesia there

Kinda like whenever someone posts porn, and somehow assad doesn't interupt it

Id love to hear what they have to say about it

There were labor camps, and lots died, especially from disease and during the last months when supplies broke down, but there was no systematic genocide. Not saying it wasn't bad being in those camps, but nothing worse than for instance USA did to Japanese

That website is rly good if you want to look at the claims btw

Ok ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

"Conspiracy theory" was invented by CIA to discredit people spreading information they did not want people to know

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