Message from @Repeat

Discord ID: 787222950397870101

2020-12-12 04:53:20 UTC  

They are different entities

2020-12-12 04:54:35 UTC  

How realistic is the idea that SCOTUS caved to threats of court packing?

2020-12-12 04:55:11 UTC  

I think this is not the case they were waiting to rule on. Has to be right.

2020-12-12 04:55:21 UTC  

You mean how realistic is Trumps claims 24 scotus justices will be added?

2020-12-12 04:55:43 UTC  

Post this once daily

2020-12-12 04:56:09 UTC  

Thanks for the help

2020-12-12 04:56:14 UTC  

I think I've posted this 3 times just today

2020-12-12 04:56:32 UTC  

Good job. Thanks for supporting Trump

2020-12-12 04:57:11 UTC  

Is kinda sad Trump is defrauding poor retirees during a pandemic he wont help with 🤷 💩

2020-12-12 04:57:12 UTC  

be sure to send him double ... because I'm not sending him a dime

2020-12-12 04:57:45 UTC  

No need for you to send. Just keep spreading the word. That’s your part

2020-12-12 05:02:04 UTC  

any time ... folks want to send their hard earned money to a billionaire because they believe said billionaire cares for them and their lives, I'm all for it

2020-12-12 05:02:26 UTC  

Way to support

2020-12-12 05:57:29 UTC  

Texas sued under Article II but SCOTUS rejected it under Article III. As one door shuts, another opens.

2020-12-12 06:04:26 UTC  

What does that mean?

2020-12-12 06:05:23 UTC  

In my opinion I think it means there are more lawsuits coming which are more fine tuned.

2020-12-12 07:40:32 UTC  

I wish SCOTUS hadn't kick it on standing... Some of these cases needed to be heard for merits somewhere. But I think that was the end of it. No one really has standing anywhere. The only thing that can happen now is for the US house of Reps to contest the results, given its current make up getting more than 50% would be a big ask though.

I f&*king hate the 2 party tribalistic system we have... Its stupid. On top of it all the zealots on both sides are F-ing ridiculous. These representatives/senators and such should be a representative of their districts not shills for their party affiliations.

2020-12-12 07:41:21 UTC  

I don’t believe that. There’s PLENTY fight left. Stay strong

2020-12-12 07:42:14 UTC  

Did you see Leigh’s video?

2020-12-12 07:44:01 UTC  

Also Trump filed today

2020-12-12 07:46:24 UTC  

Tracy will help you wrap your head around it

2020-12-12 07:46:41 UTC  

I am not now nor ever will I be a Trump guy... Would I prefer him over Biden? Absolutely, but I am a right of center person who believes in the Constitution. And everything that goes with it. I see government excess and party affiliation as abominations of what our country stands for. I mean George Washington himself cautioned that parties could lead the United States into perils.

2020-12-12 07:49:16 UTC  

Then you should be a trump guy because he is saving this nation from CHINA. All of this is about CHINA. They have corrupted our politicians with mass $$$$$$$$ for YEARS. Trump is removing them the best way he can and that is through the law and his executive order 2018

2020-12-12 07:49:51 UTC  

I don’t know that either party will survive this but America will be better for it

2020-12-12 07:50:01 UTC  


2020-12-12 08:08:32 UTC  

When a court says your claims have no merit, your witnesses are lying your experts are not qualified its being judged on its merits. Standing hasnt been the only reason they are losing.

2020-12-12 08:09:16 UTC  

This only proves the state cannot fix their own problems. Which leads to insurrection act

2020-12-12 08:09:55 UTC  


2020-12-12 08:10:26 UTC  

Yep, thankfully our forefathers had a little experience with tyranny

2020-12-12 08:11:16 UTC  

The Kelly vs. PA case had the win on merit and the improper combo of Latches and Standing killed it.

2020-12-12 08:11:52 UTC  

CCP, fail

2020-12-12 08:12:43 UTC  

We will show CCP that our freedom cannot be sold

2020-12-12 08:12:50 UTC  

Kelly case was fine if they let state congress bait and switch that's not an election.

2020-12-12 08:17:09 UTC  

SCOTUS should have legit sent Kelly back to the State Supreme Court telling them that latches were improperly used to dismiss the case filing a suit 1 day after harm is not what latches was meant for.

2020-12-12 08:19:16 UTC  

It was properly used. They wrote a law for mailin votes. They literally told their party not to use the system. Voters followed all the rules they made to cast their ballot. Then they tried to say whoops our bad we couldnt do that we just going to go ahead and delete a million votes. Nah man how bout you fix that outside an election.

2020-12-12 08:32:40 UTC  

Act 77, was challenged in the courts all the way up to October 28th, 2020. So, 1 week after it was no longer in an active court case and only 1 day after a harm in fact. that seems to me to be poor application of the latches principle. Also, Kelly wasn't challenging the legislation, it was the modifications to the process by the secretary of state and the executive branch that were in direct contradiction to the legislation that was passed that were being challenged. And until the election actually occurred no one had the standing to challenge it. Or that was my understanding from reading the complaints, responses and reply. I am going to say it again I'm not a lawyer so I absolutely could be wrong. I am hear because Robert is one of the few people who can properly explain this BS.

2020-12-12 08:57:12 UTC  

What Kelly claimed was votes done with mailin ballots with no reason violates the state Constitution. This wasnt executive branch modifications or the case tweaking it. Their claim was that the original law as passed contradicted the Constitution. They could have fixed it earlier and they didnt have to wait for the other case to wrap if they are going to try and spike the whole thing. Courts are and should be hesitant to smash the rights of citizens that voted legally following the rules made by law.

But then also when they made the PA Constitution they wanted to protect voters rights from people like Kelly so they also put in text protection from ruling act 77 bad and throwing out a million votes. It says in their Constitution that voters have the right to vote by laws made by PA state congress. So the remedy they wanted breaks the state Constitution. Similarly it says their elections must be free and fair and no power civil or military shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage. That part seems to read to me dont screw with voting rules during the election with votes on the line gondola it during normal business hours. No sneaky ninja business.