eating my bread n having it too

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when will chat reject nihilism for the lacanian jouissance

this place is filled with 14 year olds and mentally retarded over 20's is it not

i just want an acedemically informed community

im keeping the spelling error

so im asking you to rate mine

well in that case i hope you are cursed with the worst in life

and you are acting like the retarded over 20

the underdog in that situation?

possibly should have chosen the better option

why are you on the internet

Adam Smith, a man who is from my country - and honoured as an architect of an archaic system.

another over 20 year old I see

Capitalism was a brilliant thing to happen, as had it not I may have had to live within it.

luckily capitalism has passed, and we live in its ruins.

if you are a chaos theorist then fascism is always working

oh my god can you all let go of your pathetic religious larping my God, you were probably raised by whores

but i choose to live within the law

you are making vague undefined statements @Classic authoritarian

i cannot believe i am in a chat of people whom believe humans have contra-casual freedom

@john wayne yes i think black lives matter, i think all lives matter

@john wayne your family members probably rape people, it is common in life. humans like to rape.

why would you trust any corporate media

or if it is not run but running

the constant run of humanity

we will never truly discern fact and falsity

because they are brainwashed by ideology and the pleasure principle

thats why i advocate removal and destruction

who dictates the definitions?

im not on the autism spectrum, however I am ocd

@john wayne good god you donut, you should watch a video


you wouldnt be where you are

@john wayne its a metaphysical analysis. are you also 14 as this server may be too young for me, less academic discussion more perverse freudian evolution.

Zizek is on rt, so metaphysics is false

@john wayne does it being russian news mean that the logical boundaries of zizeks metaphysical analysis is wrong?

look up what metaphysics is first

my god, you reject metaphysics because you watched a video from russian news


political server with no metaphysics

if you say older its even more sad

a 21 year old who doesnt know what metaphysics is

are you still potty training also

@john wayne your judgment means something to me?

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