Message from @Zuluzeit

Discord ID: 783050828025036801

2020-11-30 19:18:28 UTC  

I'm saying that it's unreliable evidence due to the method in which was used to gain the affidavits.

2020-11-30 19:18:29 UTC  

That's what the judge said, yes.

2020-11-30 19:18:39 UTC  

With such little standards as being unable to prove something is false.

2020-11-30 19:19:04 UTC  

I actually don’t think that’s a fair point. This again goes back to the murder analogy, and I admit I’m not familiar with the justice system. But if the construction worker witnesses someone on the street getting shot in the head in cold blood, vs watching ballot counters say “Biden” 90,000 times in a row, why is he any less credible in the latter?

2020-11-30 19:19:18 UTC  

Like, not even certifying these are US citizens. That they have some sort of connection to elections work.

2020-11-30 19:19:42 UTC  

but mail in votes are ok? you realize this is the exact same logic and line of thinking that is putting mail in votes in question?

2020-11-30 19:19:43 UTC  

Also listening to Robert Barnes talk about how the judges are unfair or whatever carries less weight to me after learning he is involved in some trump fraud cases

2020-11-30 19:20:10 UTC  

??? Why would you bring up mail in ballots when we're talking about overturning election results.

2020-11-30 19:20:16 UTC  

In a legal sense.

2020-11-30 19:20:25 UTC  

I believe that has already been done in GA and in WI. Hand recounts - comparing contemporaneous paper ballots - to tabulated results are the exact way that one would verify that there was no vote flipping taking place. The problem is that it doesn't fit the narrative that people want to be true. But scientifically, it's pretty absolute. Also, keep in mind that most states have implemented Risk limiting audits where they look at random lots of tabulated votes and hand count them and compare it to the tabulated votes. There is a formula for how many votes need to be included in the audit depending on the margin of victory and the number of votes cast. In the case of GA, this would have been 1.5m random lots. Raffensberger decided that it was simpler to just do a complete hand recount, which is the most comprehensive way to ensure that votes are being tabulated correctly.

2020-11-30 19:21:17 UTC  

At least ballots try to determine via a database if you're a resident of the US.

2020-11-30 19:21:18 UTC  

there was not an actual hand recount in GA that compared tabulated data to hand counted ballots

2020-11-30 19:22:19 UTC  

there process for collecting affidavits was inherently flawed and prone to abuse. just like the voting systems in question.

2020-11-30 19:22:19 UTC  

It was done under the guise of an "audit" because that is what was required and how they paid for it, but it was factually a hand recount.

2020-11-30 19:22:56 UTC  

Then why do you claim bias when the affidavits are rejected on the basis that there is no fundamental process of reasonable validation taking place?

2020-11-30 19:23:46 UTC  

because the bias is selectively choosing when to apply logic to fit a personal agenda

2020-11-30 19:23:52 UTC  

... how?

2020-11-30 19:23:58 UTC  

Because you say so?

2020-11-30 19:24:09 UTC  

I think it's completely reasonable.

2020-11-30 19:24:16 UTC  

You just contradicted yourself.

2020-11-30 19:24:25 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire It takes standards of merit to make it to court. The gish galloping filings thus far are pr stunts...and apparently they are hitting their mark. No offense. Just piling in a bunch of claims doesn't qualify on its own.

You can make the argument that judges have an agenda or don't know what they're doing but they have judicial boards to answer to as well. These suits are designed specifically to get the responses you are giving, not legal ones.

2020-11-30 19:25:11 UTC  

because a case was rightfully dismissed for inherently being prone to error. the case was about a system being prone to error \

2020-11-30 19:25:25 UTC  

i'm not the one doublethinking here

2020-11-30 19:25:45 UTC  

Therefore we can't even determine if the system is prone to error because the evidence of the system being prone to error is in error.

2020-11-30 19:25:49 UTC  

What would need the standard of merit in your opinion?

2020-11-30 19:26:24 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire Being established in a court of law. That's what we have.

2020-11-30 19:27:02 UTC  

yes. the statements of this judge are being used to discredit the people who are challenging a system claimed to be full of errors, because the system the people used to bring the case was inherently prone to error

2020-11-30 19:27:20 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire whatever that is. I don't know and, frankly, I don't think you do either. We have people for that.

2020-11-30 19:27:24 UTC  

Yes, this happens ALL THE TIME in law.

2020-11-30 19:27:26 UTC  

Arizona just certified? Good for them

2020-11-30 19:27:27 UTC  

And rightfully so.

2020-11-30 19:27:31 UTC  

Now just lose the senate

2020-11-30 19:27:33 UTC  


2020-11-30 19:27:38 UTC  

And it happens for people defending themselves from the state.

2020-11-30 19:27:48 UTC  

James, you just showed your bias lol.

2020-11-30 19:27:49 UTC  

@yetiCodes, you just advanced to level 5!

2020-11-30 19:28:15 UTC  

@yetiCodes I’m very anti conservatives

2020-11-30 19:28:42 UTC  

We completely dismiss evidence which is improperly done and cannot be vetted.

2020-11-30 19:28:53 UTC  

That has been gathered illegally, etc.

2020-11-30 19:29:01 UTC  

The conservative people of 2020 more so than the conservative ideology itself @yetiCodes

2020-11-30 19:29:08 UTC  

Conservatives of 2012 were ok