Discord ID: 483093530017792010

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Thank God for communists otherwise we would have never beat the nazis

It's not a myth. It's a fiction

It's from a book. @scallop just said that

Ok so is America good or bad

And how do you justify your answer to the Iraqis and native Americans

I can't tell if you're defending nazis or not @Grape

Right. My statement was explaining what you explained. I understand your autism makes it hard to read into a statement.

I was criticising the person's claim because it was oversimplified

This is a shit take.

I get that some people don't believe in moral objectivism but that's because they're dumb!

I was responding to the person right before my comment

Hope that helps

That's the point

When in Rome

This is a shit server so I'm gonna be fucky

Lmao conservatives amirite

My initial criticism had nothing to do with @Grape if you take the time to go back and read

And I don't think that's at all narcissistic. I'm just matching the vibes

@Buymehe_YT said "nazis are bad because they killed a lot of people"

I said well America has killed a lot. Are they bad?

And you (@Grape) said "well every country has done something bad so that alone shouldn't make them bad"

And if you take a close look, my statement implies your sentiment! Wow

@-Cyuu- shut the fuck up ho

You just defended nazis

He said you can't determine if they were good or bad. That's a defense of nazism

I wasn't talking about him dipshit

Do I detect retardism

I get that you're confused easily, but when one guy defended nazism and the other didn't, then I refer to a guy who defended nazis that IS identification

The fact that grape hadn't defended them IS me identifying who I was talking about

Thats irrelevant to the point of identification

It's clear who I was referring to as only one of you had spoken about that subject

How were you confused

You're getting confused again bud

Take a breather

Go jog a lap

Just you two bud

Unironically that first part tho?????

Since you're so caught up in the moral objectivism, let me ask you head on:

Do you believe the nazis were bad, good, or neither

You think that there's absolutely no objective moralism

All moral opinions can be validly debated

And there's no baseline of an inherent good or bad?

No, it's not that they follow it but that the core moral principle is true. You can be non compliant with a moral principle

You said that moral objectivism is that every living thing FOLLOWS the same moral paradigm

Also not true.

You can be a partial moral objectivist.

It says that at least some morals, ie the idea that something is right or wrong, is found outside a subjective framework. Not that every living thing follows that moral structure

If morals were subjective and his morality said not to kill, then he would still not kill

Subjective doesn't mean optional

It means not found in a fundamental principle

Jesus norman

Morals aren't the same thing as decisions

Morality is your assessment of a things "goodness" or "badness"

A subjective moral system is one where the things that shape personal, societal, and cultural morals are not inherent to the universe

Objective morality is one where morals are inherent to the universe

Not that you can choose to not follow them

You can choose to not follow objective morals as well

If you have objective morals, you can still kill

That's an incoherent word soup

@Norman is the idea that it's wrong to steal fundamental to the universe or was it given to you from society

That's the question

Not whether something is good or bad or if you should do it

You're trying to debate which actions are moral, not where morals come from

You're missing the question

Bleach and I were trying to have an adult discussion

Norman please

Put that in your philosophy thesis my guy

I'm sure they'll love it at Oxford

Ok Norman. I agree it's wrong to kill

BUT is that belief inherent to the universe

OR did society agree on it

Youre starting to debate the right question! Nice

I'm proud of you

I don't think it was justifiable morally because it happened. I'm not sure the society that it happened in found it justifiable either.

You can have immoral actions occur.

So is the question you're asking me:

If there was a society that found genocide moral, would I also find it moral?

If so, no. But your question presupposes that morals are subjective, defeating your own argument that they're objective

Because in your priori you acknowledge a society with a different moral system

No, bleach

So is the question you're asking me:

If there was a society that found genocide moral, would I also find it moral?

If so, no. But your question presupposes that morals are subjective, defeating your own argument that they're objective

Because in your priori you acknowledge a society with a different moral system

That's an impossible counter factual to answer

But do you see how you're implying that people can have alternative moral systems there?

Come on. You know that's not going to do anything. We know you're very well versed. You have to speak to the audience you have

I can believe in the moral system I was raised into and acknowledge that others won't. My personal unresponsiveness to moral situations doesn't change that it's possible to have other systems

This is the argument you keep making

Not personally

It's possible that they didn't even think so

People don't always DO moral things

This is impossible to know as I can only impart the morality I have. Speculative morality of a hypothetical person in a narrow hypothetical set of circumstances is worthless

Not only are those questions impossible to answer, answering them wouldn't benefit us in any way

That's the point

You can't

And if you say you can, it's incumbent upon you to prove that

You're saying "if society changed its moral stance, then morals would be different"

Yes. You're starting to become a subjectivist

I would because I am morally opposed to genocide

It's impossible to answer that, but sure. If I was taught and raised that that was OK and never exposed to a different Form of moral reasoning, it's likely that I would be ok with genocide

That makes sense to me

What do you mean by equal?

Correct. Do you have one? I'd like to hear it. That could be massively powerful

Before we go off into another hypo with the exact same answer, let's focus on the question we already established it leads us to

It's impossible to answer that, but sure. If I was taught and raised that that was OK and never exposed to a different Form of moral reasoning, it's likely that I would be ok with genocide

That makes sense to me

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