Message from @亜當

Discord ID: 767894205665771571

2020-10-15 19:56:43 UTC  


2020-10-15 21:48:58 UTC  

Jesus didn't say what is in the question, but Jesus did say that "many are called but few are chosen" and this quote is fairly close to the principle of the question. The quote comes from Matthew 22 after Jesus describes in a parable the nature of the end of the world and the Kingdom of God.

In the parable a king arranges a marriage for his son. First the king sends his servants to summon his people that were invited to the wedding, but his people laugh this off, or go about their business and the remnant of the people treat the servants badly and even slay some of the servants.

The king then says that those that were previously invited were not worthy, but the wedding is still ready to be had and in need of guests. So the king directs his servants to go into the highways and the cities and call the commonpeople to the wedding that it might have guests. So the servants go out and call in people both good and bad to the wedding that is might have guests.

Finally at the wedding there is a person that is wearing shabby clothes not fit for a wedding. The king says to him "how did you come here without proper wedding clothes?" The man is speechless and so the king directs the servants to bind the man and throw him out into outer darkness where there will be much weeping and gnashing of the teeth.

Jesus concludes the parable saying "for many are called, but few are chosen."

2020-10-18 05:51:28 UTC  

Why is Jesse using the Gospel of Thomas as a reference? I thought KJV is made and God wouldn’t altered his word nor take things out of it. Surely God wouldn’t make changes if he knew it would be against the other scriptures and many would seek him by understanding his teachings, I don’t trust this Gospel of Thomas

2020-10-19 04:53:22 UTC  

i know this is not a biblical question but i must ask it - is social distancing and mask wearing something that god would want

2020-10-19 23:00:32 UTC  

**__*Is it good to love your weakness?*__** NEW BIB Q PEEPS @everyone

2020-10-19 23:01:16 UTC  

no you gotta overcome. We are only weak because of adam and eve giving into satan. God wants us to be perfect.

2020-10-19 23:01:20 UTC  

Depends on what you mean by love

2020-10-19 23:01:29 UTC  

You shouldn’t love your weakness but try to make it into a strength

2020-10-19 23:01:46 UTC  

weaknesses dont exist

2020-10-19 23:02:22 UTC  

I dont even acknowledge it until you bring it up.

2020-10-19 23:02:33 UTC  

You shouldn't love your weakness, because you will just stay in the exact spot with no progress in your development as a human being.

2020-10-19 23:04:41 UTC  

I have no weaknesses. I literally cannot relate so imma pass this one.

2020-10-19 23:06:53 UTC  

yes, I am proud of being a femboy that's domed by women

2020-10-19 23:07:32 UTC  

If you suck at speaking try and speak more and turn that weakness into a strength. Knowing your weakness is the first step to becoming a stronger person. Anyone who says they have no weakness is a liar because we all have things were good at and bad at. So find your weakness and work on it until your the weak point is no more. Once your fully strong no one can put bring you down doesn’t matter if you’re a man or woman. You’ll be who you want to be!

2020-10-19 23:22:02 UTC  

Every aspect of you was created and intended by God, embrace yourself, love yourself, so long as you do so without arrogance or narcissism, but in humility and reverence of Gods creation.

2020-10-19 23:25:26 UTC  

> i know this is not a biblical question but i must ask it - is social distancing and mask wearing something that god would want
@Cybercharger No. God works through humans because we are a piece of god. The energy glowing inside us that drives all lives and stars has a direct link to the creator. Fear mongering, hate mongering, and wanting to control others is the disease of the human ego which we have not evolved past. The counteraction to what nature instills in us. The reason we know when something is wrong, but can push morals aside to hurt others or create more fear and hate.

As long as humans exist there will be chaos, but we should not condone or create it as a society. It exists in nature already.

It is a collective consciousness where people are trying to destroy the balance for control.

2020-10-19 23:26:32 UTC  

yes it is good to love your weaknesses, because that is how you will overcome your weaknesses. If you can love yourself for being weak you can forgive yourself for being weak and thus overcome your weakness

2020-10-19 23:31:33 UTC  

kind of in the same vein as the precept of showing true love to your father for being too weak to handle your mother, forgiving him, and thus overcoming his weakness (and mama's damage also) all in one. Same process can apply to yourself as well.

2020-10-19 23:33:18 UTC  

YES, it is good to love your weakness! God will do the rest because he is of love. Satan is of hate.

2020-10-19 23:37:25 UTC  

It is good to talk to yourself in your mind and not focus on your senses. Everyone has pieces to us like a puzzle. a collaboration of energy that stores information. If you can hear your other self speak you will know your flaws. Self-reflection is extremely important.

2020-10-19 23:39:51 UTC  

big kiss from a big guy to JLP

2020-10-20 00:17:18 UTC  

Its not good or bad to love your weakness. Its good to acknowledge the weaknesses and love the fact that you can see it.

2020-10-20 00:25:43 UTC  

i believe it depends on the weakness. if the weakness is a sin or desire to do something sinful then you shouldn't love that. if it's just something you're not as good at as someone else like teaching or leading worship and God called you to do other things then you should love that aspect of yourself and not be envious of others' talents.

2020-10-20 05:14:11 UTC  

@亜當 I agree with the sentiment, but the reason why I asked that question, is because I try to go to church last Sunday and when i went there I saw people sitting six feet a part from each other, everybody was wearing a mask and many people weren't allowed in because it was "max" capacity. when the communion happened people were picking up the bread on a special table and the part where you wish peace to your fellow church goers was pretty much cancelled because no touching stay six feet a part and there was no holy water. It felt wrong to me and after that i felt like it was a break of tradition. i tried to talk to the minister afterwards, but they told me that for my own safety is better if i do it online. That was not the church experience i knew.

2020-10-20 05:31:48 UTC  

If a weakness leads you to sin you should not love it but rebuke it, repent and ask the holy spirit to enable you to overcome it. @Sean 🏜 voiced my exact sentiment so I will leave it at that.

2020-10-20 11:39:17 UTC  


2020-10-20 20:27:52 UTC  

i mean as long as it helps you get over your homosexual urges I dont see anything wrong

2020-10-20 21:04:17 UTC  

yes it is weak

2020-10-21 11:17:18 UTC  


2020-10-21 11:33:00 UTC  

What dah

2020-10-21 19:43:28 UTC  

What do Romans preach in the bible? ( Since when they are authority when it comes to knowing one God ?) thanks

2020-10-21 21:03:03 UTC  

If your weakness is money and prosperity then give into it

2020-10-21 22:13:49 UTC  

That sounds like something the rich young man from Matthew 19 would say, Railer.

2020-10-21 22:19:06 UTC  

BQ answer: You shouldn't really love or hate weaknesses, maybe be grateful if you have a weakness to overcome (i think everyone develops at least one these days before they overcome), so that you can become stronger through that experience.

2020-10-22 06:43:31 UTC  

all your answers sound whack so much self hatred and loathing just fucking do something with your lives. This whi i fucking hate society people alwasys just cpomplaining and not doing anything. Arguing what is good or what bad. what is right or what is wrong. No action just words. politicians complaining about other parties on both sides when theyre not doing shit like their doing something. Do a little inductive reasoning with your lives

2020-10-23 00:11:34 UTC  

It seems I may need to be a mod on this server

2020-10-23 22:42:40 UTC  

Why am I in the WHITE MOUF group? I'm not white. 😐

2020-10-23 22:43:11 UTC  

He white

2020-10-23 22:43:19 UTC  

Haha nah

2020-10-23 22:47:50 UTC  

x) x)