Message from @meglide

Discord ID: 777294213652938782

2020-11-14 20:24:06 UTC  

I suggest that the established, unidirectional burden of proof is appropriate in both senses of the discussion. I would philosophically argue that controls are very much the proof you're suggesting and that's not by accident. All you're really saying is that we need more controls...and I would agree that there is no such thing as too much regulation. I have no idea the scope of what is in place (I don't think you do either) but would endorse introducing more controls, yes.

2020-11-14 21:38:21 UTC  

No. Were saying that the controls that are there weren't applied. That's what the statistical evidence shows when looking at ballot rejection rates and extremely high # of single vote ballots specifically in swing states that went for one candidate, but not in the states that went for the other

2020-11-14 21:39:23 UTC  

Perfect. That will be proven out in courts of law. We're good.

2020-11-14 21:40:09 UTC  

No it won't. Statistical evidence doesn't work to prove voter fraud.

2020-11-14 21:40:24 UTC  

Maybe there is a reason for that?

2020-11-14 21:40:53 UTC  

Sure. Doesn't mean we actually had a fair election

2020-11-14 21:41:24 UTC  

Doesn't mean we didn't. I think we're right back at burden of proof.

2020-11-14 21:41:26 UTC  

It just means we couldn't rise to the burden of proof

2020-11-14 21:41:34 UTC  


2020-11-14 21:41:49 UTC  


2020-11-14 21:42:19 UTC  

Maybe later but right now, nope.

2020-11-14 21:42:41 UTC  

It means that it's likely we didn't have a fair election. Not proof. Likely.

2020-11-14 21:43:03 UTC  

You get enough of those and bye bye republic

2020-11-14 21:43:54 UTC  

They've been trying to destroy the republic for a very long time. Is this the straw, you think?

2020-11-14 21:44:47 UTC  

1.5 people ago we almost broke apart

2020-11-14 21:46:02 UTC  

Literally over this exact issue

2020-11-14 21:46:16 UTC  

Maybe putting all faith in a republic on the fate of one person isn't the perfect method.

2020-11-14 21:46:43 UTC  

Luckily they thought of that.

2020-11-14 22:09:41 UTC  

> You get enough of those and bye bye republic
@DrSammyD it's already "baked into the cake" ... can you say "currency collapse?"

2020-11-14 22:41:15 UTC

On september 12 2018 Trump declared a national emergency which means that the 2020 election. This national emergency specifically refered to foreign interference in the US elections infrastructure.

This is all documented in the above executive order. The order says that the election infrastructure which includes software systems is being compromised by foreign actors. In addition to declaring the national emergency this executive order empowers the treasury to seize all assets of persons(and organizations/corps, companies, etc..) engaged in or covering for foreign interference or in spreading propaganda to mislead or deceive the US.

HERE IS THE IMPORTANT PART: The dominion company is based in CANADA and Scytl another voting software company used is run out of Spain. So we have foreign interferance in US elections. No wonder we had so many glitches leading to vote swapping and deletion. This is clear foreign interference into US elections.

Every media organization that has lied about foreign interferace and voter fraud can be seized and shut down by the treasury department. There is venezuelan money, chinese money and money from political PACS involved in dominion which is itself Canadian.

Then there is also the 14th amendment, section 2 in particular which says that any state engaged in a rebelion against the US shall have it's electoral college votes stripped away by the president.

Then there is section 3 of the 14th amendment which says that every person who has taken an oath of office and sworn to protect the US constitution(Mayors, governors, senators, etc..) can be arrested and charged with treason for aiding a rebellion against the USA.

Now check this out: Many US votes counted in Spain:

2020-11-14 22:47:20 UTC  

We have zero idea if the voting software was sabotaged intentionally or not.

2020-11-14 22:47:24 UTC  

Or by who.

2020-11-14 22:47:36 UTC  

So don't just point the finger at Canada.

2020-11-14 22:47:47 UTC  

That's not going to help anyone.

2020-11-14 22:49:15 UTC  

It's especially not going to help the northwest and northeast of the states.

2020-11-14 22:49:28 UTC  

Who have millions of workers that work in Canada.

2020-11-14 22:54:21 UTC  

We also have zero proof that they have influence from the Canadian government.

2020-11-14 22:59:08 UTC  

These machines are undoubtedly vetted by Americans.

2020-11-14 22:59:29 UTC  

You're starting to bark up the really big conspiracy tree.

2020-11-14 23:00:13 UTC  

And painting yourself into an isolated corner where you alienate every other country because you suspect them of something.

2020-11-14 23:02:20 UTC  

"Days after it was revealed how 2020 US Elections were rigged by Canadian Crown Agent Dominion Voting Systems through a so-called “glitch” [...]" This sounds like an unbiased news source.

2020-11-14 23:04:09 UTC  

Does that negate the fact that votes were counted in spain?

2020-11-14 23:04:27 UTC  

And by a spanish company

2020-11-14 23:04:33 UTC  

And a canadian company?

2020-11-14 23:05:04 UTC  

Well, for one: There exists no proof for the opening statement, so it colours my perspective highly skeptical to say the least.

2020-11-14 23:12:16 UTC  

> Well, for one: There exists no proof for the opening statement, so it colours my perspective highly skeptical to say the least.
As far as you know there exists no proof. The writer might know that there exists proof, or he might analytically have determined that the number of irregularities is beyond reasonable doubt.
I believe that all of the glitches have been in Biden's favor, not sure..

2020-11-14 23:14:33 UTC  

Yes, as far as I know there exists no proof that Americans were niave enough to allow rigged software to be used in their elections and didn't vet these machines, and that it was intentionally done by a Canadian company, who apparently also has influences from the Canadian government that wished these systems to be rigged.

2020-11-14 23:14:43 UTC  

Therefore I think it's ridiculous.