Message from @SPEARS

Discord ID: 782329403852980225

2020-11-28 19:31:54 UTC  

Trump isn’t a conservative he is just a guy that was embraced by conservatives, he just said what they wanted to hear. Hence why they are pretty much a cult at this point

2020-11-28 19:32:11 UTC  

Were combat troops deployed in those? I sincerely do not remember.

2020-11-28 19:32:24 UTC  


2020-11-28 19:32:41 UTC  

@james j I think you do a good job making your points. I get your feelings about the political divide and the point you are making about equity, but bashing the South takes away from your other salient viewpoints, in my opinion. I think we can all stipulate that each side of the divide - as it exists today - feel on some level they would be better off without the other. Of course, I would prefer to not have to go through customs each time I wanted to visit DisneyWorld or Bourbon Street.

2020-11-28 19:32:41 UTC  

Proxy wars don't count

2020-11-28 19:32:44 UTC  

His main selling point for conservatives is (like pretty much all conservatives politicians) is I’m not a liberal

2020-11-28 19:33:12 UTC  

@james j Define liberalism and conservatism

2020-11-28 19:33:26 UTC  

Ah, blurry, blurry lines. I retract my statement.

2020-11-28 19:33:35 UTC  

I agree with everything until you envoked Florida @TaLoN132

2020-11-28 19:34:26 UTC  

Divided we are easy prey for oligarchs

2020-11-28 19:35:30 UTC  

We are prey for oligarchs regardless. It's what we do with the scraps they throw back into the kennel over which we have some measure of control.

2020-11-28 19:35:52 UTC  

I'm tired of scraps

2020-11-28 19:36:08 UTC  

Isn't DisneyWorld a sovereign state like the Vatican?

2020-11-28 19:36:20 UTC  

And I'm tired of oligarchs

2020-11-28 19:36:24 UTC  

Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. all conflicts started/continued during obama

2020-11-28 19:36:41 UTC  

I think the reclaiming the fair stake ship has sailed.

2020-11-28 19:36:46 UTC  

And I'm tired of War

2020-11-28 19:37:03 UTC  

We were at war with Yemen and Pakistan?

2020-11-28 19:37:12 UTC  

And Libya?

2020-11-28 19:37:29 UTC  

Did I miss something?

2020-11-28 19:37:44 UTC  

everyone is, but people like james who vote are convinced that I am a larger existential threat to him than wars in the middle east, and will single issue vote for people who promise benefits and ignore their war mongering

2020-11-28 19:37:46 UTC  

It’s just a continuum of values. There are conservatives and liberal in all countries. You have your traditional nativists driven by a deep sense of the importance of roots and traditions. It’s a very cyclical view point and IMO short sighted and an intuitive way to live. Liberals have a more cosmopolitan less nativist outlook where they incorporated seek out new ideas and better way to percent current systems. They are more out come based that looks to improve on future environments and not to keep them the same. @busillis there are actual studies on how brains of liberals and conservatives differ. What is liberal today will be conservative tomorrow.

2020-11-28 19:37:59 UTC  

Most of the problem is that politicians represent the interests of their wealthy donors not average people

2020-11-28 19:38:31 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Disney world should be like the Vatican, it’s a nice place. Miami is nice but in a fun chaotic way. The rest of Florida I’m not to keen on

2020-11-28 19:38:33 UTC  

@TaLoN132 The universe of discourse was expanded to include those. That's why I retracted my statement.

2020-11-28 19:38:38 UTC  

yes you missed the media blackout of the DNC/obama war hawking that lasted 8 years because obama would go on stage and make funny jokes and then go off stage and drone strike a wedding

2020-11-28 19:39:47 UTC  

@SPEARS I think people like you get in the way of progress and perpetuate the same problems that have existed for decades. The nativist mind set conservatives have is a huge catalyst to war.

2020-11-28 19:40:01 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Afghanistan was under Bush but it's not worth arguing.

2020-11-28 19:40:02 UTC  

Which is why the south should secede

2020-11-28 19:40:06 UTC  

Who funded these studies?

2020-11-28 19:40:30 UTC  

james you must still be in high school or something

2020-11-28 19:40:37 UTC  

what an ignorant opinion

2020-11-28 19:40:48 UTC  

you have convinced yourself that i somehow effect your life, but In don't.

2020-11-28 19:40:49 UTC  

@SPEARS I don’t know how that goes against what I am saying in terms of conservatives leaving the union

2020-11-28 19:40:49 UTC  

@james j, you just advanced to level 20!

2020-11-28 19:40:59 UTC  

Obama did go wild with drones 😳 just sayin...

2020-11-28 19:41:20 UTC  

@Beth he did he became a neo lib

2020-11-28 19:41:29 UTC  

No argument there... I was skeptical of the need to go into Afghanistan at the time - and we find out later that they agreed to turn bin Laden over to a neutral country for trial and we declined. I never thought that Iraq was justified. I am hoping to live long enough to see a non-apocalyptic, post-war human era. One can hope...

2020-11-28 19:41:33 UTC  

Although he was handed a war @Beth

2020-11-28 19:41:54 UTC  

@busillis they were independent studies