Message from @evildood89

Discord ID: 776452574223007744

2020-11-12 05:39:18 UTC  

okay then back to the court cases, I found this video useful to summarize the court cases currently in play

2020-11-12 06:55:25 UTC  

Still the down ballot comparisons are relevant cross states

2020-11-12 13:42:38 UTC  

to what end? to detect possible voter fraud? I don't think so

2020-11-12 14:02:23 UTC  

> Also I think his recommendations about more transparency and greater access to data and the ability to audit are all good things

If 100% of Michigan counties matched this trend, you might be onto something--that the more Republican a county was, the more the voters disfavored Trump. However, if this pattern exists in only a few counties, then we are looking at a serious problem.

I have not seen a further analysis of more Michigan counties, but if you compare Oakland and Wayne counties, which are neighboring counties, the difference in the distribution is absolutely stark. These were both Democrat counties. Is there something about the county line that would make Republicans less likely to support Trump? I don't think so. It seems clear that some manipulation was happening in Oakland county that wasn't happening in Wayne.

2020-11-12 14:07:56 UTC  

> If 100% of Michigan counties matched this trend, you might be onto something--that the more Republican a county was, the more the voters disfavored Trump. However, if this pattern exists in only a few counties, then we are looking at a serious problem.

2020-11-12 14:08:25 UTC  

why? there are any number things which might explain this other than voter fraud'

2020-11-12 14:10:21 UTC  

for example, suppose there is a Republican candidate that was liked by voters in the county but didn't get along with Trump and/or some of Trump positions ... if John McCain was still alive you could see folks in AZ voting for him but not for Trump

2020-11-12 14:11:38 UTC  

another example might be that some business in that county had to lay workers off due to say the tariffs that Trump placed on China, again the Republicans might like their local candidates and not like Trump

2020-11-12 14:14:47 UTC  

Now I don't know anything about these counties because I don't live anywhere near MI and never have ... BUT I don't consider this particular voting pattern evidence of fraud and I don't think a court would either ... Dr. Shiva seemed to suggest you could never get this pattern and was able to simulate this by making a couple simple assumptions about human behavior in the county, so mathematically it is certainly possible

2020-11-12 14:16:35 UTC  

@meglide for an individual person or county, that might be true. As datasets get larger, however, they conform to the same overall 'shapes' if they are not being manipulated.

I don't think this proves fraud. It does prove that we need to dig into the details, double-check and make sure there was no manipulation.

In particular, I'd like to see a county-by-county analysis of every county in Michigan, and compare them all, and then compare systems in use between counties that conform to a natural distribution to the ones that don't.

2020-11-12 14:17:31 UTC  

yes and a county-to-county comparison showed NO such pattern

2020-11-12 14:18:04 UTC  

I think you've re-made my point for me

2020-11-12 14:18:24 UTC  

I may have missed that analysis, can you post?

2020-11-12 14:19:50 UTC  

@DrSammyD did the analysis and has posted it twice

2020-11-12 14:20:14 UTC  

@meglide I did see a link but it's a 404

2020-11-12 14:21:03 UTC  

@meglide Also, it appeared from comments that this was a county count, not a precinct count as Dr. Shiva was doing. It's critical to the analysis that precinct-level data is used.

2020-11-12 14:21:17 UTC  

works for me

2020-11-12 14:22:43 UTC  

OK, that one works... again I see no precinct level data. Also the quirk that is enabling this analysis is unique to Michigan or at least isn't shared by every state.

2020-11-12 14:25:40 UTC  

I think what may be somewhat unique to MI is that they allow you to vote straight party by checking just one box (or filling in just one oval) whereas this is option is not available in most other states

2020-11-12 14:26:52 UTC  

I agree, which is why this analysis is critical. If there's no manipulation, further analysis will show that. Statistics isn't useful for proving anything, it useful in showing you where to look for evidence.

2020-11-12 14:31:26 UTC  

yes precisely ... and I took issue with Dr. Shiva's assertion that the particular pattern he was seeing had to be the result of fraud speculating that it was a computer algorithm, whereas I claim just some simple assumptions about voter patterns in that county could produce that same pattern ... as why that voter pattern should exist and what motivates humans to vote that way I don't know, my interest was that the mathematics allow for it and so you're now in the realm of trying to explain human behavior

2020-11-12 14:32:20 UTC  

Sure, just keep digging into the data until it's mathematically not probable

2020-11-12 14:36:00 UTC  

yeah well not probable is NOT the same as not possible, just because something is unlikely doesn't mean it didn't happen and to go to court and prove something you're going to need something more tangible

2020-11-12 14:37:26 UTC  

absolutely, again it's not proof, but it's where we need to examine the software, personnel, individual ballots. Audit territory

2020-11-12 14:37:57 UTC  

dead people voting is not possible, live people voting peculiarly ... well maybe in this day and age it is to be expected

2020-11-12 14:40:44 UTC  

yes audit territory is a key ... GA is going to recount all the ballots by hand, if the results are significantly different than the computer counted results then that might point to some monkey business with the computer ... note I'm assuming you have both parties involved in the counting so as to counter-balance people's biases

2020-11-12 14:41:40 UTC  

absolutely. transparency is key to defending our liberty. as WP used to say "Democracy dies in darkness." Then they said "nothing to see here folks"

2020-11-12 14:41:55 UTC  


2020-11-12 14:42:37 UTC  

yeah somewhere along the way investigative journalism died out

2020-11-12 14:43:37 UTC  

I guess it didn't sell well ... probably easier to produce partisan opinion pieces that it is to really dig for the truth

2020-11-12 14:44:29 UTC  

Just fyi, on the "Dead people voting" front: If you've not taken the "Fleccas challenge", check this out. It's Fleccas' list of dead Michigan voters (not debunked so far as I know, as the other list of 14k was), combined with a handy randomizer.

2020-11-12 14:45:16 UTC  

yeah I said it for a reason

2020-11-12 14:59:58 UTC  

@meglide a tie-in to another news story I'd love to see analysis on: the Antrim county 'glitch' that was caught by a perceptive official and votes were reversed by 30% in Trump's direction based on a hand-count. A follow-up article described this 'glitch' as being unlikely to occur elsewhere, but otherwise was not specified.

2020-11-12 15:00:33 UTC  

so, if we run this same analysis on Antrim county before and after the 'glitch' was reversed, will we find the aberration we're talking about?

2020-11-12 15:13:01 UTC  

I believe there are two juries, the American people especially the biden supporters and the courts /legislators.

If a legal case is won but the American people don't understand or buy in there will continue to be division.

So if some portions paint a picture or open the door to doubt that the election was fraud free, I believe it's as important as a strong, factual, evidence based case in this instance

2020-11-12 15:18:28 UTC  

The converse of that is also something to consider. Js.

2020-11-12 15:25:32 UTC  

I also would say there's 2 different types of things that need to be proven in this election:

* Fraud: any specific cases of fraud must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt with criminal charges against individuals
* Free and fair election: any election must prove to the body politic that it was a free and fair one; this cannot be assumed contra the ideas of the corporate media establishment. How does a Free and Fair Election prove itself? by following the law, maintaining transparency standards and bringing to light any known or suspected cases of fraud for due investigation

The first 'proof' is the one the media keep yammering about. OK, so we haven't proven fraud yet. But by 86'ing standards like signature verification, by indulging chicanery like mysterious and unwatched vote counting in the middle of the night and poll watcher ejections, this election has not proven itself valid to the body politic. If you're a rational Dem, you're crossing your fingers and hoping the media let you off on this one, as this is third world stuff.

And I know 3rd world stuff, having spent 8 years living in a 3rd world dictatorship.