Message from @Grape
Discord ID: 795721842450235393
I am not libertarian
This is fascism
as simple as it can be boiled down
libertarian party in bio 💅
However I think they have some good stances
you listed a bunch of typical features without the core essence
I Don't Know What That Means
libertarians give u the ability to use anime pfp if i had it my way I would strip u naked and hook you up in the middle of the city
It means you chose that role dumbass
I'll have to give you a term from gentille but you won't understand that without knowing the risorgimento ideals
and it keeps going back and back
you mean mazzinismo?
Why Are People So Mean To Me
ofc this bitch went offline
I Don't Know What Libertartion Means
It's not just you
ur getting trolled
I think the bundle of sticks and fasces is a simple portrayal of the essence of fascism
@evelyn cause your fuckin retarded
yes that's a good way to portray it
u guys r getting baited hard
why does auth automate to auth right in roles???
the integration of all social strata into the state to act as one strong, coherent unit
tell them grape!
its probably a glitch
that is fascism in the simplest essence
What Does Baited Mean
The state is gay
It's like a central party, between republican and democrat
no thats independent
loser mindset
@evelyn is probably 10
Libertarians are independent