Message from @J_G_
Discord ID: 729784112847782431
i just dont know if women are equal to men
it seems like they are not
They are close
Not in the court system
Kanye tryna split the liberal votes so Trump can win
<:ama:538378494565154818> <:zin:538378494158176277>
the segragationist blacks with NFAC in Georgia are talking about they want to be given their own land. What's interesting to note is that Africa is the largest continent in the known universe and if they can't find land there, they won't find it anywhere.
give me some land too
I'd like some free land please, and more privilege.
Same here JG
Why doesn't BLM go back to Africa? They hate it here anyway
Dudes and dudettes!!! In case anyone's missed it, Terry Crews has taken the red pill!!! His Twitter is lit!!!
@Richmondbread BLM has been exposed for what they are and that is a camouflaged Marxist LGBT eugenics movement
search Discord for GIFs over there on the right side. Button looks like this:
then type in "white power" and hit enter
They are doing the work of Satan
if you haven't seen uncle tom yet
go see it NOW
🔥 <:ama:538378494565154818> <:zin:538378494158176277>
Black boy was disowned by his family on his birthday because he support Trump and doesn't support black lives matter. The disease of hated is real on the left.
This is how horrible conspiracy theorist or Qanon type people are they think Obama is dead they think Tom Hanks is dead and so on I could go on but it's so lame
u aint kno obama wuz really osama?
Is Q mostly for Boomers?
in my last marriage
i put woman over man
i worshipped her and her pussy