Message from @linuxace

Discord ID: 779931635553665064

2020-11-22 04:33:12 UTC  

I only have a few concerns about her account. First, why didn't she bring this to the attention to a supervisor or a Trump observer at the time? Why didn't she make note of the batch number id or something?

2020-11-22 04:33:12 UTC  

@TaLoN132, you just advanced to level 10!

2020-11-22 04:39:57 UTC  

Assuming all of that checks out, the only possible explanation is that maybe this was a stack of repaired ballots. If a ballot is too damaged to be read or maybe gets jammed at some point, I have read that there is a procedure for copying the vote to a pristine ballot so it can be counted. Since the Dominion system is new, she might not be aware of the procedure. The repair is supposed to be done with multiple observers ensuring the proper copying of the vote. It is possible that these repaired ballots are done at the end so as to not slow down the counting. This doesn't explain the 98% for Biden concern. Maybe someone was tired, lazy, or saw an opportunity to game the system for 30 or 40 addl Biden votes. Either way, it is concerning.

2020-11-22 04:40:39 UTC  

It seems likely that would have been a situation she would have encountered before if she had really been doing this for 20 years don't ya think?

2020-11-22 04:41:04 UTC  

I thought that too though.

2020-11-22 04:41:46 UTC  

Like I mentioned, it's a new system. She seemed to sound tentative and might have been brought in to help with the recount. She doesn't say.

2020-11-22 04:42:32 UTC  

So far I'm not convinced either way other than there was some strange stuff going on. All these claims needs to be investigated. The numbers are definitely strange.

2020-11-22 04:45:07 UTC  

They cut a lot of the testimony out also before posting it.

2020-11-22 04:45:09 UTC  

I've been reaching out to some of friends that are currently or prior DIA and they are very uncomfortable with what is going on. I haven't gotten any good statements or evidence from them, but they are pretty spooked with everything going on.

2020-11-22 04:45:09 UTC  

@linuxace, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-11-22 04:45:32 UTC  

Curious to know what was said between splices

2020-11-22 04:46:55 UTC  

Of all the people that have come forward, she seems the most believable to me. She just seemed sincere and did not embellish. She saw something very specific that bothers her. It might be nothing or limited, but it is the one that makes me pause.

2020-11-22 04:47:55 UTC  

Is it treason to make false statements?

2020-11-22 04:48:13 UTC  

Referring to the executive order

2020-11-22 04:48:16 UTC  

depends on the statement

2020-11-22 04:48:17 UTC  

Why would you assume a stack of "pristine machine printed" ballots are limited? Their existence goes not to a "limited" amount of fraud, but to an extensive amount of fraud, if she is indeed correct about what she saw.

2020-11-22 04:48:35 UTC  

had Revere given the wrong route on purpose, that would constitute treason.

2020-11-22 04:48:54 UTC  

Good god, @Doc... I thought you went to bed a while ago or are you just a really early riser?

2020-11-22 04:49:14 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Insomnia

2020-11-22 04:49:52 UTC  

They know something they aren't willing to say probably about some of the investigations that have been made public yet surrounding this. Did have one who said that there was evidence that the Chinese consulate in Houston was smuggling weapons in to groups like Antifa and may have been involved in election tampering and that is one of the unpublished reasons why it was closed.

2020-11-22 04:49:54 UTC  

Dominion employee, Melissa Carone, for example. Is that video testimony treasonous?

2020-11-22 04:50:36 UTC  

If it’s proven false

2020-11-22 04:52:21 UTC  

The executive order is always in the back of my mind when I read or watch anything regarding testimony of this election

2020-11-22 04:55:19 UTC  

@DrSammyD I try to look at these things from the assumption that there is a reasonable explanation - which is how the court is supposed to look at it. There are several reasons why I do this, but primarily for my mental health. In my "this is reasonable" scenario, the pristine ballots are justified as having been used to repair/replace a damaged ballot, which I believe is done when ballots jam and get damaged. This process should involve multiple people as checks and balances. Assuming Mrs Voyles took the time to look at all 98 Biden ballots and verified that they were exactly identical, this would only prove that a single batch had been compromised - whether through malfeasance to just plain laziness. In any case, her testimony alone does not prove a conspiracy, just a bad batch.

2020-11-22 04:59:10 UTC  

@Repeat They can say anything they want in public with no recourse if it is false - except possibly embarrassment and based on her interview performance, that is likely. They are signing a sworn affidavit that is notarized and attached to a court filing. That could carry some weight if it were proven false, but I think it might depend on how much it affected the outcome, I think. Not a lawyer - so I now risk the embarrassment.

2020-11-22 05:00:03 UTC  

Thanks @TaLoN132 maybe an attorney will weigh in on that for us

2020-11-22 05:00:45 UTC  

That executive order reaches even the media though

2020-11-22 05:00:47 UTC  

@TaLoN132 That's only true if that precinct/county admits that curing by printing ballots is part of their process. Otherwise it goes toward proving somebody (not the polling place) has the ability and will to fabricate and place fraudulent ballots at a polling place. If that is the case, it is more likely than not that this had occurred in more than one location.

Otherwise, there's no point to building the process needed to create these ballots and place them in these polling places.

2020-11-22 05:00:47 UTC  

@DrSammyD, you just advanced to level 9!

2020-11-22 05:00:48 UTC  

I think you would have to prove intent the deceive which is hard to do. Part of the reason it is so hard to prosecute white collar crimes.

2020-11-22 05:01:33 UTC  

Thanks @linuxace

2020-11-22 05:02:36 UTC  

For criminal charges at least it would have to be beyond resonable doubt. Hard to prove in these types of cases.

2020-11-22 05:07:50 UTC  

Possible Kraken located

2020-11-22 05:08:25 UTC  

Me, a common person, average business owner-making a false statement would not just be embarrassing it would be monetarily devastating, let alone the thought of the possibility of the death penalty. I don’t see why average everyday non politicians would intentionally lie and risk the harmful negative impacts. I just don’t get that.

2020-11-22 05:09:03 UTC  

Politicians have millions of incentives to lie $$$

2020-11-22 05:09:42 UTC  

Of course that’s just my beliefs/opinions/thoughts

2020-11-22 05:10:14 UTC  

Interestingly enough, I was reading somewhere that the word Kracken may have been the project name for the software that tampered with the votes and not just a reference to Clash of the Titans. That it was an indication to people involved that she really did have evidence.

2020-11-22 05:10:31 UTC  

Ungh I'm so tired of Sidney Powell. She's living in fantasy land

2020-11-22 05:10:59 UTC  

For me, it will be hard to say until it all either comes out or nothing happens.

2020-11-22 05:11:36 UTC  

It’s frustrating. Can we just get honest people in politics? Lol