Message from @Ehzek

Discord ID: 787166077327114250

2020-12-12 03:27:32 UTC  

the TX case wasn't even the main strategy until recently, and it isn't even necessarily out of play. So idk why anyone has any reason to blackpill

2020-12-12 03:28:05 UTC  

Impeachment case wasn't before SCOTUS

2020-12-12 03:28:54 UTC  

I think we all believed that it was a slam-dunk case. I still feel it is, so long as it's filed properly

2020-12-12 03:29:07 UTC  


2020-12-12 03:29:16 UTC  

It wasn't even a fraud case

2020-12-12 03:29:20 UTC  

they want us to believe our best hope got shot down but it didn't

2020-12-12 03:29:30 UTC why wasn't it filed properly and how do they do it properly

2020-12-12 03:29:35 UTC  

sure it would've been nice, but the real juice is in Trumps personal cases

2020-12-12 03:30:06 UTC  

TX case didn't even allege fraud necessarily

2020-12-12 03:30:16 UTC  

SCOTUS pretty much claims that TX isn't the ones who can make that case (at this time!).

2020-12-12 03:30:52 UTC  

@Dumbass the Thonk Engine They need to get people from the states in question to represent if I understand correctly

2020-12-12 03:31:37 UTC  

I think right now GA legislature needs to make the case, but probably anyone affected in those states can make the case -- and it's a strong one considering they had no response to it

2020-12-12 03:32:14 UTC  

PA already has an active case with the SCOTUS, AZ wasn't even one of the accused but have filed with SCOTUS against their own state alleging fraud

2020-12-12 03:32:34 UTC  

Lin wood also just got to scotus in GA

2020-12-12 03:33:06 UTC  

I've heard (from flakey source) that Lin's case with SCOTUS has been docketed.

2020-12-12 03:33:32 UTC  

Its on the SCOTUS website

2020-12-12 03:35:47 UTC  

good enough for me <:thumbsup:448311720742617089>

2020-12-12 03:55:27 UTC  

how we doing boys? been busy af

2020-12-12 03:56:37 UTC  

Texas went boom

2020-12-12 03:56:57 UTC  

Thrown out for no standing

2020-12-12 04:03:31 UTC  

so its pretty much over?

2020-12-12 04:04:44 UTC  

depends on who you ask, lots of doomers now

2020-12-12 04:05:34 UTC  

ngl i believe the scotus has been bought out

2020-12-12 04:06:04 UTC  

They threw it out based on standing so it might still have life

2020-12-12 04:06:45 UTC  

honestly it prob doesn't, the really dug deep to try to throw it out

2020-12-12 04:07:11 UTC  

Nothing is over boys stop blackpilling like a bunch of cucks

2020-12-12 04:07:37 UTC  

they're running out of time to do anything and people are too busy pussyfooting around

2020-12-12 04:09:57 UTC  

i honestly wouldn't doubt if SC was bought out

2020-12-12 04:10:35 UTC  

Shit on me all you want, but Trump dug his own grave not repealing section 230 and getting these bastards under control

2020-12-12 04:11:31 UTC  

Im not in some cult for Trump, he didnt make the right moves and now we are going to suffer because of it

2020-12-12 04:12:12 UTC  

Maybe through some miracle he pulls through

2020-12-12 04:12:25 UTC  

But I know in my gut the odds are not good

2020-12-12 04:13:53 UTC  

SCOTUS is prob gonna throw out the georgia one too, they're more inclined to see fags sueing bakeries that deny them service over corruption <:TheodoreRooseveltLaugh:585130800870195200>

2020-12-12 04:14:14 UTC  

“BuT StOP BlAcK PiLlInG MaN HeREs HoW BeRnIe CaN StIlL WiN.”

2020-12-12 04:15:02 UTC  

Trump can't just 'Repeal section 230' i'm not saying it shouldn't be done, but its not his decision to make. It has to go through the Legislative branch and if they don't do anything what can be done?

2020-12-12 04:15:54 UTC  

Trump has fought as hard as be possibly could to keep the senate majority and made a valiant attempt to retake the house, but unless the Democrats magically decide to start working with him it can't be repealed so easily

2020-12-12 04:15:59 UTC  

bet those justices will be happy when biden packs the court

2020-12-12 04:16:03 UTC  

He could have easily used the bully pulpit to pressure these weak fucking republicans into action

2020-12-12 04:16:24 UTC