Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 757832977995661333

2020-09-21 22:20:07 UTC  

plus the argument is that a woman is needed for representation since RBG is a woman, but this argument is nullfied imo since yea all ready have that dyke Kagana and the illegal Sotomayor

2020-09-21 22:20:27 UTC  

yea lmao

2020-09-21 22:20:33 UTC  

I don’t think gender changes or really signifies anything

2020-09-21 22:20:48 UTC  

well it definitely does, especialyl for the Supreme Court

2020-09-21 22:20:59 UTC  

> A man would be better, I had predicted in a discussion on here that the trap for Trump would be to send another woman up there. In the short term picking a woman is a decent political move that may pay off, but in the long term it's not a good idea, the woman is more likely to flip on key issues
@Japheth well put

2020-09-21 22:21:08 UTC  

in case you haven't noticed so-caleld "conservative" women usualyl aren't

2020-09-21 22:21:13 UTC  

Trump is obviously pandering to women lamo

2020-09-21 22:21:36 UTC  

it's part pandering, but part of it is ideological trap

2020-09-21 22:22:06 UTC  

Everybody likes to call Trump stupid and shit but it’s just not true whatsoever

2020-09-21 22:22:12 UTC  

like i said the high ideological argument is representation and then especialyl in replacing Ginsberg whom was not jsut a long serving female but a feminist icon

2020-09-21 22:22:28 UTC  

What does the Supreme Court even do

2020-09-21 22:22:38 UTC  

Highest court in the land is all I know

2020-09-21 22:23:30 UTC  

my strategy when we were discussing this elsewhere would be to instead nomiante a conservative black man. This fulfills some of the pomp and politics of the election, the representation argument, and if we pick wisely getting one in the mold of Clarence Thomas, insulates us against possible compromisers with the liberals

2020-09-21 22:25:07 UTC  

the Supreme Court's original function was to interpret and clarify on matters of the Constitution, but the SCOTUS in the modern era has been used as a way to force through some of the most egregious leftwing abominations namely abortion and the great blasphemy against marriage

2020-09-21 22:27:36 UTC  

this has made the SCOTUS now a key battlefield in US politics since on one hand they can be used past their bounds as unoffiicial law makers, and on the other hand to legally undo all the abominations and whoredoms perpetrated in the past half a century the conservatives have to retake the SCOTUS and overturn the madness

2020-09-21 23:08:55 UTC  


2020-09-21 23:20:42 UTC  

BQ answer: President Trump should appoint whoever he decides is the best choice to preserve the Constitution and the country, regardless of sex. It does seem he's leaning towards a woman so when the leftists start shrieking, he can call them sexist like when JLP trolls liberals and calls them racist.

2020-09-22 01:57:46 UTC  

Kanye and Trump?

2020-09-22 01:57:56 UTC  

Kanye would get the black vote

2020-09-22 02:06:05 UTC  

The birthday party Kanye West baby

2020-09-22 05:17:41 UTC  


2020-09-22 06:08:09 UTC  


2020-09-22 07:34:04 UTC  

You need to focus on keeping the White vote.

Also it should be a man for the SCOTUS. No more women in the courts.

2020-09-22 07:36:38 UTC  

No pandering with a black guy or a Mexican or Asian justice. Let's be real and understand what we need. Tbh kavanaugh wasn't even that good of a pick. He's a beta male. There must be one strong non female POC who can get the job done.

2020-09-22 08:31:05 UTC  

@scarlett bear hey chief

2020-09-22 08:31:19 UTC  

this you?

2020-09-22 08:31:19 UTC  
2020-09-22 09:08:18 UTC  

you don't have to pander with a black guy, just pick one that is actualyl conservative and will not flip flop

2020-09-22 09:11:34 UTC  

but i think that Trump will probably be dead set on picking a woman, i am sure his advisors have mal-advised him on this matter. It makes sense in the short term as a political manuever, it's just taking the long view it's very often women turn or end up compromising with the left

2020-09-22 10:41:12 UTC  

great input champ. as usual. but it needs to be a man. Trump has to make that choice unapologetically.

2020-09-22 10:42:19 UTC  

i agree, but i think he will at least try to push a woman first

2020-09-22 10:46:01 UTC  

Even if many people think it would be dangerous, i believe that if Trump would be more conservative on the social stuff, he would have more support.

2020-09-22 10:46:58 UTC  

I'd like that, but I don't think most of society is like that, in fact they're quite the opposite

2020-09-22 10:48:45 UTC  

i'm not so sure about that. I think a lot of people aren't on board with the social degeneracy and chaos we've seen over the past couple years. They're not so vocal about it.

2020-09-22 10:48:54 UTC  

It's just me trying to be positive lol

2020-09-22 10:50:20 UTC  

i think they're pretty degenerate, or at least the majority of society. the degenerates just don't like eachother, they're a mixed up kingdom that does not cleave together

2020-09-22 10:51:13 UTC  

but it's good to be positive, it's a dark age, but it's not totally over yet which means that there still must be some good left

2020-09-22 10:51:20 UTC  

there's some truth to that. The states aren't so united are they

2020-09-22 10:52:56 UTC  

well i mean the society, particularly the fallen state, the degenerates. The whores just don't get along with eachother, a spiritual Jerry Springer Show

2020-09-22 15:28:05 UTC  

> this you?
@Trey not me

2020-09-22 15:29:01 UTC