Message from @TaLoN132

Discord ID: 782318217745268739

2020-11-28 18:41:14 UTC  

I was reading through the MI Powell filings and I am noticing a pattern, but I haven't fully formed my opinion. It appears that some of the "expert" witnesses were asked to evaluate the plausibility of the assertions of other witnesses - as opposed to conducting their own independent analysis. At least, that's how it reads on the surface. I think that changes how they should be weighted, in my opinion. In other words, it's not like all of Powell's "experts" came to their conclusions independently of each other and they do not appear to have worked on them together. Like I said, this is preliminary, so I thought I would put it out there to see if others were seeing it the same way or not.

2020-11-28 18:42:15 UTC  

I predict those 'experts' will be duly flayed.

2020-11-28 18:44:14 UTC  

It seems to me that every filing is a gish-galloping PR stunt, targeting their base, so they will be so convinced that they will support 'any means necessary'. This is not a new tactic.

2020-11-28 18:44:35 UTC  

Well... I asked Doc before about whether there was reason to be concerned about the mRNA vaccine approach having never been used on humans before 5 months ago. He kindly turned me onto some research in the treatment of MS - my dad has MS - where mRNA techniques were being used for treatment. I got the impression that he was leaning towards it being safe, but the conversation this morning seemed to suggest otherwise.

2020-11-28 18:45:19 UTC  

agree...but why ?

2020-11-28 18:46:27 UTC  

BTW, democrats are spreading this fake bullshit that republicans are trying to boycott the runoff elections. No we are not. They should be sued to the ground for that.

2020-11-28 18:46:48 UTC  

Yeah... I'm just worried about the "broken clock" syndrome which suggests there's a scenario where the case sees the light of day at the correct (or incorrect depending on perspective) time.

2020-11-28 18:47:08 UTC  

@TaLoN132 The 100% consensus on autoimmunity problem certainty tipped me off on his opinion. I defer to the people who know stuff about things that are prohibitive for me to develop expertise.

2020-11-28 18:48:32 UTC  

lost me on that

2020-11-28 18:48:58 UTC  

Are you saying that no one on the right suggested a boycott and it was completely fabricated by the MSM? Or that they won't let a poorly thought out tactic die and keep it alive in a blatant attempt to suppress the vote?

2020-11-28 18:49:46 UTC  

Republicans should boycott the elections, in Georgia at least, or vote Democrat. In order for the filed fantastical claims about malfeasance to be true, the Republican government sold voters out. Time for a change. Quicker blue shift on that purple.

2020-11-28 18:50:11 UTC  

LOL oh man. the opposition defense is always "questioning the voting processes during a razor thin election is suppressing peoples votes"

2020-11-28 18:50:46 UTC  

yes zulu, if you werent aware, many of us trump supporters voted for trump so that the GOP would be irreparably damaged

2020-11-28 18:51:14 UTC  

Are you on crack? The republicans almost swept the house

2020-11-28 18:51:29 UTC  

a very small minority of trump supporters have any loyalty to establishment republicans

2020-11-28 18:51:36 UTC  

'The Left' didn't perpetrate that. Trump put distance between him and Powell precisely because he knew that would happen.

2020-11-28 18:52:22 UTC  

That would be as stupid as saying bernie voters got screwed and should vote Trump

2020-11-28 18:52:28 UTC  

> a very small minority of trump supporters have any loyalty to establishment republicans
@SPEARS Excellent. Make those Georgia senators blue.

2020-11-28 18:53:09 UTC  

zulu spends more time in here arguing points that he has little understanding of and gets his playbook from the politically uinformed on reddit. if zulu spent more time actually researching and reading article he wouldnt be so arrogant and insufferable

2020-11-28 18:53:13 UTC  

Actually, worse than that given dems promised to add states and pack the court if they got full control

2020-11-28 18:53:17 UTC  

That, apparently, did happen in 2016.

2020-11-28 18:53:19 UTC  

i wouldnt take anything he says seriously

2020-11-28 18:53:32 UTC  

shots fired hahahaha

2020-11-28 18:54:48 UTC  

@SPEARS Nothing I say makes your position make any more sense.

2020-11-28 18:55:01 UTC  

Why the hell would Republicans want a fully democrat controlled government @Zuluzeit you make no sense

2020-11-28 18:55:06 UTC  

the only people who wouldn't admit trump and bernie were similar on crticial issues, were bernie and the establishment democrats. most bernie supporters realized that trump was the same. bernie sold himself out

2020-11-28 18:55:18 UTC  

I'm not aware of any promises... just discussions and threats - amplified by the RWM to make it seem like a foregone conclusion... Kind of like the MSM amplifying a few Republican threats to boycott the runoff. Two sides of the same coin...

2020-11-28 18:55:18 UTC  

just ignore zulu, he must be trolling

2020-11-28 18:55:29 UTC  

And "we" fall for it every time.

2020-11-28 18:56:07 UTC  

> Why the hell would Republicans want a fully democrat controlled government @Zuluzeit you make no sense
@leftingfighter33 well, your claim is that the msm is capable of controlling the minds of Gerogian Republican voters. What else am I to conclude?

2020-11-28 18:56:09 UTC  

Perhaps just not understanding because of being establishment

2020-11-28 18:56:13 UTC  

Or they were salty because Clinton won and figured there was little difference between them.

2020-11-28 18:56:18 UTC  

when people in political positions talk about doing something they should be taken seriously

2020-11-28 18:56:50 UTC  

And not populous

2020-11-28 18:57:10 UTC  

Making case for something one might think is a good idea is not the same as it being a promise and part of the party platform.

2020-11-28 18:57:18 UTC  

Would you say that google and the msm have no influence whatsoever on election results? It's not like they basically choose what people get to see...

2020-11-28 18:57:27 UTC "its just right wing propaganda and fear mongering when they call out very real things that democrats in leading positions want to do"

2020-11-28 18:58:00 UTC  

She's a fucking authoritarian commie

2020-11-28 18:58:12 UTC  

Every administration in history has cleaned house and hired their own.

2020-11-28 18:58:17 UTC  

She would make a great dictator