Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 433085291671060492

2018-04-10 01:40:21 UTC  

i have reason to believe that a friend of mine is subject to sustained abuse at the hands of a divorced parent

2018-04-10 01:40:24 UTC  

wat do

2018-04-10 02:01:53 UTC  

Nothing, if your friend hasent done anything then he is a victem and will prefer to stay that way

2018-04-10 02:02:21 UTC  

you say that but i think youre either meming or incredibly sheltered

2018-04-10 02:02:54 UTC  

the only thing the human mind hates more than pain is the disruption of the status quo

2018-04-10 02:03:16 UTC  

youd be surprised what people get used to

2018-04-10 02:03:31 UTC  

I have a low tolerance for problems people can fix themselves but choose not to, just disengage and save yourself some pain

2018-04-10 02:04:25 UTC  

this is what depression looks like

2018-04-10 02:04:29 UTC  

Or if you think you can stand having your nuts dragged across broken glass then go and be a hero

2018-04-10 02:04:52 UTC  

yes there are people with victim complexes who would rather complain bitterly and recieve empty sympathy for their percieved plight

2018-04-10 02:04:55 UTC  

but this man

2018-04-10 02:04:58 UTC  

he aint like that

2018-04-10 02:05:10 UTC  

he's always been chipper and driven and a joy to be around

2018-04-10 02:05:17 UTC  

but recently it's like he's faded

2018-04-10 02:05:25 UTC  

his face seems almost hollowed out

2018-04-10 02:05:29 UTC  

like it's made of wax

2018-04-10 02:05:45 UTC  

he's stopped combing his hair, wearing clothes that fit

2018-04-10 02:05:51 UTC  

finally confided in me a couple days back

2018-04-10 02:05:52 UTC  

Its not that, its what you said, your friend prefers the status quo. You cant change that yourself, youll tease out emotions and have no ifea what to do with the mess you made

2018-04-10 02:06:15 UTC  

his mom just drained his fuckin bank accounts bruh

2018-04-10 02:06:19 UTC  

college savings

2018-04-10 02:06:20 UTC  


2018-04-10 02:06:33 UTC  

And you can get that back?

2018-04-10 02:07:59 UTC  

I was like you, and I made enough messes I couldn't fix beyond be a shoulder to cry on. You'll feel worse for it and change nothing

2018-04-10 02:08:12 UTC  

Youll make him feel worse and change nothing

2018-04-10 02:15:08 UTC  

or i could just

2018-04-10 02:15:12 UTC  

call them

2018-04-10 02:16:45 UTC  

His parents and reletives?

2018-04-10 02:17:22 UTC  

nah cps

2018-04-10 02:17:25 UTC  

or 12

2018-04-10 02:17:32 UTC  

as much as i hate them

2018-04-10 02:17:46 UTC  

don't be a hero

2018-04-10 02:18:37 UTC  

If you think you can get him to do it himself by all means, other than that, no

2018-04-10 02:21:21 UTC  

idk not looking out for people basically clashes against my own ideology

2018-04-10 02:21:30 UTC  

im the kinda person that looks out for my own

2018-04-10 02:21:38 UTC  

dk if that makes me obnoxious to be around

2018-04-10 02:28:10 UTC  

At this point you arent looking afyer your own, you're trying to look after your ego

2018-04-10 02:28:47 UTC  

Talk to him and try to get his balls back, if thay doesn't work then cut your losses

2018-04-10 02:33:16 UTC  

>Asking for courage opinions in a /g related discord

2018-04-10 02:35:15 UTC  

Gotta agree with frum tho, you're not looking for your friend, but yourself. Else this discussion wouldn't have happened.

2018-04-10 02:58:18 UTC  

Nah, I dont mean it like that, I mean in a literal sense of seeing his friends as an extention of his self. There's nothing wrong in that, and he is trying to help but some things you just need take a back seat to let someone else fix thier problems.