Message from @Japheth

Discord ID: 747534633952084069

2020-08-24 18:57:16 UTC  

by human do you mean like the physical human?

2020-08-24 18:57:46 UTC  

Your physical self is not all there is to being human, so when I read "human rank" to me I think of all dimensions of someone.

2020-08-24 18:57:50 UTC  

but then this gets interesting because if you're realyl low ranked in Satan's pathetic ass kingdom and you throw down your weapons and surrender to Lord Jesus, this is actually kinda to your benefit that you haven't gone too evil, because then you don't have that far to rebuild

2020-08-24 18:58:26 UTC  

Im not interested in talking about the abstract

2020-08-24 18:58:50 UTC  

as where if you got really far into the Satanic kingdom, for one you're way less likely to surrender to Jesus, but if you do, like wow you are going to start at square one and you have so much to rebuild

2020-08-24 18:59:26 UTC  

Yes and that plays into the spiritual self.

2020-08-24 18:59:41 UTC  

Its all you

2020-08-24 18:59:48 UTC  

One should always strive to improve the spiritual self, the mental self, and the physical self.

2020-08-24 18:59:51 UTC  

At least once a day.

2020-08-24 19:00:37 UTC  

When you make a mistake you dont say ohh thats my spiritual selfs fault not mine

2020-08-24 19:01:03 UTC  

Yes it is all you.

2020-08-24 19:01:19 UTC  

Thats like some schizophrenic mentallity to say otherwise

2020-08-24 19:03:39 UTC  

really makes me think of what we talking about yesterday in terms of the young rich man and Jesus and Jesus telling him to pretty much forsake all his worldly treasure (and thus his fairly high worldly rank) and to follow him, but the young man was sorrowful at these words for he was very rich

2020-08-24 19:04:29 UTC  

interestingly that chapter goes on and the apostles amazed at this teaching, ask about how they forsook everything to follow him

2020-08-24 19:05:37 UTC  

it makes sense, the young rich man had gone pretty far up the worldly ranks, he was very tied to it, so for him to come down from that heights makes sense how he could be sorrowful

2020-08-24 19:06:16 UTC  

but you look at like good Peter and John, well they were nothing more than fishermen before they met Jesus, so when Jesus caleld them they just forsook the world and went straight away

2020-08-24 19:06:43 UTC  

lol even left their dad behind in the boat!

2020-08-24 19:10:01 UTC  

heck even now that i think about it, there's an interesting episode in book of Acts where Peter and John are being ruthlessly interrogated by the Pharisees, and even beaten, and the Pharisees take note that John and Peter are very low ranked in the worldly kingdom, which to a degree baffles them that they have so much knowledge of God and the scriptures

2020-08-24 19:15:16 UTC  

Awesome recollection of biblical stories @Japheth I enjoyed reading it

2020-08-24 19:15:42 UTC  

The rich man was not spiritually sound, and he was given the opportunity to improve it.

2020-08-24 19:15:45 UTC  

read the stories, they're better than i can put them, i'm jsut paraphrasing off the top of my head, so it's always best to check it against the book

2020-08-24 19:15:49 UTC  

i find the chapters for you

2020-08-24 19:18:45 UTC  

Mark 1 = Calling of the disciples, notably John and Peter. Luke 18 = Young Rich Man, the Camel and the Eye of the Needle. Acts 4 = John and Peter appear before the Sanhedrin (Acts 3 chapter before this details that they healed a man, for which they are sent to trial by the priests in Acts 4)

2020-08-24 19:20:29 UTC  

do you guys have the bible bot

2020-08-24 19:20:31 UTC  

Mark 1

2020-08-24 19:20:34 UTC  

oh i guess not

2020-08-24 19:26:28 UTC  

did anyone find an answer to the rank thing?

2020-08-24 19:26:29 UTC  

wow really great stuff in Mark 1

2020-08-24 19:28:37 UTC  

Mark 1:14-18
```<14> Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, <15> And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. <16> Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. <17> And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. <18> And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him. ```

2020-08-24 19:30:08 UTC  

yea that's the chapter, and when he calls John and James they leave their father Zebedee even still in the boat!

2020-08-24 19:30:13 UTC  

that always kinda made me laugh

2020-08-24 19:30:46 UTC  

just to imagine in my head like the two brothers on a boat with their dad and Jesus show up and say come follow me and they jump out lol like I wonder what was going through ol' Zebedee's head when that happened

2020-08-24 19:31:28 UTC  

It doesnt mention him complaining or trying to stop them. Perhaps he could tell. Was sound himself of mind, spirit, and body.

2020-08-24 19:31:31 UTC  

He felt it was right.

2020-08-24 19:31:44 UTC  

but it realyl shows an itneresting point in terms of rank, i mean they were fisherman with their dad, very low ranked in the world, yet these would become even the upepr echelon of the kingdom of God, even Elders in the Apocalyptic Kingdom and their names will be written on New Jerusalem

2020-08-24 19:32:05 UTC  

Hmm i think someone who is a tradesman has a high rank in my eyes.

2020-08-24 19:32:14 UTC  

yea I guess I always assume Zebedee is a fairly good man, much like Peter's unnamed wife

2020-08-24 19:32:46 UTC  

i just think it's kinda funny like he probably wasn't mad but just imagine it was probabyl a lil funny

2020-08-24 19:32:53 UTC  

As far as the physical world goes, catching fish to feed the town or what have you. Very important task and trade.

2020-08-24 19:33:05 UTC  

They just werent so rich like the Pharisees.

2020-08-24 19:33:13 UTC  

Soul was not corrupted beyond repair.