Message from @USALibertarian
Discord ID: 773699237460312085
Hi Theresa thanks for the great comment. It is definitely an issue and as you know something we've been following. I've got a PA litigation update queued up for the end of the show today. Two issues right now: 1. Trump's suit to stop canvassing until they can monitor has a hearing scheduled tonight at 7 p.m. and 2. Trump filed to join the US Supreme Court case regarding the ballot extension and those issues. I think it is going to get messy.
It means deceased people (and cats) may able to be cast valid ballots more often.
What concerns me the most is ballot harvesting to be completely frank, but that's due to a number of reasons.
@RobertGrulerEsq I figured you would talk about PA today. Part of me is a little hurt that you kept calling my state a mess last night, but most of me wholeheartedly agrees. We've been a mess with Covid restrictions and with the election. So you just keep calling us a mess. It's probably a nicer word than we deserve.
It sounds like Maricopa County has yet to be counted yet (?), so there's a chance that Trump can still turn AZ, from what I understand. The man behind the curtain, Arnon Mishkin, treats the suggestion with disdain, but. . . it's a possibility.
I was just looking at that. There are only 4 districts not yet reported.
Ah ok, good to know. Thanks!
i saw that the AP called MI for Biden just some time ago. but the margin is 1.3%.
also this from bloomberg on MI
It makes sense since they're going to trend Biden from now on.
how do you have more than 100%? or am i just ignorant?
Predicted estimates.
Higher turnout than predicted.
If Nevada gets called and lawsuits / recounts notwithstanding this will be over
yeah the ap pins biden at 264 electorates
Veritas has it's obvious lean
but doesn't mean they aren't necessarily wrong
Where can I find information in a useful form, not the stupid map?
They don't even put the stupid fucking EC votes on the stupid fucking maps. Fucking Asshole media asshole fucks.
Just know that Trump needs to win 2 of 3 Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania
tell us how you really feel @USALibertarian lol
but Rob was sharing bloomberg's states on the whole thing
i think arizona was called way too early and we shouldn't just dismiss it as a Biden victory
in Arizona
okay. And fuxk Discord too.
NYT has an EC view
what is so wrong with discord
NYT and WaPo haven't called Arizona yet
that's good
If you don't believe the AZ results go to the Secretary of State websites. The results are all there in black and white
Why such hostility for Discord?
It's a pretty good system, all-in-all.
doesnt trump win with PA and nevada?
it seems narrow but its possible
I think, yes, all things being equal, if AZ stays for Biden and Trump picks up PA, NV, NC, and GA, Trump wins by a hair