Message from @VirtualizingReality

Discord ID: 793217923157196822

2020-12-21 20:30:22 UTC  

It means that there are very little righteous people that it seems like none are out there but indeed those righteous ones are of God

2020-12-21 20:30:22 UTC  

Jesus is the only righteous one but those in Jesus redeemed by his blood become righteous only through Jesus though. He is the only way truth and the life.

2020-12-21 20:30:55 UTC  

the bible is a fairy tale and jesus was a schizo

2020-12-21 20:40:48 UTC  

Being right means you’re right wing you silly ape

2020-12-21 22:20:30 UTC  

In the end and the great Revealing of the Father's face every eye shall see and every knee will be made to bow and every tongue will be made to confess that he is God.

2020-12-21 22:57:29 UTC  

Only the righteous and eventually those calling out to God to get out of their fallen state are open to receiving God's love and wisdom, the people of the world turn a blind eye to Him and instead embrace satan's way of life and way of thinking.

2020-12-22 00:54:49 UTC  

God doesn't want evil people in heaven so he will divide the unrighteous from the righteous. Human beings can only be so righteous so how exactly he will divide us I have no idea.

2020-12-22 02:27:52 UTC  

Would you consider it righteous to celebrate pagan holidays? When we are told to be apart from that.

2020-12-22 04:25:46 UTC  

Does it even say we will see God? I'm pretty sure nobody can see him and live, other than Jesus

2020-12-22 04:32:01 UTC  

yes we will see God, that is to say the Father, this is the culminating moment of the Apocalypse, the Revelation, and the reason that prophecy is called what it is. And all the creation will perish by fire at the revealing of his glorious face

2020-12-22 19:05:12 UTC  

It means true believers will see and feel the energy of God, people who do not believe cannot experience the blessing and strength. Although we fall he will re-ignite that fire within our belly's and give us the strength to carry on and have faith no matter what happens in our lives.

2020-12-22 21:04:56 UTC  

that's racist and shall make the diluted ones feel good

2020-12-22 21:07:20 UTC  

If you are not a man of god you will be banished to hell for eternity where demon midgets will ass rape you

2020-12-22 21:11:42 UTC  

If you are not a man of god you will be banished to hell for eternity where demon midgets will ass rape you

2020-12-22 21:43:04 UTC  

This means that only a man who has given up the temptations of the world and who seeks God in solitude and constant prayer will be worthy of His attention.

2020-12-24 02:19:33 UTC  

None but the "righteous" means; people ***being*** correct not just ***knowing*** correct, only then you shall see!<:jesus:476412546514157598>

2020-12-25 19:11:22 UTC  


2020-12-25 20:44:19 UTC  

What makes one righteous in the eyes of God is what we should be asking first

2020-12-28 20:43:43 UTC  

***__What is the work of the flesh and what causes it?__*** @everyone

2020-12-28 20:44:14 UTC  

answer to both is SLUTS

2020-12-28 20:44:50 UTC  

the bible is a fairy tale and jesus was a schizo

2020-12-28 20:45:05 UTC  

Trauma right?

2020-12-28 20:46:29 UTC  

Work of the flesh is the will of Satan. The cause of the flesh's work is the powers of darkness (Galatians 5)

2020-12-28 20:47:57 UTC  

The bible is a historical codex, with the highest degree of accuracy amongst any other historical text from it's time period.

2020-12-28 21:13:51 UTC  

The human being has a choice. Live according to the spirit within and live according to the body. Living with a spirit bears fruit of joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. Living with the desires of the body brings sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. The choice is the reason.

2020-12-29 00:55:40 UTC  

Immoral acts carried out by people of the world, anywhere from sexual deviancy to murder and many other things. They're caused by having your back turned to God and instead being under satan's influence. Symptoms of being in the fallen state

2020-12-29 09:05:17 UTC  

You talk of choice. In the fallen state there is no choice as there is no consciousness. By that I mean who would choose to suffer if they could see their own demise? Who would not choose light if they were shown what darkness would bring. There is no choice. We act on the spirit that dwells within. You are either doing good or evil. You’re life is given gifts of either good or evil. Everything of good is given by God. The choice is not a choice. It is an illusion of choice. An illusion of free will.

