Message from @Japheth

Discord ID: 759503658756079666

2020-09-25 00:52:45 UTC  

which when coming into conflict this is where the more militaristic people came in, and of course in times of hardship and war military type law has to come into effect simply for survival

2020-09-25 00:53:32 UTC  

Israel was supposed to be a light unto the nation's, but if she can't even take care of her own, I don't expect much. Generally I deal with men of my own stock but I try to make my advice useful for anyone. Black, white, Asian. What you see in this country is being orchestrated by godless elite and Pharisees so they can subdue the west and thus use the military and financial prowess of our nation's to subjugate the world. Many are going to perish being caught in this game. These people pushing "civil rights" are nothing more than agitators. They get you riled up to attack one another and they use that to put their people in power. They're not on your side. They invite you here, garnish money from taxpayers who are mostly white, and give these people lavish welfare to perpetuate the madness. Anyone with any sense left in them has ascertained by now this isn't sustainable. The damages are already done. The right wing is controlled by these same people. You can't vote yourself out of this mess. Only God can get you out of this mess and he left us with a direction, which was to identify Babylon, leave it, and then go "into the wilderness where he has prepared a place for you." Various locations in the US already have black, white, homogenous communities that are far away from the savagery going on downtown and I would link up with them and get something going for you. Start with the basics. God bless

2020-09-25 00:54:02 UTC  

well that's part of the thing too that some of the settlements weren't even called colonies until later on in retrospect, after they became subject to britain

2020-09-25 00:55:44 UTC  

but i hear what you're saying

2020-09-25 00:56:55 UTC  

yea but they were still subjects of britain (or france or spain depending where they were) they weren't independent nations, but i mean you're still right in terms of religion being in America's foundation, it's simply inseparable from America's history and culture

2020-09-25 00:56:56 UTC  

i know he's a bit popular and worn out but even john winthrop helped give early american settlers a reputation for being a uniquely Christian nation

2020-09-25 00:57:28 UTC  

"religion being in America's foundation, it's simply inseparable from America's history and culture" yea for me this is the important part

2020-09-25 00:57:48 UTC  

people today want to try to twist our history to make it sound like we're supposed to be inherently secular

2020-09-25 00:58:54 UTC  

even with the foundation of the USA proper religion was still important, obviously the whole idea of the Declaration of Independence is derived from the notion that God grants man rights, this shows through in the Constitution which merely puts rules on the government and not the People like some think, and of course the Treaty of Paris

2020-09-25 01:02:34 UTC  


2020-09-25 01:02:41 UTC  

good talk, i gotta do something quick

2020-09-25 01:02:50 UTC  

yea have a good one

2020-09-26 02:39:38 UTC  

it should be a man; but its gonna be a woman. luckily its not going to be a wyman.

2020-09-26 12:17:35 UTC  

Tomorrow is Day of Atonement.

2020-09-26 19:48:03 UTC  

President Donald J Trump of the United States of America will go live in about an hour and a half to answer this week's biblical question

2020-09-26 19:53:23 UTC  

i wonder if Jesse will call Trump beta if he ends up picking a woman.

2020-09-26 19:53:59 UTC  

lol no Jesse too loyal

2020-09-26 19:55:14 UTC  

and in fairness it's a good election powerplay really, it has as predicted been able to really fuck with the dems, but yea in the long run, it looks like a bad move if you actualyl care about the SCOTUS

2020-09-26 19:55:55 UTC  

plus it's kind of a gamble, even though i thhink Trump will win there is still a fair chance he could lose in which case whoever his nominee is they would not be beholden to him in anyways if he does not also win the election

2020-09-26 19:56:23 UTC  

but that makes it a good political move too, forces his base to want the full red slide and they should, they shoudl fight for it

2020-09-26 19:58:47 UTC  

really Biden fucked up bad on that issue, and with only a few days until the first debate at that, very weak him not proposing his own alternative judge or even use the opportuntiy to promote some of his Swamp allies, on just thie SCOTUS issue alone Trump has a lot of ammo to go into Tuesday's debate with

2020-09-26 19:58:52 UTC  

it's gonna be good

2020-09-26 19:59:52 UTC  

lol Biden might stroke out on national TV if Trump really wants to turn him up

2020-09-26 20:45:10 UTC  

live stroke would be awesome

2020-09-28 18:30:49 UTC  

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: BREAK GLASS CEILING ... Here's this week's biblical question! ***What is the glass ceiling and why does it need to be broken?*** @everyone

2020-09-28 18:31:06 UTC  


2020-09-28 18:31:18 UTC  

We need to make it a concrete ceiling

2020-09-28 18:32:02 UTC  

its the firmament, its still in collective culture and memory of man

2020-09-28 18:32:12 UTC  

one cant break the glass ceiling, nimrod tried...

2020-09-28 18:33:59 UTC  


2020-09-28 18:34:12 UTC  

The glass ceiling is an external abstract scapegoat for women’s inability to achieve the same level of excellence as men

2020-09-28 18:34:45 UTC  

At the highest of levels, the spaces that exist are male

2020-09-28 18:35:53 UTC  

2020-09-28 18:36:08 UTC  

Gen 1:6

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

2020-09-28 18:36:15 UTC  

Gen 1:7

And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

2020-09-28 18:36:24 UTC  

Gen 1:8

And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

2020-09-28 18:36:35 UTC  

Gen 1:14

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

2020-09-28 18:36:42 UTC  

Gen 1:15

And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

2020-09-28 18:36:50 UTC  

Gen 1:17

And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

2020-09-28 18:36:59 UTC  

Gen 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.