Message from @MatiLuc

Discord ID: 781767723629412372

2020-11-27 06:21:13 UTC  

yea, and isn't that something an example of a state doing something that the federal government is trying to tak away?

2020-11-27 06:21:18 UTC  

The idea of states rights comes down to do you think we're a federation or not. Frankly, I don't think most people view the US as a federation, therefore states rights are restricted

2020-11-27 06:21:18 UTC  

you literally just asked for an example of this

2020-11-27 06:21:27 UTC  


2020-11-27 06:21:48 UTC  

I don't think I want to be a part of a country where people far away will dictate my local laws

2020-11-27 06:22:02 UTC  

if you extend this to the world, you wouldn't like it one bit

2020-11-27 06:22:17 UTC  

Yeah but doesn’t that go both ways

2020-11-27 06:22:19 UTC  

if we made china the 51st state, they would completely swamp all our local policies at the federal level

2020-11-27 06:22:31 UTC  

I don't want that

2020-11-27 06:22:35 UTC  

I don't want it with CA either

2020-11-27 06:22:48 UTC  

every single partisan issue in the world is brought to the federal level

2020-11-27 06:22:49 UTC  

I don't want that

2020-11-27 06:22:56 UTC  

Meglide. Will u have a baby that the doctors tell u is going to have a genetic disorder. . And will not have a normal life that if u have he or she might kill u in the process.

2020-11-27 06:22:57 UTC  

I want partisan issues to be decided by locals

2020-11-27 06:23:32 UTC  

Mati you're just asking is it murder if it has a genetic disease

2020-11-27 06:23:54 UTC  

Eugenic abortion was recently outlawed in Poland

2020-11-27 06:24:06 UTC  

No there are alot of reason to not have a baby. Is just one of then

2020-11-27 06:24:31 UTC  

You mean there are a lot of reasons to kill a baby?

2020-11-27 06:24:51 UTC  

I feel like I have to abide by the laws of very restrictive states, I mean for example weed would be legal federally if it wasn’t for certain states like Kentucky (looking at you Mitch McConnell) Why do more populous states have to live by minority rule

2020-11-27 06:25:10 UTC  

Not kill a baby... just not have he or she

2020-11-27 06:25:49 UTC  

If u take pla. B The pill are u killing a baby? .

2020-11-27 06:25:52 UTC  

Are we talking about abortion or not? You don't want a baby don't have sex. The bun is in the oven, it's killing the baby at that point

2020-11-27 06:26:06 UTC  

Is plan B abortion?

2020-11-27 06:26:25 UTC  

Meh first trimester no nervous system no consciousness

2020-11-27 06:26:30 UTC  

Elzam is all sex voluntary?

2020-11-27 06:26:33 UTC  

I agree, all federal law should be erased and ported into state law, and the state scan pick or choose what they like

2020-11-27 06:26:37 UTC  

including weed

2020-11-27 06:26:50 UTC  

I don't think there should be _minority_ rule

2020-11-27 06:26:57 UTC  

Are we allowed to kill innocent people because bad things happen to us?

2020-11-27 06:26:57 UTC  

@Elzam, you just advanced to level 9!

2020-11-27 06:27:06 UTC  

but since I advocate for a minimalistic federal government, I have he moral highground

2020-11-27 06:27:13 UTC  

I'm not biologically able to have a baby as it were ... but how about this? what if we let the man also have a choice in the matter, say the woman carries the baby to term and the baby is born ... how about we let the man involved then have 9 months to decide if the baby lives or not? we don't do that, we don't even think that way ... why not?

2020-11-27 06:27:15 UTC  

Minority rule has been killing me

2020-11-27 06:27:42 UTC  

tyranny of the majority has been killing me

2020-11-27 06:27:51 UTC  

It’s not a person until they have a nervous system @Elzam

2020-11-27 06:28:04 UTC  

@realz the tyranny of more options?

2020-11-27 06:28:12 UTC  

We don't do it that way because my body my choice. But in canada a reverse abortion case was successful in which a man avoided child support

2020-11-27 06:28:13 UTC  

@james j really if you advocate for no states rights, I want a dissolution of the union

2020-11-27 06:28:39 UTC  

there is no point of being a union if it will just be majority decides everything for everyone in the entire union

2020-11-27 06:28:50 UTC  

small locales don't want to be ruled by other locales that are far away

2020-11-27 06:28:55 UTC  

I would be fine with getting rid of the south and a good chunk of the middle, Colorado can stay