2020-12-29 16:36:10 UTC  

The flesh is not of the light while the spirit is

2020-12-30 21:38:53 UTC  

Him the work of a fresh interesting biblical question I have to think on that one

2020-12-31 22:26:54 UTC  

*I am going to put a science-fiction spin on this:* Let's say the flesh represents the spacesuit given by God, one is the TANK endures all things and the other is the SUPPORT ensuring back up and refreshments!! We as the soul of our father get to pilot one Suit each, able to thrive across various planets, united. Equipped with top notch energy converters and binary sensors allowing you to stay out of harms way. However, here is the cause and condition, the works of the flesh. In the start your suit will have a memory wipe and all that is known will be unknown and we all have to blindly learn the ways of the world to find our true-selves back to God. ALL your sensory-systems will be tested through all the 'wordly' symptoms possible keeping you in a forgotten state, but you are encouraged to remember which lies deep in your DNA, a hidden safety switch because God is smart! Sit still and look within, the world will have you kill each other before it will allow you to remember, because it wants the God-code hidden in your Suit. The world is from Satan, and we are from God. Remember.

2021-01-01 01:20:16 UTC  

work of the flesh is knowingly doing wrong and what causes it is playing God and ego

2021-01-02 06:23:28 UTC  

The work of the flesh is worldly that profits us nothing and our thoughts/ego causes us to do worldly fleshly things which is against our self, God’s image.

2021-01-04 23:05:56 UTC  

Happy New Year people! First biblical question of the year, ***__God said salvation is of the heart, what does that mean?__*** @everyone

2021-01-04 23:10:46 UTC  

That God can see inside your heart and you cannot hide anything from him.
So basically being genuine and having everything you do come from the heart.
A true Blasphemer is someone who knows they are mocking God.

2021-01-04 23:12:41 UTC  

jesus was a schizo and the bible is a fairy tale

2021-01-04 23:28:19 UTC  

The Kingdom of God is within us all, and when we believe in God, we trust and love Him with all our heart, soul, and might, and get our salvation through Him.

2021-01-04 23:43:11 UTC  

The spirit strengthens the heart and mind while the mind strengthens the heart and body. You cannot be at peace in your heart unless you let go of the past, accept the present, and do not hope or fear for the future. What he is referring to, most religious people die and never see. Jesus is simply one person of hundreds and thousands who found the energy in him and he used wisdom to teach others who were lost with low self-esteems or wanted to change their life. Magical powers are for fairy tail books and adults should be mature enough to realize that. When you fix your problems from within during self reflection and are humble your energy literally shows its self to you . You can see the direct link to god as if it is an object in front of you. Hence the aura around the head in all religious drawings. I feel bad for those who preach, but have never felt, seen, or heard the connection.

People tried to pull the same fairy tale lies with all eastern faith. If people consider eastern faiths lies they are insulting the very religion they practice by condoning the opposite of self-reflection and humbleness. You are not supposed to give into illusion because it damages your heart and mind.

Sorry to beak it to you all, but dragons and magical powers do not exist among normal men. You can pray and wish as much as you want. If you are guided by illusion your heart and mind will be corrupted. It is impossible to have a pure heart. That is why religious people live in fear. They are literally crippled by fear so they never learn or grow up.

2021-01-05 00:24:01 UTC  

So that's ot the biblical question is ... God said

2021-01-05 00:25:01 UTC  

I guess that could have so many answers

2021-01-05 00:28:13 UTC  

But I guess I'll take the easy way out and result to bible thumpin and say .....God said let there be light

2021-01-05 00:31:33 UTC  

The heart believes, if we believe in Christ we get salvation. Therefore, salvation depends on whether or not we accept salvation by heart.