Message from @TaLoN132

Discord ID: 780663987917946932

2020-11-24 04:57:54 UTC  

Yeah. Agreed. I'd like to also compare it to a non swing state city.

2020-11-24 05:06:00 UTC  


2020-11-24 05:06:18 UTC  

there is prolly something wrong with my data

2020-11-24 05:06:30 UTC  

but i gave up for the night 🙂

2020-11-24 05:06:33 UTC  

So wouldn't the vote ratioing be exposed if the ballots were counted by hand? Seems like an easy thing to prove/disprove

2020-11-24 05:07:00 UTC  

That is reprehensible on behalf of the thugs that threatened her and admirable of her to stick to her guns. Nobody should be subjected to threats of violence for just doing their job. She took the brunt of it and resisted the urge to point out that in the absence of a concession or the EC, her hands were tied. (I only ever saw Tweets from Trump praising her for not starting the process. Did he ever Tweet that her hands were tied until the EC unless he conceded?) I heard that Brad Raffensperger and other GA officials were getting similar threats for doing their jobs with integrity, too.

2020-11-24 05:08:41 UTC  

It would... They didn't do a recount in Philly and that's the data they are looking at.

2020-11-24 05:09:14 UTC  

@TaLoN132 you aren’t partying in the streets? Lol

2020-11-24 05:09:20 UTC  

That's why I was suggesting that they might try to check the data in GA or WI.

2020-11-24 05:10:35 UTC  

@TaLoN132 referring to the protestors of governors orders for curfews!

2020-11-24 05:11:00 UTC  

Been seeing lots of Mardi-Gras type parting over your way

2020-11-24 05:11:42 UTC  

Unfortunately, no... Unless we figure out a way for a solid majority of the country to accept the result - whatever it might be - it doesn't mean much. We'll be doomed to the same partisan BS we've experienced the past 6 years.

2020-11-24 05:12:24 UTC  

Looks like they’re having a blast

2020-11-24 05:12:31 UTC  

My 17yo is out with his friends... He better not be doing that.

2020-11-24 05:12:48 UTC  


2020-11-24 05:13:21 UTC  

I've been on Discord all day... I should probably poke my head out the door.

2020-11-24 05:14:03 UTC  

It looks really fun, I’m jealous lol no one seems angry

2020-11-24 05:14:03 UTC  

@Repeat, you just advanced to level 10!

2020-11-24 05:14:59 UTC  

I initially thought you referring to my comment on the Emily Murphy threats.

2020-11-24 05:17:05 UTC  

Sorry. I thought that may be the case! So I tried to quickly clarify.

2020-11-24 05:19:58 UTC  

I just checked out the pictures... Those folks in Huntington Beach are characters. They just elected Tito Ortiz - former MMA Champ - to the City Council. The night of the election, he was upset that the media had projected the state of CA for Biden and demanded a recount.

2020-11-24 05:22:39 UTC  

I'm a little over the anti-maskers... I just found out today that my sister has CoVid. She's an amazing elementary school teacher in Oregon. I don't use the word amazing lightly. She really is exceptional. I'm really worried about her, but she says she is doing fine for now - can't smell or taste but otherwise OK.

2020-11-24 05:25:04 UTC  

Oh, I hope she will be ok! Covid wasn’t fun. Hope our immunity lasts

2020-11-24 05:26:03 UTC  

For me, the flu was worse initially. But man the aftermath is what gets ya.

2020-11-24 05:26:48 UTC  

I could easily attend that party 😁

2020-11-24 05:27:01 UTC  

Thank goodness you are alright now. That must have been scary.

2020-11-24 05:27:36 UTC  

It wasn’t scary because we didn’t know what it was at first. The aftermath was a little scary though

2020-11-24 05:28:12 UTC  

They need official "I survived CoVid" badges, so people understand when some are unmasked.

2020-11-24 05:29:54 UTC  

Higher risk people should risk themselves unnecessarily. I see it often. Here I am wearing my mask and granny is cussing me out because I’m forcing her to wear hers!

2020-11-24 05:30:07 UTC  

No joke. Seniors crack me up

2020-11-24 05:31:00 UTC  

Shouldn’t **

2020-11-24 05:32:19 UTC  

It is required under mandate that all customers must wear her mask in my business. Huge resistance to these orders and the local business is forced to enforce them. I swear I feel like they’re trying to put me out of business

2020-11-24 05:33:57 UTC  

I can’t type tonight. Hopefully you’re fluent in typo

2020-11-24 05:34:33 UTC  

I know what you mean... My grandmother, rest her soul, smoked menthol cigarettes until the end. Started when she was 17 and lived to almost 87. She refused to go to a doctor or quit even though her lungs must have been jelly. I doubt she would have wanted to comply with a mask order - maybe if it had a hole for her cigarette. I've often wondered how long she might have lived given different choices.

2020-11-24 05:35:28 UTC  

They can be stubborn! The older men are the worst too.

2020-11-24 05:36:46 UTC  

Of course we do have many that take care of themselves and follow the guidelines and take precautions at home and such, but it still surprises me how many don’t

2020-11-24 05:40:54 UTC  

We've been pretty fortunate around here. 99% comply with the wearing of masks indoors. If you think about it, the reports estimate that 400 people came out to HB to protest. HB is a city of over 200K. Orange County has like 3.2m people. It takes about half hour with no traffic to travel one side of OC to the other E-W and 45 minutes N-S, so fairly dense. Getting 400 people to show up to a protest is not impressive by our standards, but the news stories make it seem that there is a huge uprising.

2020-11-24 05:46:35 UTC  

Idk I just saw the video on Twitter. Couldn’t tell you how many people were there

2020-11-24 05:47:02 UTC  

For the bad rap that CA and Gov Newsom get, we've done a pretty good job keeping CoVid in check (knock on wood). It's just odd that many in the media think that happened in spite of the restrictions and not because of them. Of course, I'm not in the hospitality or tourism business,. I'd probably be less amenable if I were. I'm just hopeful that the result will be CA being able to rapidly recover once things start to go back to normal.

2020-11-24 05:47:22 UTC  

He is disgusting to me

2020-11-24 05:48:26 UTC  

Celebrities can ear a living but I can’t?