Message from @koolguy18000

Discord ID: 792095116071272448

2020-12-22 21:07:09 UTC  

@Clare P Amen!

2020-12-22 21:10:09 UTC  

Hi everyone. Catching up on all your previous chats. Been real busy at work and planning for the holidays. I hope all is well with everyone and I just wanted to drop by and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest New Year!💒<:emojitrump2020:786404253098442773> 🙏

2020-12-22 21:12:19 UTC  

Oh totally wishing the same for everyone. Merry Christmas. happiness, health and blessings

2020-12-22 21:13:20 UTC  

@FaithPlusNothing @Clare P @koolguy18000 Before everything gets even wilder, I also want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and enjoy your friends and family. Don't let this fake Pandemic spoil your enjoyment of our Saviors Birth!

2020-12-22 21:13:20 UTC  

GG @The_Old_Guy_1947, you just advanced to level 5!

2020-12-22 21:14:33 UTC  

I'm starting to think that having "MEE6" advance you up a level is a good thing. LoL

2020-12-22 21:14:39 UTC  

It won't lol. keeping the Christmas season as it is meant to be marked - Christ in Christmas.

2020-12-22 21:15:42 UTC  
2020-12-22 21:15:58 UTC  

Thank you !! You always have the kindest words @ The Old Guy. So true Clare!!!!!

2020-12-22 21:16:36 UTC  

@FaithPlusNothing Thank you for saying that!

2020-12-22 21:19:43 UTC  

Well I'm back at it, talk with you all later!

2020-12-22 21:33:14 UTC  

Keep up the good fight for truth and in Trump! We are the SALT of the earth!

2020-12-22 21:33:41 UTC  

đź‘Ť<:emojitrump2020:786404253098442773> đź’Ż<:trump:786404250061766656>

2020-12-22 21:37:03 UTC  

Thank you @FaithPlusNothing will keep it up <:maga:786404255996706846> <:boom:786404419712712724> <:emojitrump2020:786404253098442773> <:libtears:786404255010390106> <:trumpcountry:787139691836211240>

2020-12-22 21:42:59 UTC  

Dr. Birx just retired, can Dr. Fauci retire also? America would like that

2020-12-22 21:45:39 UTC  


2020-12-25 16:30:06 UTC  

Dems are already trying to argue that the constitution says each rep from each state gets a vote. Rubbish! It clearly reads one vote per state. Leave it to them to try to re-define it tho.

2020-12-25 16:33:25 UTC  

Yes @Free2Think the democrats can't change the Constitution

2020-12-25 18:10:10 UTC  

Unless they get control of the senate...then we can just about guarantee it will be forever changed...

2020-12-25 18:12:12 UTC  

@Free2Think @koolguy18000 the Dems like to throw such notions out there to provide media with a feeding frenzy, trying to demoralize Patriots

2020-12-25 18:23:12 UTC  

Patriots will win @Lloyd Owen the communist democrats can try however they are underestimating us and President Trump

2020-12-25 18:27:16 UTC  

I agree. Will be glad when it's played out. They're trying up our government like the first four years. In the meantime. I have trouble believing this could go the wrong way. SCOTUS better get it together soon

2020-12-25 18:31:39 UTC  

Yes @Lloyd Owen The Scotus is still reviewing Powell's lawsuits so that is a positive step, Also, President Trump should declare the Insurrection Act for New Year's to ensure this will be "all in the open" the main stream media can continue to "say whatever they like" but that is their "Achilles heel"

2020-12-25 18:33:29 UTC  


2020-12-26 16:54:19 UTC

2020-12-26 16:54:23 UTC  

I urge when you get the chance to pass the Stop Internet Sexual Exploitation act. This is simultaneously a matter of public safety to protect children from exploitation and to protect the nation’s crumbling moral fiber. This Bill is a must pass and I urge you to do so. @here

2020-12-26 16:55:00 UTC  

This is a standard message you can email to your congressman/senator

2020-12-26 16:55:34 UTC  

Here’s, for instance, a senator thats easy to contact

2020-12-26 16:55:52 UTC  

On the outside this makes sense but also no longer keeps anyones privacy... Catch 22

2020-12-26 16:56:16 UTC  

It’s 100% worth it

2020-12-26 16:56:53 UTC  

I guess you would know everyone's info for every porn video watched. Good luck passing that

2020-12-26 16:57:09 UTC  

Not the purpose of the bill lol

2020-12-26 16:58:06 UTC  

It mainly would just regulate much of it out of existence

2020-12-26 16:58:43 UTC  

I đź’Ż agree with keeping kids away from it ALL, but people are more likely to use pornhubs facebook share button long before registering there information to watch porn. As I said, catch 22

2020-12-26 17:00:09 UTC  

Sure, it certainly won’t get rid of it entirely. However, if we try hard enough, we could still make a huge difference

2020-12-26 17:00:09 UTC  

GG @Virulence, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-26 17:03:50 UTC  

And keep in mind, folks like youtube have used these laws to harm others in pure spite... Now every video must be uploaded and specifically submitted not for children or your ass is in deep shit... That part, I am okay with, where I have my problem is where they purposely twist and manipulate. Youtube has on purpose edited videos to be for kids and the uploaders get jnto serious trouble. Mostly all due to people who don't know there head drom there ass... Not every video game video is for kids just because it's a video game. If you can't tell the difference, you have no damn purpose being a moderator

2020-12-26 17:06:54 UTC  

These back doors and loop holes are always used on purpose. Always some deniability. Oh, the moderator was 70 years old and didn't know... Why was the 70 year old hired to moderate game footage in the first place...

2020-12-26 17:09:45 UTC  

I mean, taking down whatever amount of non-cp would be worth getting rid of a large amount of exploitative content. Besides, most of the regulations imposed wouldn’t be a 70 year old man being hired to detect this stuff. Most of it would be regulations and guidelines targeting content creation imposed by the websites themselves, not on already produced content.

2020-12-26 17:09:55 UTC  

And in this particular case... We'll hire some harcore catholic whom believes breathing the wrong way is a sin and ends up red flagging and screwing up the entire process just to keep from employment discrimination laws from being broken. I don't wanna argue, but you know darn well there's always 1 in the crowed screwing everything up for everyone else turning a good thing into a total nightmare. It happens with everything everywhere

2020-12-26 17:10:56 UTC  

Lol that screams strawman, nobody said that that’s what will happen