Message from @Kincade

Discord ID: 781269664159891496

2020-11-25 21:05:58 UTC  

Is talon posting things, I am not seeing any of it

2020-11-25 21:07:35 UTC  

I have not been to those counties and
check every location so I do not know what exactly was used. What I do know is things are suspious and at best.

2020-11-25 21:08:13 UTC  

I hate to say this, but to be fair... the corruption that was reported about Shokin was that he would start investigations and then extort the company or individual who was under investigation in order to get him to stall or close the case. I never read any claims that Burisma was paying off Shokin to hold off his investigation, but it is possible. It is generally reported that Shokin had stopped investigating Burisma and was therefor not a threat to Burisma. But that would not be true if he was continually going back to the extortion well. That being said, by every account - even the Senate committees that investigated the Bidens for a year - Joe Biden did not act unilaterally and I have not seen one report that he initiated or lobbied for getting Shokin fired. He acted on behalf of the Obama administration with the support of several European allies in pushing for Shokin to be fired.

2020-11-25 21:09:05 UTC  

The imf and the Ukrainian people wanted him out

2020-11-25 21:09:12 UTC  

Another Major component all of this is the indirect social factors, that have historically proven complicated.

2020-11-25 21:09:13 UTC  

@Kincade, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-11-25 21:09:15 UTC  

Biden was the only one with leverage to make that happen

2020-11-25 21:11:21 UTC  

Not so sure about that... I am pretty sure that Sec of State Kerry was more than capable of carrying that water. Biden just had the relationship with Ukrainian Prez Poroshenko.

2020-11-25 21:11:31 UTC  

I’m just going off what shokins deputy said about shokin leaving cases dormant including burisma. Also the Ukrainian people themselves were rioting in the streets to have shokin remove for not investigating crimes by Russian soldiers

2020-11-25 21:12:24 UTC  

BTW - did you watch that Borat imitation video that Giuliani's Russian friend put out last week? It was fascinating.

2020-11-25 21:12:29 UTC  

@TaLoN132 probably I thought Biden was put in charge of Ukraine, what I meant by leverage is that the US were the only entity out the people who wanted shokin out ( imf, Ukrainian people ) with leverage

2020-11-25 21:12:44 UTC  

No I’ll have to look it up

2020-11-25 21:15:05 UTC  

Biden could have acted out side of public view; iron triangles do not ussually advertise and family persoanl releationships are often aovided to some degree. I am not saying he is guilty, just pointing out it would be hard to prove.

2020-11-25 21:18:11 UTC  

They play recordings between Biden and Poroshenko thinking they are damning and somehow implicate him in a scheme that purportedly embezzled $13B from the Ukraine funneling billions to the Biden family. The recordings made Biden sound like an effective diplomat. There's a hilarious part where Rudy's friend misunderstands an idiom about what happens when a dog chasing a car actually catches one. Biden says Trump is the dog and the Presidency is the car. The Russian guy focuses on the fact that Biden called Trump a dog.

2020-11-25 21:21:25 UTC  

I am not familiar with iron triangles - i think something got lost in translation.

2020-11-25 21:22:08 UTC  

Is that a colloquialism from your parts?

2020-11-25 21:22:30 UTC  

Lol, oh yeah I remember that recording. It was announced as some nail in the coffin by some right wing vloggers

2020-11-25 21:23:16 UTC  

I'd swear Rudy got the idea for it after watching himself on Borat...

2020-11-25 21:23:26 UTC  

interesting Talon, you all have a good night. I am not sure...Trump could be a boxer perhaps..:) It is the offcial and unoffcial relation between indivisuals/groups within goverment

2020-11-25 21:24:12 UTC  

Goodnight... Where is home, if you don't mind my asking?

2020-11-25 21:26:43 UTC  

Here in the States atm PA. I know that term may seem odd; it is a way of considering things from a more phcological level I guess.

2020-11-25 21:27:04 UTC  

Oh... Are you referring to the sound made when a boxing round is started and ends? Meaning that not all fighting occurs during the official fighting time.

2020-11-25 21:28:49 UTC  

that could work:0 I was making a joke saying Trump was a boxer cause he alredy got smacked by the presidency.

2020-11-25 21:29:30 UTC  

I just googled Iron Triangle... Thank, I like learning new things.

2020-11-25 21:30:24 UTC  

I did as well, thank you.

2020-11-25 21:30:28 UTC  

Michael Flynn just got pardoned.... No wonder Sidney Powell couldn't officially be on his legal team.

2020-11-25 21:30:56 UTC  


2020-11-25 21:30:59 UTC  

Talk about Quid Pro Quo - free legal work for a pardon for your client.

2020-11-25 21:32:21 UTC  

@Maw You been following along today?

2020-11-25 21:34:40 UTC  

Only slightly.

2020-11-25 21:35:06 UTC  

It's a shame that there's so little fodder for Robert's show.

2020-11-25 21:37:34 UTC  

I wouldn't worry, Faith and Rob have contingency plans.

2020-11-25 21:38:03 UTC  

I forgot the sarcasm emoji...

2020-11-25 21:44:34 UTC  

@Maw I had an election legal question that might be interesting. A PA State Judge issued a ruling that Blocks any further Certification of the Presidential Election. The PA AG said that it was too late because Gov Wolf already certified the slate of Electors, but later in the article was quoted as saying that he would be filing an Appeal to the PA SC immediately. Since they said it wouldn't have an impact, why bother appealing? Why not just let it innocuously stand? Could a reversal in the PA SC allow it to be appealed to SCOTUS? Why give it any more life?

2020-11-25 21:50:32 UTC  

An AG Opinion does not carry the same weight as a Court Ruling.

2020-11-25 21:54:02 UTC  

The impact is that the election results would be unable to be certified.

2020-11-25 21:55:22 UTC  

Of course if you want to take the appropriate PR move, you'd want to certify prior to your electors voting.

2020-11-25 21:56:07 UTC  

Good question of course.

2020-11-25 21:56:38 UTC  

Election results do not equate to electors, for the most part.

2020-11-25 21:57:27 UTC  

"This order does not impact yesterday’s appointment of electors," Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said on Twitter Wednesday. "We will be filing an appeal with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court momentarily."