K a i s e r

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The Bible is very clear on immigration. Read Exodus 23, Ezra 10:11. Our current immigration system is Babelesque, meant to weaponize tribal factions and break down the traditional family to make people pawns of the state.

Deuteronomy 7 is also very clear on this. The word of God stands in direct opposition to this sodomist, miscegenation, mass immigration to break down the natural barriers of national sovereignty and create a globalist tyranny.

It's due time we treated the Trotskyite infection of the right wing like the traitors, subverters, and agents of a foreign power that they are.

The advantage of the Rotherham is a more correct translation. The 1560 Geneva is the basis for most modern bibles, predecessor to the KJV 1611.

It is also the Bible that most protestant pilgrims used.

If your goal is to crunch in study, the entire Bible is available in audio on YouTube.

While it doesn't violate their Talmudic terms of service anyways ;-)

People who don't have enough agency to own a clump of dirt should not be making decisions for others.

I'll take a step further and say people not willing to take a bullet for this country also should not be writing it's laws

Because also like the retard who can't manage his own territory isn't qualified to run mine. Thanks

It's fine to disagree. We aren't going to be in same country for much longer xD

Now that is one bloodsucking commie snake I won't miss. I'm sure Trump will promptly replace her with another egalitarian buffoon so don't get too excited.

People are going to find out again, the hard way, why God separated the races that they might seek him and improve upon internal policies, rather than engaging in 4th generation tribe warfare so the childless satanic demagogues can rule the planet.

I have zero intentions of salvaging this system. We're going to watch it burn and redefine our borders.

Good luck saving a nation that God plans to destroy. You claim colour doesn't matter but mixed racial and tribal elements were the dominant factor in balkanizing every major empire, many major wars, and carving out civilization.

Better read the Bible and stop talking about it. Solomon went down this road and was rebuked by the prophets for meddling with foreigners thinking everyone can just get along and serve God. In the end his kingdom was destroyed over it.

Early Christians in this country were granted liberty for their resolve and faithfulness, and years later those blessings became your god. Had you listened in the first place you wouldn't have lost them

And the people weeping over her today will perish with her tomorrow.

It's perfectly fine to like other races and do good things for them but you have an obligation to your own people and to obey God's directives and those who do not will bring curses upon themselves. This society is cursed and it shall be so until it is dissolved.

While you still have time, leave the cities and become self sustaining, and extend that to your direct homogenous community. Take a chapter from the Mormons on this one. Then you will be equipped to weather the famine, plague, and war that is coming. Maybe, just maybe you'll end up with a decent country of your own.

Nehemiah is also quite clear on this. This is a repetitive ordinance in both Deuteronomy and Leviticus. Egalitarians are arrogant in thinking that their philosophy can compete with a force like tribalism. As a result, every multicultural city in America and the world over is practically a no-go zone. Funny, how it doesn't seem to be a problem in nation's and countries that are for the most part homogenous. At some point need to accept that races have indelible lines of distinction, in terms of culture, intelligence, and temperance and when you merge them all together this is the end result. There is more than enough room for people to get along and have a home, and this neoliberal agenda is nothing more than Satan's power grab.

What was it Isaiah said that the Lord will flood her with foreigners to winnow her, and they will all flee in terror to their homelands when she comes down?

Nehemiah chastised Israel for this.

Mixing things together is a perversion of nature and it always has been the handiwork of satan

Tell me can anyone show me the good fruits brought forth from the arrogance of the egalitarian? I'm not seeing it

I would leave these cities and find a rural spot with men and women of your own kind. This is a big place, and create a community for yourself. Learn to take care of one another because it won't be long before this show is over.

2020 was a warning shot. A small taste of things to come.

The further away from Sodom and Gomorrah you get the better

Israel was supposed to be a light unto the nation's, but if she can't even take care of her own, I don't expect much. Generally I deal with men of my own stock but I try to make my advice useful for anyone. Black, white, Asian. What you see in this country is being orchestrated by godless elite and Pharisees so they can subdue the west and thus use the military and financial prowess of our nation's to subjugate the world. Many are going to perish being caught in this game. These people pushing "civil rights" are nothing more than agitators. They get you riled up to attack one another and they use that to put their people in power. They're not on your side. They invite you here, garnish money from taxpayers who are mostly white, and give these people lavish welfare to perpetuate the madness. Anyone with any sense left in them has ascertained by now this isn't sustainable. The damages are already done. The right wing is controlled by these same people. You can't vote yourself out of this mess. Only God can get you out of this mess and he left us with a direction, which was to identify Babylon, leave it, and then go "into the wilderness where he has prepared a place for you." Various locations in the US already have black, white, homogenous communities that are far away from the savagery going on downtown and I would link up with them and get something going for you. Start with the basics. God bless

This kid has the best defense money can buy, keeping supporting and pray for this young man.

The prescedent being set is a very dangerous one if he loses it is a pretext for war. When there becomes no political or judicial recourse for defending your life, home, family from Marxist terrorists you leave people with no option than to fight.

A former marine killed himself a couple days ago because the same thing happened to him. Not everyone is suicidal and let's just say it's not a good thing that the only rational response to this ordeal is becoming exacting a pound of flesh from the state

Imagine thinking that the millions of nuttjobs that are one foot in antifa, if not there already can be salvaged and reeducated short of a major epiphany. My guess is the state will capitulate until this escalates into suburbs and rural areas, and at that point the national guard will have to intervene and if you're in a city, you're probably going to die from starvation or conflict.

I'm honestly surprised one side hasn't just unloaded on a crowd of the other by now or started an all out war with the police.

So again, get out of Babylon while you still can.

Rumour is that podesta suggested that cali, orgeon, and Washington should attempt to seceed if they lose the next election. The best thing that can happen would be allowing them to do it. If you don't, guaranteed you will be fighting those people physically at some point.

Too many people with irreconcilable differences that don't have enough sense to go separate ways

Hell, even if you do they'll try to corrupt the new place.

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