
Discord ID: 691386806813589545

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Would have been if he had won

but it's not FAIR why should you have that PRIVELEGE when there are so many MINORITIES who should be able to SHARE it!

What actually is this song? I know how political it is but I really like it for some reason

Thanks man!

I second this request

Do people actually think that should be normal ffs

This stuff gets me down sometimes

I genuinely think it's stemmed from a complete unwillingness to consider what men want. I always feel when I'm single (which I am at the moment) that they can have whatever standards they want, and if men don't meet them, men need to change. But if men have standards, and women don't meet them, men shouldn't have those standards and again men need to change

sex work / promiscuity is the pinnacle example to me

They want to have their cake and eat it too. Give sex away easily or sell it, and somehow still expect it to hold value to men when they're dating

legit depresses me sometimes and my life is otherwise pretty great

What is this?

oh right, nerdiness diminishes the coolness

cool pic though

I have no idea who that is

Try telling blue haired college girls that

Alright, which one of you is playing war thunder


What in the fuck

Ah yes, paris before immigration

I've seen some low effort memes in my time but that one's pushing it

UK has been an SJW shithole for years and only now I'm starting to be glad I'm here in stead of America

Mine is exactly <<6,000,000

can someone just answer me this, why was it democracy in action and standing up for freedom when BLM were burning businesses and looting, yet this is "an embarrassing day for america"?

I'm english and I agree, this is the time America should set things straight once and for all

I wish this was the moment, but this will fizzle unfortunately

And minorities to stand up for..

biden is on

biden speaking

Where was this "lawlessness" speech during the BLM protests burning down businesses!!

damn, did anyone see the objection?? That warmed my heart

No it isn't, they will use the media to frame it as near-terrorism and an assault on democracy, exactly the opposite of what they did to BLM, and the movement will be villainised as usual

But everyone else does, the media stops the movement growing and shapes the opinions of the other side and importantly those on the fence

I be tempted

It's a tempting feeling, I'm with you, but if the strategy is wrong it will fail, this has to be done carefully

It's in me somewhere, just needs the right lines to be crossed I can feel it

how much would a hypothetical person pay for a hypothetically real SS helmet? In minecraft of course


What marketplace might this hypothetical person find such items on?


photoshop capitol hill?

That's exactly why they're doing it

lived in london for three years (left sept 2019), so sick of early 20s libtard women, they will buy into absolutely anything if it is framed in empathy

I had a great university education, right wing af

sorry, I didn't mean my education was right wing, I studied engineering there was no politics

I just meant I went through the system and didn't turn into a libtard

Most of them would have sunk, our ships are obligated to rescue them. I say let them sink if they're stupid enough to cross like that

historical justice for muh colonialism apparently

I hate what our country has become, and they can't see the correlation between obsessive levelling of the playing field with societal unhappiness, unrest, and chaos

and refusal of the natural law of winners and losers


trust me it won't be him for long. watch him get 'ill', it'll be Harris in no time

China are making incredible chess moves, and the west has been tricked into infighting and righting every internal injustice whilst ignoring its place on the world stage

What emails? Haven't heard about this

wow, that's really stupid if no one thought to do that

Great way to ensure getting rectal raided by china

lmfao! Quote at the end got me

Where the fuck do you live?

UK has been an SJW shithole for years now, yet recently I'm glad I'm here and not in the US

the mess with biden, blm, israel's claws, war on men and war on patriotism are all less pronounced here, though not by much

I agree, hence usually the US has been appealing, but it seems on a downward trajectory towards socialist big govt chaos now so my preferences are shifting. At least here even though that side is strong, the resistance to it is also strong, whereas it's demonised to hell in the US as blanket white supremacy and protecting privelege

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