Message from @meglide

Discord ID: 780289580195905566

2020-11-23 03:49:42 UTC

2020-11-23 03:49:45 UTC

2020-11-23 03:50:04 UTC  


2020-11-23 04:11:19 UTC  

Registered to DOJ

2020-11-23 04:11:23 UTC  

Just found it

2020-11-23 04:13:50 UTC  

Left Washington on the 12th to Kansas.
Spent 1 hour or so in Kansas.
Then went to sand Diego.
Spent the night in San Diego then went to Kansas again. About 1 hour in Kansas then back to Washington.
From Washington to Toronto where it stayed for 3 nights

2020-11-23 04:26:16 UTC  

I'm confused. Are you saying there are ballots on this plane? What does this have to do with the election? You lost me here.

2020-11-23 04:26:16 UTC  

@meglide, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-11-23 04:27:27 UTC  

I saw a video earlier about a surge in military aircraft flights. Does this have to do with that?

2020-11-23 04:27:32 UTC  

It was reported that the army seized Dominion servers in Germany and some Dominion servers or info from Canada

2020-11-23 04:28:03 UTC  

@Anacaona I am not sure. I have not seen that video

2020-11-23 04:28:48 UTC  

Trying to find the German flight now. A different plane was used. Probably a c-130

2020-11-23 04:29:19 UTC  


2020-11-23 04:29:22 UTC  

If anybody's interested in why the constitution wasn't the monumental human achievement for freedom...

2020-11-23 04:29:24 UTC  

oh ... I stopped thinking about the Dominion thing once I saw the hand count in GA come out exactly the same as the machine count

2020-11-23 04:29:50 UTC  

Good for you! I can’t stop thinking of it

2020-11-23 04:30:21 UTC  

@meglide Precisely

2020-11-23 04:31:06 UTC  

just do a little research about what they did in GA in terms of ensuring every ballot had a paper trail associated with it

2020-11-23 04:31:14 UTC  

There's a reason they were 100 on the hand recount

2020-11-23 04:32:12 UTC  

I did, thanks

2020-11-23 04:32:12 UTC  

yeah if that GA hand recount had come up significantly different that certainly would have been the "smoking gun"

2020-11-23 04:32:39 UTC  

If it was going to be a smoking gun, they would have stopped it 😄

2020-11-23 04:34:09 UTC  

I have been thinking about the Viva and Barnes podcast and there is something that really bothers me. At everyone point since Nov 3, Republicans have been jumping at every shadow absolutely convinced that this election is rigged. And the only reason why for that is the fact that Trump told them for the past 9 months that it was going to be rigged. That's the only reason. If he had not, this would have played out as normal and we would have collectively been looking to the future. And it may have been to his detriment. In that had he been focused on just his policies and not about what might be taken from him, he might have eked out another EC win. Instead he turned a lot of people off with his pre-whining. So, we are now recounting the votes, which rarely change the election, but it certainly proved that there was not any software only vote switching. There are some persistent rumor about observers being forced to leave while counting continued, but those have not stood up in court and election officials in all battleground from both parties have attested to counting having never stopped, so that theory has been debunked. There have been some dead people that may have voted, but we are talking only dozens maybe across all bg states. We are still waiting to see what Matt Braynard was able to find (with his $650K raised), but at last check, it seems like a longshot. Trump's suit about a violation of the Equal Protection clause in PA has been appealed. This one also seems like a longshot. The Secretary of State sent out a message to all counties/precincts letting them know that they could notify voters to cure any rejected ballots the night before the election. All were told to do it, some Republican counties chose not to. In most of those counties that didn't, it probably hurt Biden because he did better with mail-in.

2020-11-23 04:34:42 UTC  
2020-11-23 04:35:19 UTC  

Now... everyone is concerned about signatures and they think that officials are trying to avoid an audit. I don't think that is the case. Signature matching is fairly subjective so they might look at a signature and 2 reasonable people might disagree as to whether they match. I would suspect that the tie would go to the voter.

2020-11-23 04:36:06 UTC  

If I'm right, this signature audit may be much ado about nothing. Worst case, they call the voter and ask did you send in your mail in ballot?

