Message from @Repeat

Discord ID: 780303163843805185

2020-11-23 05:15:50 UTC  

*My bad, DOJ returned to Washington Wednesday. The dominion hearing was scheduled to be held on Friday, they canceled Thursday*.

2020-11-23 05:17:26 UTC  

If someone was levying grave accusations against me, I'd lawyer up too. Lawyers would decide how I talk to people.

2020-11-23 05:18:56 UTC  

suppose it was true that the Army confiscated servers in Germany ... these would be on military plane for which there would be no records on the open internet for you to search ... just saying

2020-11-23 05:18:59 UTC  

I guess we will find out. At least now I know the information provided was true about Toronto and DOJ

2020-11-23 05:19:00 UTC  

@meglide I think the loads of illegal ballots adding to Biden's total is also disproven, because the states compare the number of voters to the number of votes. And Trump's voters overwhelmingly voted in person, so replacing Trump votes with Biden votes is much harder. It's not outside the realm of possibility that preprinted Biden ballots might be surreptitiously swapped out for Trump mail-in ballots, but that's what observers should be looking for. That doesn't require being able to see what is on a ballot, it just requires seeing the swap. I'm speculating here, but you get the point. Also, Trump told his voters not to mail-in, so this would mean it was a very close race in order to flip it for Biden.

2020-11-23 05:20:07 UTC  

The army has 40 military installations in Germany, no?

2020-11-23 05:20:25 UTC  

To me that sounds like a c-130 flight

2020-11-23 05:20:31 UTC  

speaking of which "They did not vote absentee because they were told by the president don't go to absentee, it's not secure," Raffensperger said. "But then they did not come out and vote in person."
"He would have won by 10,000 votes," Raffensperger said. "He actually depressed, suppressed his own voting base."

2020-11-23 05:20:51 UTC  

Hubby is retired USMC

2020-11-23 05:21:33 UTC  

That whole Army seized servers rumor was debunked a while ago.

2020-11-23 05:21:58 UTC  

There are such things as C-130 aircraft, yes.

2020-11-23 05:22:06 UTC  

I would love to debunk the Germany seize. I have been unable to debunk Toronto

2020-11-23 05:22:11 UTC  

Could the reason why Rudy and Jenna announced that Sidney Powell doesn't have anything to do with Trump's legal defense be thay Sidney said there's someone in Trump's circle that works against him, and according to Tucker, she doesn't share information. That the person she meant is Jenna Ellis? Why did Trump hire Jenna in the first place?

2020-11-23 05:22:20 UTC  

Scytl is a Spanish company, I believe. Barcelona.

2020-11-23 05:24:23 UTC  

@Huila every one of those lawyers could end up disgraced and disavowed before it's over.

2020-11-23 05:24:28 UTC

2020-11-23 05:25:04 UTC  

yeah so I was referring to inserting supposed extra mail-in ballots for Biden, something like where folks are adding these to the real mail-in ballots and counting them in the night, etc. to go along with the rumors, etc. ... do I think this happened, absolutely not but I mean if someone could come with evidence then fine but if that evidence existed you would think it would have been before a court by now

2020-11-23 05:25:09 UTC  

@Huila she never worked for trump. She claimed she’s working for “we the people”

2020-11-23 05:25:28 UTC  

@Huila Anything is possible... My money is on the embarrassing MI/MN mix up that ended up in one of the legal filings in an analysis that Ramsland prepared for Sidney Powell comparing MI voters to registered MN voters. The conclusion of the analysis was that there were counties in MI where more votes were cast than voters registered. This proved to be not the case.

2020-11-23 05:26:00 UTC  

But wasn't that Rudy's claim?

2020-11-23 05:26:11 UTC  

Powell obviously loves Trump though lol. Zero doubts there

2020-11-23 05:26:12 UTC  

Joint press conference. Parse how you like.

2020-11-23 05:27:05 UTC  

Yep she jumped on that press conference bandwagon quick

2020-11-23 05:27:07 UTC  

Much of what Sidney has been claiming was proof of voter switching came from Ramsland. I think they were working together. I am going from memory and too lazy to look it up.

2020-11-23 05:27:31 UTC  

Powell loves Trump's loyal base.

2020-11-23 05:27:41 UTC  

I have no doubt they share info, Giuliani and Powell

2020-11-23 05:27:49 UTC  

And Lin

2020-11-23 05:30:00 UTC  

Lin Wood. Another prize.

2020-11-23 05:31:12 UTC  

Don't we already know about over voting in several of these swing states?

2020-11-23 05:31:46 UTC  

@meglide In battleground states, inserting "extra" mail-in ballots would be hard. They have to coincide with a requested mail-in ballot. And the mail-in ballot has an envelop with a code to show that the requested ballot was returned.

2020-11-23 05:31:52 UTC  

I think Lin and Powell are “teeth in the game” type thing from the strategy point of view

2020-11-23 05:32:22 UTC  

Seems like if that was something which was determined, someone important would have noticed. @DrSammyD

2020-11-23 05:32:26 UTC  

Overvoting is at least alleged in some of these suits.

2020-11-23 05:32:32 UTC  

The software was designed to switch votes, no?

2020-11-23 05:32:48 UTC  

As well as other “features”

2020-11-23 05:32:49 UTC  

Oh, alleged. Maybe

2020-11-23 05:33:55 UTC  

right which is why I don't think that happened ... and thus why Trump's lawyers have so far failed to produce any compelling evidence in court or even begin to claim massive election fraud in court

2020-11-23 05:33:55 UTC  

@meglide, you just advanced to level 5!

2020-11-23 05:33:58 UTC  

So team trump is claiming the fraudsters didn’t use just one method.

2020-11-23 05:33:58 UTC  

I mean I keep seeing arguments being made that if x fraudulent activity we'd see y. Well we're seeing Y alledged.

2020-11-23 05:35:06 UTC  

Guess we will find out soon enough. Meanwhile I enjoy research on down time😁