Message from @C4X3

Discord ID: 787159110420135986

2020-12-12 03:17:48 UTC  

Im quite down at the moment knowing we have to suffer again just to win

2020-12-12 03:17:55 UTC  

fair enough. Just didn't see the problem if they're being polite. Quite unlike all the trash I've been seeing on facebook from the insufferably misinformed normies

2020-12-12 03:19:06 UTC  

@🅱øg Wizard "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

2020-12-12 03:22:34 UTC  

Tom has graced us

2020-12-12 03:22:39 UTC  


2020-12-12 03:23:06 UTC  

Jack actually

2020-12-12 03:23:49 UTC  

So what the fuck happened today? The SC just dismissed the court case despite all the valid evidence?

2020-12-12 03:24:18 UTC  

Go read Ezheks summary in <#778707569392746516> @Dumbass the Thonk Engine

2020-12-12 03:24:27 UTC  

technicality, but man people are blackpillin

2020-12-12 03:25:24 UTC  

the weekend quiet will actually be good as our_guys will have a chance to prepare what they need to prepare

2020-12-12 03:25:44 UTC  

Trump has to throw a hail mary now

2020-12-12 03:26:10 UTC  

Give me the TL;DR

2020-12-12 03:26:27 UTC  

Scotus lawsuit was 'thrown out' on standing. not merits

2020-12-12 03:26:38 UTC  

essentially they just need to refile with proper standing

2020-12-12 03:26:42 UTC  

Trump got on-board the TX suit but they filed it on their own. It's now just one more tool in their plan but they had a plan before, as well

2020-12-12 03:27:32 UTC  

They'll throw out that case but not the bullshit "impeachment" case?

2020-12-12 03:27:32 UTC  

the TX case wasn't even the main strategy until recently, and it isn't even necessarily out of play. So idk why anyone has any reason to blackpill

2020-12-12 03:28:05 UTC  

Impeachment case wasn't before SCOTUS

2020-12-12 03:28:54 UTC  

I think we all believed that it was a slam-dunk case. I still feel it is, so long as it's filed properly

2020-12-12 03:29:07 UTC  


2020-12-12 03:29:16 UTC  

It wasn't even a fraud case

2020-12-12 03:29:20 UTC  

they want us to believe our best hope got shot down but it didn't

2020-12-12 03:29:30 UTC why wasn't it filed properly and how do they do it properly

2020-12-12 03:29:35 UTC  

sure it would've been nice, but the real juice is in Trumps personal cases

2020-12-12 03:30:06 UTC  

TX case didn't even allege fraud necessarily

2020-12-12 03:30:16 UTC  

SCOTUS pretty much claims that TX isn't the ones who can make that case (at this time!).

2020-12-12 03:30:52 UTC  

@Dumbass the Thonk Engine They need to get people from the states in question to represent if I understand correctly

2020-12-12 03:31:37 UTC  

I think right now GA legislature needs to make the case, but probably anyone affected in those states can make the case -- and it's a strong one considering they had no response to it

2020-12-12 03:32:14 UTC  

PA already has an active case with the SCOTUS, AZ wasn't even one of the accused but have filed with SCOTUS against their own state alleging fraud

2020-12-12 03:32:34 UTC  

Lin wood also just got to scotus in GA

2020-12-12 03:33:06 UTC  

I've heard (from flakey source) that Lin's case with SCOTUS has been docketed.

2020-12-12 03:33:32 UTC  

Its on the SCOTUS website

2020-12-12 03:35:47 UTC  

good enough for me <:thumbsup:448311720742617089>

2020-12-12 03:55:27 UTC  

how we doing boys? been busy af

2020-12-12 03:56:37 UTC  

Texas went boom

2020-12-12 03:56:57 UTC  

Thrown out for no standing

2020-12-12 04:03:31 UTC  

so its pretty much over?

2020-12-12 04:04:44 UTC  

depends on who you ask, lots of doomers now

2020-12-12 04:05:34 UTC  

ngl i believe the scotus has been bought out

2020-12-12 04:06:04 UTC  

They threw it out based on standing so it might still have life