Message from @realz

Discord ID: 776147729406623775

2020-11-11 17:15:48 UTC  

> Happens every election cycle where you vote for the candidate and nothing else
That's not what is being discussed. It's the rate at which it happens by how Republican the county is.

2020-11-11 17:16:34 UTC  

Michigan is suppressed compared to other similar states. Why?

2020-11-11 18:01:07 UTC  
2020-11-11 18:01:11 UTC  


2020-11-11 18:01:14 UTC  

He does it again

2020-11-11 18:01:20 UTC  

67 counties

2020-11-11 18:01:41 UTC  

He somehow thinks that the fact that there are 7 million _people_ means that it should be accurate

2020-11-11 18:04:55 UTC  

it annoys me that the comments just congratulate him

2020-11-11 18:05:25 UTC  

everyone's like "share this!" and they are so convinced

2020-11-11 18:05:29 UTC  


2020-11-11 18:08:45 UTC  

I haven't come to a good conclusion on this issue.

2020-11-11 18:08:55 UTC  

Let me a grab a few videos

2020-11-11 18:11:39 UTC  

In this one he says you can't use the law on a smallish set of data like counties or precincts in Chicago. He then references work from an author who wrote all about Benson's law named Mark Nigrini. Mark Nigrini then does the Benford's law analysis on Maricopa County data here: and finds no problems with this method of analysis.

2020-11-11 18:11:44 UTC  

@realz What is your argument?

2020-11-11 18:12:25 UTC  

67 samples is way too little to use benford's law on

2020-11-11 18:12:40 UTC  

his last one was Georgia with 159 counties

2020-11-11 18:12:45 UTC  

and _that_ is way too small as well

2020-11-11 18:12:54 UTC  

you can easily test this out, which I did

2020-11-11 18:13:43 UTC  

I did see someone do it on some 700 precincts or something

2020-11-11 18:13:58 UTC  

that at least has enough samples, though the orders-of-magnitude issue might be a problem there

2020-11-11 18:14:58 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq Stand up maths (humble pi) isn't just talking about number of samples

2020-11-11 18:15:14 UTC  

he makes an argument about the distribution of the numbers as well

2020-11-11 18:15:38 UTC  

i.e if they don't span several orders of magnitude, then it isn't really that useful as proof

2020-11-11 18:16:21 UTC  

it isn't impossible to split up the data to get a large number of samples (I think I saw 700+ samples from one jurisdiction, might have been Nigrini)

2020-11-11 18:16:32 UTC  

Right but then he references Mark Nigrini as an authority in this stuff who then in his own video uses the exact method of analysis.

2020-11-11 18:16:34 UTC  

but 69 samples is egregiously small

2020-11-11 18:16:49 UTC  

I see what you mean.

2020-11-11 18:17:19 UTC  

I noticed Mark seems to validate the data before the benford's analysis by doing the end digits distribution analysis first before looking at the first digits.

2020-11-11 18:17:35 UTC  


2020-11-11 18:17:47 UTC  

I can rerun my experiment with 69 samples, it will be quite wild

2020-11-11 18:17:55 UTC  

And I was thinking there must be a lower limit on the sample size.

2020-11-11 18:19:03 UTC  

And maybe the order of magnitude applies within the samples? i.e., some precincts or counties with dozens, hundreds, thousands, ten-thousands, etc. but all those numbers being lumped into the single analysis.

2020-11-11 18:19:12 UTC  

I don't speak math very well not sure if I'm communicating that well.

2020-11-11 18:21:15 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq The brief teaching I had in my different forensics class Benford's Law can be used on small data sets that have enough number cycles i.e. sufficient use of 1-9

2020-11-11 18:21:16 UTC  

benford's law test, with 69 (number of counties in PA) samples, (random) normally distributed between 0 and 19000000

2020-11-11 18:21:43 UTC  


2020-11-11 18:22:09 UTC  

That's pretty amazing you can do that so quickly, I'm jealous of your skills.

2020-11-11 18:22:38 UTC  

I had it ready lol

2020-11-11 18:22:43 UTC  

I just changed the number