Message from @亜當

Discord ID: 769628668611002399

2020-10-20 00:25:43 UTC  

i believe it depends on the weakness. if the weakness is a sin or desire to do something sinful then you shouldn't love that. if it's just something you're not as good at as someone else like teaching or leading worship and God called you to do other things then you should love that aspect of yourself and not be envious of others' talents.

2020-10-20 05:14:11 UTC  

@亜當 I agree with the sentiment, but the reason why I asked that question, is because I try to go to church last Sunday and when i went there I saw people sitting six feet a part from each other, everybody was wearing a mask and many people weren't allowed in because it was "max" capacity. when the communion happened people were picking up the bread on a special table and the part where you wish peace to your fellow church goers was pretty much cancelled because no touching stay six feet a part and there was no holy water. It felt wrong to me and after that i felt like it was a break of tradition. i tried to talk to the minister afterwards, but they told me that for my own safety is better if i do it online. That was not the church experience i knew.

2020-10-20 05:31:48 UTC  

If a weakness leads you to sin you should not love it but rebuke it, repent and ask the holy spirit to enable you to overcome it. @Sean 🏜 voiced my exact sentiment so I will leave it at that.

2020-10-20 11:39:17 UTC  


2020-10-20 20:27:52 UTC  

i mean as long as it helps you get over your homosexual urges I dont see anything wrong

2020-10-20 21:04:17 UTC  

yes it is weak

2020-10-21 11:17:18 UTC  


2020-10-21 11:33:00 UTC  

What dah

2020-10-21 19:43:28 UTC  

What do Romans preach in the bible? ( Since when they are authority when it comes to knowing one God ?) thanks

2020-10-21 21:03:03 UTC  

If your weakness is money and prosperity then give into it

2020-10-21 22:13:49 UTC  

That sounds like something the rich young man from Matthew 19 would say, Railer.

2020-10-21 22:19:06 UTC  

BQ answer: You shouldn't really love or hate weaknesses, maybe be grateful if you have a weakness to overcome (i think everyone develops at least one these days before they overcome), so that you can become stronger through that experience.

2020-10-22 06:43:31 UTC  

all your answers sound whack so much self hatred and loathing just fucking do something with your lives. This whi i fucking hate society people alwasys just cpomplaining and not doing anything. Arguing what is good or what bad. what is right or what is wrong. No action just words. politicians complaining about other parties on both sides when theyre not doing shit like their doing something. Do a little inductive reasoning with your lives

2020-10-23 00:11:34 UTC  

It seems I may need to be a mod on this server

2020-10-23 22:42:40 UTC  

Why am I in the WHITE MOUF group? I'm not white. 😐

2020-10-23 22:43:11 UTC  

He white

2020-10-23 22:43:19 UTC  

Haha nah

2020-10-23 22:47:50 UTC  

x) x)

2020-10-24 14:04:52 UTC  

i wanna ask a biblical question!! haha

2020-10-24 14:09:57 UTC  

if you died today and stood before the Messiah in heaven and was asked WHY should you be allowed in, what would your answer be??

2020-10-24 18:29:33 UTC  

> He white
> @Stephen Will I am not white. The political correct term is to call me pale face.

2020-10-24 18:30:02 UTC  


2020-10-25 04:34:37 UTC  

Malachi 4:6
6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

2020-10-26 17:37:12 UTC  

***__ How does one develop true faith? __*** is this week's biblical question! @everyone

2020-10-27 00:58:32 UTC  

By putting the one true God above all things. Trust truth.

2020-10-27 03:57:37 UTC  

You start with the little faith you have, the size of a mustard seed, and you take action. Try it for yourself and do what Jesus commanded, like forgiving others, get rid of all anger, hold every thought captive. Even if you have next to no faith at all, if you try these things, you're seeking God. And if you seek God, he will reveal himself. True faith is there when you find yourself seeking, and witnessing yourself growing stronger in the truth. And over time you start to realize that these things you were worried about before don't scare you like they used to. God's peace and strength is so staggering, and when it becomes a part of you, you'll never be the same, it's like being a new person.

2020-10-27 03:59:59 UTC  

starting with the Truth is probably a pretty good place to start in building the True Faith

2020-10-28 19:32:12 UTC  

oh boy

2020-10-28 23:59:03 UTC  

@gorgonzhola I believe if one does not follow the mind but the heart instead, it will encourage actions of Faith.

2020-10-30 18:00:02 UTC  

> if you died today and stood before the Messiah in heaven and was asked WHY should you be allowed in, what would your answer be??
@Shalom You wouldn't dare ask to come in, seeing Christ you instantly see yourself in comparison to him and you know you aren't deserving of anything and you can see he will not be moved by your pleading

2020-10-30 18:00:38 UTC  

haha least someone answered it

2020-10-30 18:05:03 UTC  

> **__*Is it good to love your weakness?*__**
I know Jesse already answered this, but I haven't heard his answer yet so I want to give my interepretaton.
Loving your weaknesses is to love the darkness within and its your love for the darkness that keeps you from seeking God and allowing him to clean you out. So, no you shouldn't love your weaknesses, but you also don't have the ability to change the darkness in your heart and its up you to open yourself up to God's light and the love for your weaknesses will be swept away just like the darkness can't endure the light.

2020-10-30 18:05:40 UTC  

i do believe there is one answer and one answer only to this question, but i cant disagree with what you said

2020-10-30 18:10:04 UTC  

@Shalom what is Jesse's answer to this one?

2020-10-30 18:11:09 UTC  

no idea tbh, never heard someone ask him this, and never heard him ask another so

2020-10-30 18:24:05 UTC  

> ***__ How does one develop true faith? __***
i had another thought on this from earlier...
- Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
- so it comes from hearing the word of God. then the next verse:
- (v. 18) "But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world."
- So it's not just by hearing a physical word of God (like what we have with the Bible), but it's also by listening to God's Word as revealed across the whole world, which is related to what I believe Jesse talks about with the "kingdom of heaven" being "within" our hearts.
- then finally (v. 19) "But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you."
- so even people who have been given a physical and clear revelation of God's word (like the children of Israel in their Hebrew Bible) can lose faith, and in so doing be provoked to jealousy and wrath when they see Gentile nations listening to God's word as written in their hearts and not by the book.

2020-11-01 23:38:12 UTC  

***__What does the cross symbolize to you?__*** well??? @everyone (sorry posted it in the wrong section earlier)

2020-11-01 23:38:31 UTC  

Jesus paying the fine for our sin.

2020-11-01 23:38:34 UTC  


2020-11-01 23:38:42 UTC  

It's a slightly raised t so the horizontal line means it's all encompassing and since its raised its above humanity. Sort of like an embrace also

2020-11-01 23:43:34 UTC  

It is the ultimate symbol of love. Sacraficial love which is the purest of all things anyone can do. It reminds us what Jesus did for us so that we can return the favour and love him as he loves us!