
Discord ID: 565444903572602880

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Kulaks were the large grain hoarding farmers

The 100 million stat is literally bullshit

they later found out accidental deaths, large marginal gaps in error and whatnot in the stat

they were trying so hard to get to 100 mil but they couldn't so they even extended it by a few mil accounting as error

I reckon its closer to 10-20 mil

since the holodomor was very real

and so were the famines

It was <a:ACOSP_omgwth:743617748005028011>

Still happened under the ussr

Damn the chat is fast

I'm chatting midway sets

still the collectivization didnt help much after they rounded up the kulaks

South Italians are just pizza flavored turks

The servers allows slurs?

No we are not <:uwu:755083731622166538>

Mad cuz you're bad lol

They would've came after the other Jewish religions later on

natsocs aren't clerical fascists, Christianity would've been next

But conveniently not the croats

cuz they sided with Germany

ironically they look the most hideous and non Aryan out of all balkans

White and Aryan are different

the slavs are subhuman by nazi standards

but the Persians are

Yeah idk why some neo nazis associate with Christianity

Go away jew

Christians, Muslims, Jews

there's no difference

Fancy seeing you here till

Because one of it believes two naked humans were dropped off space and populated the earth by incest

Amen brother

Gender is made up by us

social not scientific construct

Estrogens mother hormone is older so ig

The state

You can either be a libleft or be practical

Its cool and trendy

Aesthetics over ethics

Civic nationalists are much more tolerable

>half kebab and gypsy
>is nazi

its Technocracy vs democracy

Yes fuck culture

glory to chairman xi and the ccp

You practice liberty when you can't afford it

thats why China's going to overtake you

tills here too @Mark.

We will form the C&P faction in this server

the conquest grounds are much larger than any battlefield I've seen

I'm an authoritarian centrist


Is taking drugs a dare or a temptation?

that can define who's the pussy

Hate when that happens

Cringe Econ

We should have a polls channel

Arey yaar

Don't fap brother

Hi not your brother

I'm Arya

Did you lose it to your beardo uncle?

It probably happens everyday

some aunt abuses her nephew

Arey bhai


He was a kebab

Imagine not watching jinroh

typical libtard

Who assigned me an auth right role?

I hate all conservatives and jewish cults

If Stalin wasnt based explain his kill count?

Third positionist?

Yeah go ahead disregard any spectrum and mutuality and make extremes of the edgy right wing kids

When you look at those tight black uniforms its not so far fetched

Pick pagan or atheist

Abrahmism and fascism don't go together

How tf do people take things said on discord seriously

Everyone on discord is suffering with gender dysphoria, lost their parents and had 10ร— worse the back story of any mc


soon brother

If you're under 6 might as well stop looking

Wth dead chat?

*dies of cringe*

Merit. Authority. Elitism. Militarism. Qausi-religion/esotericism

This is fascism

as simple as it can be boiled down

I'll have to give you a term from gentille but you won't understand that without knowing the risorgimento ideals

and it keeps going back and back

I think the bundle of sticks and fasces is a simple portrayal of the essence of fascism

The only thing we've done better than animals is being organized and co-operative

166 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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