2020-11-23 04:38:26 UTC  

So... If this is how it plays out - and I hope it does, because invalidating the vote in several states for subjective reasons would be ridiculous. The only reason that this is even a question, is because one man told us that the boogeyman was coming to get him and millions of people believed him without a shred of proof. Before a single vote was cast.

2020-11-23 04:42:02 UTC  

You couldn't make this up. How can intelligent people be so willing to accept the forgone conclusion and choose to still believe it in the absence of any credible proof of fraud significant enough to come remotely close enough to tip the election?

2020-11-23 04:45:48 UTC  

I am not convinced that it’s made up. There are supposedly more votes than voters in at least 1 state

2020-11-23 04:47:17 UTC  

Mass absentee ballots have been banned by most other countries. It's not merely because Trump warned of it that it's an issue.

2020-11-23 04:49:02 UTC  

We don't have lack of evidence, we have lack of proof. The evidence IS how many absentee ballots were cast.

2020-11-23 04:49:56 UTC  

+ the complete intransigence of officials to allow signature matching.

2020-11-23 04:50:56 UTC  

@Repeat Did you see that article I shared earlier? That rumor came out of an analysis that Ramsland did and he got confused between MI and MN. He ended up comparing the MI vote to the MN registrations. It was quite embarrassing and we speculate it might have contributed to Sidney Powell's demise.

2020-11-23 04:54:41 UTC  

okay just focusing on the election ... what's so different about this one? the volume of mail-in ballots ... normally the winner is called before they even open and count the mail-in or absentee ballots but in this case because of Covid, lots and lots of folks didn't want to go to the polls, stand in line, etc. ... so that is the point of possible contention and to be honest there were some issues, for example in my state (where the Democrats control everything) they wanted to mail out actual ballots but the secretary of state (also a Democrat) and said that wasn't allowed under the law, so they mailed out to every registered voter an application for an absentee ballot that you could return with signature, proof of ID, etc and request an absentee ballot, further they allowed for the ballot to be mailed back in which case they looked for a postmark or you could drop in a designated drop box, in which case you had to do it yourself or have a family member do it, signature on inside of the voter, signature and relation to voter on outside ... now there are a few states like Washington that mail out the ballots to the entire list of registered voters BUT I think all the states under current consideration required the voter to initiate the process and request the ballot and then and only then was the ballot sent out ... why is this important? because a blanket mass mailing of ballots out to all registered voters in states that normally don't do that would have put a lot of ballots out in the wild for people to vote multiple times with ... but as far as I can tell that did not happen in the states that are now being contested

2020-11-23 04:58:01 UTC  

Sidney Powell’s demise? Haven’t herd of anything like that

2020-11-23 04:58:09 UTC  


2020-11-23 04:58:31 UTC  

Her professional demise.

2020-11-23 04:58:42 UTC  

@DrSammyD Doc... that's not logically sound. The state literally sends the ballot to a specific address. It requires committing mail fraud, voter fraud, and sometimes identity theft. The logistics for mass mail-in fraud is daunting. There might be some vote buying or coercive vote, but those are additional crimes that can't be proven by signature, because why not force them to sign, too. But that's kind of like shutting down the freeway, because you know some people are going to speed and/or get in an accident. In any case, if the only valid election is one that is 100% free of any potential fraud, there has never been a valid election in history.

2020-11-23 04:59:40 UTC  

@Repeat Powell was let go from the Trump Elite Strike Team today... And her Twitter account suspended, for now.

2020-11-23 05:03:01 UTC  

well to get very specific ... Trump was concerned about a mass, unrequested mailing out of ballots to the entire voter registration roll, he was even specific in his tweets that the normal process of requesting an absentee ballot and getting one mailed out to you was fine (he had to, of course, acknowledge that the way most of our military votes this way) ... and in the states now being contested there was no mass mailing out of ballots, I think they considered it in a couple of state (PA and MI?) but didn't do it

2020-11-23 05:08:35 UTC  

so at this point, if the Trump campaign is going to win in court it's going to need to show that there were loads of illegal ballots inserted into multiple states that put the count over for Biden and yet didn't form a "blue wave" ... my issue is suppose this is true that they (whoever they is) had this grand plan to insert ballots in multiple states to throw the election to Biden, why not also mark the ballots for the Democratic candidates downline? in fact if you examine the number you'll find that if true that they had to mark for the Republican candidate downline in some cases ... huh?