Message from @Norman

Discord ID: 791907460591255552

2020-12-25 05:55:25 UTC  

I was referring to Aztecs in my next message

2020-12-25 05:55:37 UTC  

you are only against it as it applies to you. you said morality is individualistic

2020-12-25 05:55:48 UTC  

so you have no real basis to say that human sacrifice is bad

2020-12-25 05:55:55 UTC  

only your personal opinion

2020-12-25 05:55:59 UTC  


2020-12-25 05:56:00 UTC  

But you imply that people in those cultures knew of a moral truth and went against it

2020-12-25 05:56:06 UTC  

not neccesarily

2020-12-25 05:56:18 UTC  

they did go against it

2020-12-25 05:56:27 UTC  

but their moral compasses were obviously screwed up

2020-12-25 05:56:32 UTC  

My moral statements can apply to others? The determination of the moral statement is personal, but the moral statement can be applied to others

2020-12-25 05:56:39 UTC  


2020-12-25 05:56:40 UTC  

That's called subjective morality

2020-12-25 05:56:45 UTC  

if it is your own morality

2020-12-25 05:56:53 UTC  

and presumably they also have their own

2020-12-25 05:56:55 UTC  

then theres is as valuable as yours

2020-12-25 05:56:58 UTC  

Because it's my application of values to circumstances. That's what a moral statement is

2020-12-25 05:57:11 UTC  

so they have just as much right to impose theirs on you as you do on them

2020-12-25 05:57:21 UTC  


2020-12-25 05:57:23 UTC  


2020-12-25 05:57:26 UTC  

and that is only wrong for you

2020-12-25 05:57:31 UTC  

for them, by your belief, it is good

2020-12-25 05:57:37 UTC  


2020-12-25 05:57:39 UTC  

They might

2020-12-25 05:57:45 UTC  

what is the practical difference

2020-12-25 05:57:50 UTC  

between this and moral nihilism

2020-12-25 05:58:27 UTC  

Nihilism says the individual cannot make that determination. That it's impossible to make a moral statement. You cannot apply values to circumstances because a 'value' is fictional

2020-12-25 05:58:40 UTC  

well you cant really apply values either

2020-12-25 05:58:45 UTC  

you can just make them up

2020-12-25 05:58:48 UTC  

according to you,

2020-12-25 05:58:51 UTC  

everyone has their own

2020-12-25 05:59:02 UTC  

whoever triumphs, its the same

2020-12-25 05:59:09 UTC  

since they can now define a morality

2020-12-25 05:59:17 UTC  

Isn't that the truth

2020-12-25 05:59:27 UTC  

they can change people's minds

2020-12-25 05:59:40 UTC  

let me put it this way

2020-12-25 05:59:52 UTC  

if someone brainwashed you into thinking killing kittens was good,

2020-12-25 05:59:57 UTC  

well it isnt bad to you

2020-12-25 06:00:01 UTC  

to your current ethics it is,

2020-12-25 06:00:10 UTC  

but your ethics change after the brainwashing

2020-12-25 06:00:17 UTC  

so in actuality, there is no bad thing happening

2020-12-25 06:00:26 UTC  

Makes sense to me